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Join CLAWS today!

Wolf man

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Your invited to join the alliance CLAWS today!

CLAWS has an active government and we continue to grow and are the largest alliance on the black sphere .  

We currently reside as the 3rd strongest alliance by score, formed by 5 allies alliances merging together over a year ago.


How to join the alliance:

Step #1: Join our alliance in game.

Step #2: Join our alliance's discords page: (http://discord.claws.rocks/)

Step #3: Reach out to a government member


Becoming a member:

Once you join the alliance you will become a full member after:

          - Join a trade circle (We will find for you)

          - Start conducting tech deals (To benefit your nation and our members)

          - Remain active in game



  • No raiding protected alliances, but we do allow raiding.
  • If you accept a tech deal you must pay it back.


Some benefits for members:

  • You can rule your nation how you would like too, we only offer support and advise. We don’t force our members to do anything (except follow rules above)
  • Protection for your nation. Our members will defend you until the end, also we have some great allies.
  • Trade circles, we will get you hooked up with a full trade circle and keep it full!
  • Tech deals, good ones. We only offer 6/100 or 9/100 here.
  • We have communication in game and through discords. Our discords page has active member that are available for questions and general chatting.


Message me in game if you have additional questions.



CLAWS in game: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=15841

Wiki information: https://cybernations.fandom.com/wiki/CLAWS

Discords:  http://discord.claws.rocks/ (Come chat with us)


Thank you for your time,
Wolf Man (Shredder of Trade and Econ)

Edited by Wolf man
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