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Oceanic Broadcasting Corporation

Stephen N Young

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OBC: Breaking News


The War for New Guinea


     Early this morning, Federation naval forces blockaded the ports of Horn Island and began fiercely bombarding a Nationalist stronghold near the coast. It seems like only yesterday when political leaders from both the Federation and the breakaway faction were holding talks on the eastern coast, talks which even featured discussion of peaceful reintegration. At four o'clock this morning, that dream was lost forever. This is the first of what will undoubtedly be many clashes to come, since the separatists' headquarters is located in the heart of New Guinea.


     We all remember how this started: the threats, the rallies and the riots. Just three years ago, the burgeoning Oceanic Nationalist Party (ONP) had begun to raise what many considered to be valid issues about Federal control of New Guinea, much of which had been self-governing long before annexation. Debates were heated as tempers flared over the situation, which had been exacerbated by the construction of an army base on the island's southwestern coast. The Assembly had hastily approved this unpopular idea, and it wasn't long before the base was being protested by locals.


     It was only a matter of time before the Guinean militias were organized under the banner of the ONP, the militant faction of which which had long since transplanted itself to the island. The base, undermanned and unprepared, soon fell to the hands of the Nationalists, who advanced their ever-growing armed forces to Thursday and Horn Islands. The preemptive war against the entrenched separatists, still controversial, is now irreversible. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our men and women in uniform as they are expected to land troops some time within the next 24 hours.

Edited by Stephen Young
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The War for New Guinea


     As expected, troops have landed on the island within the last few hours and have, according to recent reports, taken both Horn and Thursday Islands. The campaign has been touted by the government as a "great success." The naval and air forces have already begun bombarding Guinea's southern coast and navy commandos have been parachuted near the ONP-controlled base. Eyewitnesses claim the destruction left in the wake of the assault on the islands is enormous; Oceanite casualties are currently unknown. We are awaiting further developments as the conflict unfolds.



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Ash Sloes: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Ash Sloes, your Line of Fire Host and tonight I have a very special guest: Ms. Patina Sorer, a world-renowned journalist, noted author and critic of the government's actions regarding the separatists. It's good to have you with us tonight. Now, Patina, I know you think the government's at fault here and that the rebels can do no wrong, is that right?

Patina Sorer: Not exactly, Ash. What I'm saying, and what I've been saying all along, is that the Federation has been incredibly hasty in moving aggressively against the ONP. I've also said many time that my prime concern, should war break out, would be for those civilians who'd be harmed--

AS: Oh, come on.

PS: Who'd be harmed by the invasion and who would feel the effects most intently.

AS: We're not talking about napalming villages here, Patina, we're talking about yes, some coastal communities that were hit--

PS: Annihilated.

AS: That were hit pretty hard, but we're talking about islands that are largely uninhabited except for these separatist enclaves.

PS: You're forgetting about the coastal cities on the mainland. They haven't been razed to the ground, but that's on the horizon. Massive amounts of infrastructure have already been destroyed and it's just come to our attention that two major highways were bombed. What do you think that's going to do to the lives of people in the region?

AS: Patina, hold on a second. Those highways were being used by the ONP, which controls a pretty large portion of those cities anyway. Doesn't sound like they're innocent or neutral to me. Some people are saying that we shouldn't be criticizing our military when they're in very dangerous situation. I mean, don't you think they need our support?

PS: Of course they do. I never said--

AS: Do you hate the military?

PS: What?

AS: Do you hate the military?

PS: What the... No! What are you talking about?

AS: All I hear right now is you going on about the lives of the islanders, but we are fighting the separatists here -- people who are, by definition, against freedom. Our soldiers are putting their lives at risk to secure peace within the nation. Not just in the region, Patina, but within the boundaries of our nation itself. They are literally fighting to keep us together here, and I don't get a sense that you're very concerned about that. Am I wrong?

PS: Of course you're wrong. I support their sacrifices as much as anyone. What I don't support--

AS: Well, then we're on the same page.

PS: What I don't support is the way this government has mishandled the situation. They obviously have a different idea of freedom and that idea involves being an independent nation. Had we dealt with them intelligently and heard their claims years ago, it might not have come--

AS: We did!

PS: It might not have come to this.

AS: We did! Patina, we did just that! The talks went on for months and the separatists decided they wanted to do their own thing, which involved acts of sabotage, terrorism and, ultimately, complete separation. We're not gonna see eye-to-eye on this, Patina. You got the last word.

PS: We have to see this through, but we need to push this government for accountability and we need to make sure that this is executed quickly and that it doesn't become an excuse for more massive spending.

