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The Shadow of Savannah; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 9

J Andres

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



May 9, 2180



PRN Host Finley Vance and Senator Margaret Hastings


[VANCE] The battle to take on President Bartlett continues


[colonial flute sounds]


[VANCE] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Finley Vance. Welcome back to my show. As always, it is great to have you all here tonight. Tonight, I've got Senator Maggie Hastings here with me. Welcome, Senator.


[HASTINGS] Thanks Finley. It's wonderful to have been invited on to your show.


[VANCE] Yes, of course. I don't often get too many folks from your side of the aisle, but I welcome you here with open arms. I think there are some important issues that the New Horizon party is discussing and the three candidates couldn't be further apart on some of them.


[HASTINGS] That's true. But I'm glad to be here and talk to your listeners. At the end of the day, there is one Maritime Republic and we are all here to make it better.


[VANCE] And keep it safe.


[HASTINGS] Yes! Safety and security is the issue at the front of my mind.


[VANCE] And I'm sure it's front and center for many of those in the north also. So let's start there. You've endorsed Senator Don Grady, correct.


[HASTINGS] That's right.


[VANCE] In the past few years, you've advocated for war with the Augustine Empire, and Grady has been calling for it too. But you agree there is a difference between calling for it as a small group of senators, and calling for it as President, right? 


[HASTINGS] Of course.


[VANCE] Okay. And just to get the record straight, I am not a fan of the Augustine Empire. The expansion that they have done in the south of the continent has come at a significant cost to personal liberties and freedoms, as well as life for many.


[HASTINGS] Exactly.


[VANCE] And now they've done the same in Ottania, albeit it in a generally bloodless manner.




[VANCE] And everyone is weary of the missiles.


[HASTINGS] It keeps me up at night.


[VANCE] But here's the problem, because I agree with you on everything so far.




[VANCE] Do you really think we can win a war with the Augustine Empire? 


[HASTINGS] Of course.


[VANCE] Hold on. Let's try to be realistic here. They border us to the north and the south. They have a larger army and a larger navy. They likely have stronger supply lines than we do. It's hard for me to see a path to victory.


[HASTINGS] I didn't say it wouldn't be difficult.


[VANCE} See! See! That's the problem. 100% agree with you that we should be doing more to slow and stop the Empire, but outright declaring war? I don't see it getting us anywhere. And at the end of the day, I'd rather live under an Augustine flag than be dead. You know?


[HASTINGS] I think you're underestimating our spirit.


[VANCE] Can we win a war on spirit alone though?


[HASTINGS] No, but we've got ships--


[VANCE] Which can't stay afloat


[HASTINGS] --That's fair. Here's the thing though. Let's look at all of the Empire's recent wars. Let's start with Cumberland. How well organized were they?


[VANCE] They weren't.


[HASTINGS] Exactly. Now, Elegada?


[VANCE] They weren't well organized either.


[HASTINGS] See? The Empire has a paper army! They can steamroll over all of these unorganized nations that were barely holding on as it is. If they were fighting a real organized nation like us, they would meet resistance, they wouldn't achieve their objectives as quickly as they want, and ultimately they'd back off.


[VANCE] So you don't really want to conquer the Empire, you think we just need to hold our ground firmly and they'll move on?


[HASTINGS] I don't know if I would have used those words, but it tracks.


[VANCE] It's an interesting concept. I want to think about it here over our commercial break, and when we come back, we will continue these thoughts. Don't touch that dial folks, more with Senator Hastings when we return.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 21, 2180




Senators Don Grady and Maggie Hastings


ALBANY -- The New Horizon Party convention opened today at the Hudson River Pavilion in Albany. Today and tomorrow are both scheduled to be debates and open question and answer sessions for the delegates to make an informed decision later in the week.


These sessions quickly turned rowdy, with Senators Don Grady and Maggie Hastings loudly protesting during expected frontrunner Ray Hahn's speech. Grady and Hastings are part of an increasingly vocal segment of the party that is calling for war with the Augustine Empire. Meanwhile Hahn represents the traditional elements of the party, the deliberate and measured approach to foreign policy championed by Eleanor Mueller as she founded the party and through her presidency.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 22, 2180




Senators James Aurora and Don Grady


ALBANY -- The New Horizon Party convention continued today, with Senator James Aurora dropping out of the race and imploring the delegates who supported him to instead support Don Grady. Hugh Ashbridge, half of the wealth power couple owning Astor Ashbridge Holdings, also threw his support behind Don Grady today.


"This movement is a snowball rolling down a hill," Grady said, describing his recent momentum and endorsements. "The methodologies of the past are what landed us in the present day, with a hungry empire growing on all sides of us, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. We cannot sit idly by and allow this to happen, to live our lives watching them as the polish the silverware which they will use to feast on us. We will not be subjugated!"

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 23, 2180




Presidential Nominee Donovan Grady and Vice Presidential Nominee James Aurora


ALBANY -- The New Horizon Party convention concluded this evening, with the delegates voting in an open roll call, and Donovan Grady accepting the party's nomination in a surprise victory over Ray Hahn. While Grady had built considerable momentum over the course of the last month, as recent as the beginning of the week, Hahn was considered a near surety by oddsmakers in the Annapolis casinos.


"A supreme challenge has been laid before us," Grady said during his acceptance speech. "It is a challenge of survival. It is a challenge that I know we will succeed in. A challenge we must succeed in. We cannot allow our neighbors to dictate our way of life, or to force us to live in fear, wondering if our home will explode in our sleep. That is no way to live. We will not be subjugated!"


In a further surprise, Grady selected James Aurora as his vice presidential running mate over longtime ally Maggie Hastings. Insiders claim that Hastings is being considered for a more substantial post in the administration.

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JA_MPR1.JPGMaritime Public Radio



July 18, 2180



President Edith Bartlett and Senator Donovan Grady


[BLOCK] Good evening all. This is Steve Block and you are listening to Maritime Public Radio. Tonight, we are hosting a debate between Presidential Candidates, Ms. Edith Bartlett and Mr. Donovan Grady.


[Small 5 note melody plays]


[BLOCK] If you are just joining us now, we are about 20 minutes into our 60 minute debate. We've already covered the economy, and now we are moving on to international relations. The former Ottanian territory has been annexed by the Augustine Empire. The Empire has moved large cruise missiles into the territory and there is significant concern, especially from those in Norfolk County, that these missiles could target our cities and we would be unable to effectively respond. Ms. Bartlett, you are first to respond to this question.


[BARTLETT] Thank you Steve. This fear is unfounded. The Augustine Empire is a strong ally of J Andres and the truth of it is the Empire has controlled the Ottanian territory for roughly 2 years and we've seen no incursion onto our territory.


[GRADY] Yet.


[BLOCK] Mr. Grady, it is Ms. Bartlett's turn to respond.


[BARTLETT] As I was saying, there is no reason to believe the Empire is planning an attack or an incursion into our territory. We have continued to maintain cordial relations with the Empire throughout the conflict and the annexation.


[BLOCK] Mr. Grady?


[GRADY] Ottania was once our strongest ally. President Bartlett and her administration allowed the Empire to take away our strongest ally, and inject themselves on our border. No one feels safer now than they did three or four years ago. The Empire must be stopped, and her statement to think we are still strong allies with the Empire is a joke! If that is based on both of us being signatories of the Savannah Accords, we need to rethink our strategy. When the Empire annexed Ottania they stated that Ottania was in our sphere per the Savannah Accords and that we failed to honor our commitment to the Accords. 


[BLOCK] Ms. Bartlett, any rebuttal?


[BARTLETT] It is easy to sit there and criticize the administration in power. It is easy to hold me accountable for the actions and decisions that I have made, whereas all you've done is blow hot air around that you don't need to be held accountable to. I prevented us from joining the Ottanian Conflict. I kept our soldiers safe from an unnecessary war.


[GRADY] And by keeping the soldiers who have volunteered to serve safe, you have put the whole nation in danger.


[BARTLETT] It's not true.


[GRADY] Why are our ships sinking? Do you think its a coincidence that the only ships that sink are those that are near Ottanian waterways?


[BARTLETT] We are investigating--


[GRADY] Save the time! The Empire is operating submarines or some other stealth ship! The Empire is already at war with us and we don't even know it. Because we aren't behaving as if we are at war, we have already lost.


[BLOCK] Okay. Thank you both. We are going to take a quick breath and allow for a short commercial break. We will be back in 60 seconds, continuing this Presidential Debate between Ms. Bartlett and Mr. Grady. Stay tuned.


[BLOCK] Welcome to our studio! You've been in Endor Cuidad for a few days now, is that right?


[COLE] Yes, this part of the continent is always nice to visit this time of year.


[BLOCK] It certainly is. Hopefully you've had some time to get out of the capitol?


[COLE] Not quite yet, but I hope to be down by the coast in another day or two, before heading home. 


[BLOCK] So, you've been here, meeting with some of the Senators in the Commune, and meeting with President Mueller.


[COLE] Yes, sir. And Director Sparks. We can cut to the chase a little, Steve, I know the questions you want to ask me aren't really about my weekend plans.


[BLOCK] Sure thing, Mr. President. So last week, you were quoted by the Kansas City Star as saying, "If Cascadia thinks they can take our heartland by proclamation, they can try to pry it from my cold, dead hands." Is that a true statement?


[COLE] Yes, and I stand by it.


[BLOCK] So you're calling for war?


[COLE] I'm calling for defense! Cascadia is the one that is taunting us with war. They've got a border. You all signed those Savannah Accords and that only described Cascadia's territory as up to the 110th meridian. I know that there is some commonplace thought that the nations which weren't signatories are full of backwater heathens or something, but I can assure you we know the difference between 110 and 104.


[BLOCK] But isn't war the inevitable conc---


[COLE] The North American Commonwealth will not be trampled on! It's that simple. Cascadia can rain fire down with their hell birds, it won't matter. They can't self-anoint themselves as the queens of the continent.


[BLOCK] Okay, well, we are going to take just a minute here, while we play a word from our sponsor. When we get back, we will continue our conversation with President Anthony Cole, of the NAC.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 5, 2180




President-elect Donovan Grady, Vice President-elect James Aurora, Premier-elect Ray Hahn


ALBANY -- The New Horizon Party outperformed expectations in won a decisive electoral victory, sending President Bartlett and the Labor Party out of Unity Manor and out of power in the Commune.


Donovan Grady beat President Bartlett by a 53/47 margin in an election with the highest turnout in recent memory. Grady and his running mate, James Aurora, celebrated and gave a victory speech last night, vowing to use the mandate they have been given while also drawing the country together.


Grady also announced his selections for each of the governmental Directors, intending to nominate longtime ally Margaret Hastings to Director of Foreign Affairs, retired General Creighton Young to Director of Defense, businessman Hugh Ashbridge to Director of Industry, and attorney Raymond Davenport to Director of Domestic Affairs.


Hastings was initially a favorite to become the Premier in the Commune, but her nomination as the Director of Foreign Affairs means the New Horizon party delegation will likely rally around Ray Hahn to continue his leadership. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

November 13, 2180




Vanguard-class battleship and ADM Ruth Vicksburg


BOSTON -- The newest flagship of the navy entered service this afternoon, leaving the Fore River Industries shipyard in Quincy. ADM Ruth Vicksburg, recently promoted from VADM, has taken command of the vessel.


The ship was delivered two months early to schedule, something unheard of for a lead ship, and especially one of this size. This comes on the heels of the election of Donovan Grady, who has openly called for war against the Augustine Empire.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

December 9, 2180




President-elect Don Grady & Cascadian Prime Minister Lena Chen


BUFFALO -- President-elect Don Grady is on his way to Seattle today, departing from Buffalo early this morning. This will be Grady's first international trip since his election, and also trip of significance to Cascadia since Lena Chen was selected to replace Elsie Huang as Prime Minister. While Huang was widely believed to have supported calls for war against the empire, in her first year in office, Chen has displayed more anti-intervention tendencies. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 2, 2181




Premier Ray Hahn


ALBANY -- The new senators of the Commune were sworn in today and Ray Hahn officially elected by the body to be the Premier. Hahn, a moderate compared many he now represents, said that the Commune will now get to work confirming President-elect Grady's nominees. He brushed off calls for war and stated that there was much for the new Commune to do.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 31, 2181




President Don Grady


ALBANY -- Don Grady was sworn into office today in a public ceremony in Bicentennial Park. Following the ceremony, he spoke at length about his priorities for the upcoming year, and in a surprise, war with the Augustine Empire was not discussed. Grady made war his rallying cry during the election, but his speech was overwhelmingly positive, focused on the economy. The military was only discussed in the context of building up the military. Naval forces specifically were identified which his desire to place two more Vanguard-class ships on order.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 3, 2181




Director of Foreign Affairs Maggie Hastings & Acadian Prime Minister Caroline St-Onge


HALIFAX -- Director Hastings met with Prime Minister St-Onge in Halifax this afternoon. The agenda for the meeting was not released and Director Hastings's staff did not release any notes or comments following the meeting. Prime Minister St-Onge made brief remarks that the close, saying "It was a pleasure to meet with the new administration of our southern neighbors. J Andres has always been a willing partner in peace and security for our region, and I'm pleased that relationship will continue with the new administration."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 5, 2181




Director of Defense Creighton Young


CAVENDISH, ACADIA -- Many ships of the J Andres Navy, including the new JAS Vanguard deployed to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The joint exercises were announced yesterday, following the meeting of Director Hastings and Prime Minister St-Onge. Director of Defense Creighton Young stated, "These exercises with our neighbor are a critical element of our defense strategy and readiness. Much of our fleet should be in position by tomorrow, and the exercises will last approximately five days."

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February 8, 2181


The continent once again finds itself facing an existential threat. What was once a small city run by a supermarket magnate has grown into a sprawling empire from coast to coast. The Augustine Empire has conquered countless nations. We remember Cumberland. We remember North Mexico. We remember Elegada. And we remember Ottania, for just because Ottania was conquered bloodlessly due to the cowardice of the Duke of Montreal, does not mean it was not conquered.


In accordance with Article I, Section 4, Clause 7, the Commune has just passed a resolution to declare a state of war exists between the Maritime Republic and the Augustine Empire. As Commander-in-chief, I have directed our naval forces in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to destroy the northern Augustine fleet.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 8, 2181




Director of Defense Creighton Young


BURLINGTON -- War has broken out between J Andres and the Augustine Empire. President Grady announced the declaration of war this afternoon, and the naval fleet began their attack simultaneously. Within minutes, the Augustine Empire launched a large number of cruise missiles at J Andres from Montreal. Most were destined for the nearby city of Burlington, which sustained a number of direct hits. Two cruise missiles struck Albany and one struck Boston. A number of other reported impacts have been identified in rural areas, presumably intended for higher-value targets. Civilian casualties number about 400 so far, but the wreckage is still being sorted through.


In the St. Lawrence Gulf, the naval skirmish has only just begun. The newest flagship JAS Vanguard has reportedly sunk two older Augustine battleships of the Houston-class. Two Chancellor-class sloops were lost in the engagement, the JAS Patrick Aurora and the JAS Anton Rasmussen.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 2, 2181




Admiral Ruth Vicksburg


CAVENDISH, ACADIA -- The J Andres and Acadian navies have defeated the Augustine Fleet in the Saint Lawrence Gulf, sinking the final Augustine Houston class battleship in the area. Praise has been heaped upon Admiral Vicksburg for her leadership, but she has tried to downplay the success. "The rest of the Augustine fleet gathers near Miami and far outnumbers the one we defeated. Our work is not done," she said in a brief statement.


Meanwhile, on land, the story has not been as great, with further Augustine incursions in the city of Buffalo and Burlington. Both cities have been under siege for the past month, and both are beginning to show signs of buckling.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 18, 2181




LTJG Rachel Mercton


BURLINGTON -- Augustine Forces have captured the J Andres city of Burlington in Norfolk County. Many residents have already fled for safety in the cities to the south. Among the dead, is LTJG Rachel Mercton, a daughter of Mildred, Countess of Norfolk, and a medical officer in the civil professional service. The Augustine Forces are expected to being pushing south towards Albany.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 9, 2181






BUFFALO -- Augustine Forces have captured the J Andres city of Buffalo in Katherine County. Augustine Troops have been entering J Andres via Detchitoria for weeks. Buffalo, the largest city in Katherine County was well equipped to repel the effort initially, but the persistence of the troops and their reinforcements were eventually enough to overwhelm the city.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 12, 2181




JAS Rochester


OSWEGO -- J Andres has sunk the final remaining Ottanian warship in Lake Ontario and is claiming victory in the naval skirmishes that have occurred since the start of the war. Both J Andres and Ottania have Buffalo-class patrol ships, built by IMC, in the lake. Those Ottanian ships became Augustine during the annexation. Director of Defense Creighton Young is trying to communicate this success heavily after a string of losses on land over the past few months and knowledge that the Augustine Naval Fleet is currently headed up the Atlantic coast.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 3, 2181




JAS Kittery


MONTAUK -- The J Andres and Augustine fleets have made first contact with each other, approximately 150 miles southeast of Long Island. While this first contact was with advanced forces from both fleets, preliminary reports of the full Augustine fleet state that the Augustine fleet is roughly triple the size of the Andrean and Acadian fleets combined.


The JAS Kittery, JAS Daniel Young, and JAS Evan McDowell were sunk in the exchange.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 17, 2181




J Andres President Donovan Grady and Cascadian Prime Minister Lena Chen


ALBANY -- Although former Prime Minister Elsie Huang may have supported a potential Andrean-Augustine war, during her tenure, Lena Chen has made it clear that she doesn't support bringing Cascadia into a conflict on the other side of the continent.


It appears something has changed her mind, as she has now committed to provide aerial support using the Cascadian Air Force which is stationed in Barbuda to provide support for the naval engagement near Long Island.


"This agreement, I believe, is a recognition," President Grady said, "That the Augustine Empire is an existential threat to us all. The time is now to make a stand, before they grow larger."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 23, 2181




Director of Defense Creighton Young


BUFFALO -- J Andres land forces have landed their first victory of significance, recapturing the city of Buffalo. Buffalo was roughly controlled by the empire for about 2.5 months.


"This is the paper tiger that we've been talking about!" said Director of Defense Creighton Young. "Our forces are organized and that's not something they have been prepared for. Sure, they've got overwhelming numbers, but we will continue to win victories like this until their morale is broken and they return home!"

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 6, 2181




BURLINGTON -- Augustine Forces have been staging in Burlington for weeks, and have now primarily left the city marching south towards Albany. J Andres forces are expecting to meet them near Saratoga.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 10, 2181




JAS Vanguard


MONTAUK -- The Vanguard, the flagship of the J Andres fleet has been performing well in the continued naval engagement off the coast of Long Island. The ship is the largest in the engagement and has significant range, however, its continued success relies on the existence of the other ships in the fleet to ensure that the Augustine fleet can't get too close. The other ships have been dwindling and while the Cascadian Air Force support has helped, the total number of Augustine ships is overwhelming.


Most of the wooden hull ships have been lost, and even some of the steel hulled ships, including the JAS Hades and JAS Ares have been sunk.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 24, 2181




SARATOGA -- The largest contingents of the Augustine and Andrean armies came together in Saratoga this afternoon. The fighting has been fierce and neither sides have made any measureable progress against each other.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 27, 2181




JAS Pierre Bourbon


MONTAUK -- While the Andrean Navy continues to punch above its weight off the coast of Long Island,  the fleet continues to be battered by Augustine naval power. JAS Pierre Bourbon, the last of the Chancellor class sloops was sunk this morning, and JAS Queen Katherine and JAS Winthrop are the only remaining wooden hull ships left in the fight. JAS Apollo was lost yesterday evening, and the remaining ships are struggling to perform effective cover for JAS Vanguard, who has sustained multiple hits, and is surviving only due to the effectiveness of her armor.

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