AS: Patina's book Appease! Appease! goes on sale tomorrow. It's a good read and I recommend it. We'll be back later with more news and coverage of the war. See you soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The War for New Guinea


     Hours ago, the Secretary of Defense announced that the initial phase of the war (which he described with the rather unpolitical "blitzkrieg") was finally over and that control of the island had at last been established. The military base had been retaken, along with the surrounding area. The entire island was now fully protected by the Oceanic Navy, which guaranteed air supremacy. Heavy artillery has been stationed in strategic locations throughout the northern and central parts of the island, while tanks and other armored vehicles patrol highways and major thoroughfares.

     The ever-shrinking remnants of the ONP militias are being pushed to the east. With skies being vigilantly guarded by the air force and the sea under the heavy and watchful eyes of the navy, the rebels have little hope. Unification, it is safe to say, seems assured



A fresh battalion of 4,000 men has been sent to help secure the southwestern region.

Edited by Stephen Young
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OBC: Breaking News


The Election Results






Federalist Party                 208

Progressive Party             89

Social Democratic Party   53

Conservative Party           25

United Party                       18

Nationalist Party                  7



This is in shocking contrast to the results of the election, when the Nationalist Party secured and maintained a coalition government with the United Party, relegating the Federalists to fewer than twenty seats -- a historic low for the visionary party that helped re-imagine the nation as a broader union of states, a unification which nearly trebled economic growth. The coalition government was accused by many of abusing its opportunity through divisive racial politics which gave rise to a loose alliance of paramilitary organizations, all claiming to support the underrepresented minorities of New Guinea.


The Federalists' reclamation of the Assembly has been accompanied by widespread support. The Federalists have promised a new era of even tighter unification. The plan, according to the party's leadership, is to invite other states to integrate into the Federation, thus bolstering its economic and military capacity.


Critics of this plan argue that such additions would amount to little more than financial dead weight and would turn the military, now vast and stronger than ever, into a much weaker force, spread thin over many islands and territories. One assemblyman even went so far as to argue that such an outcome would likely stimulate the economy also, since government spending on the national defense would increase and provide even more jobs.


For now, the future seems extremely bright, but only time will tell what these results truly portend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An emergency address from President Bloy:


     "My fellow citizens, good evening. Tonight, on my orders, our armed forces have been deployed to the islands of Indonesia to disarm the Nationalist renegades, to free the people, and to ensure the peace and security of our nation. Our intelligence has long pointed to Indonesia being the location for training camps, logistics facilities, weapons development centers and strongholds of the Nationalist Party and its minions. We have no ambitions in the region except to eliminate this grave threat. We ensure the safety of the innocents and their loved ones. I want you to know that our forces will be coming home when this job is done. We enter this conflict reluctantly, but with confidence. We will not live at the mercy of a violent, racist and segregationist band of separatists who threaten the peace of the region. It is for this reason that we will accept no half measures. We will bring and ensure freedom to all in this region and we will do this by establishing naval outposts that face the Indian Ocean, securing the sea lanes and providing security for our people. This conflict may be prolonged, but it will end in our victory. God bless our nation and those who keep it safe."

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  • 2 weeks later...

OBC: Breaking News


The War on Imperialism: President Bloy addresses the Assembly


     "My fellow citizens, this evening, an ultimatum posed by the Tianxian government has necessitated an immediate military response on the part of our nation. Along with military support from our Femocratic friends in Europe, we are on the brink of war with the Asian Horde. An offer of ceasefire has been made and it is up to the Tianxians either to heed the call of reason or to discard the world's chance at peace.

     "The acquisition of Parthia's Asian provinces, in combination with the collapse of the former Asian economic sphere, has given rise to an arrogant totalitarian regime whose obvious ambition involves the complete dominance of Asia. This ugly push for territorial gain brings a direct threat to our homeland, a safe haven for peaceful democracy. That is one of the reasons we are willing to undertake this endeavor; it is the reason the Tianxians have threatened hostilities; however, it is not the reason we came to Indonesia. A mission to eliminate minions of the violent and racist ONP faction brought us west of our waters. New intelligence has come to light that Tianxia is not only aware of the presence of these criminals, but has also harbored them and offered them aid should they choose to persist in their vain attempts to regroup. By the way, their efforts, like those of their sponsors, will come to naught.

     "There is no need for fear -- only to have faith and to show vigilance. We come here showing unity and strength, for whether we be Federalist, Progressive, Conservative or Nationalist, we are all Oceanites.

     "We reach out to our new French allies and ask for their cooperation in this War on Imperialism. We look to our new friends in Britain and ask for their patience, understanding, and loyalty. We ask them for their assistance, as war is lonely and hard. We do this with the promise that they and other democratic, peace-loving nations will share in the coming order that will bring peace to the Pacific and, eventually, to the world.

     "Most importantly, we reach out to those of you who pray, and ask for your prayers as we embark upon this dangerous mission. We seek God's blessing and hope for a brighter tomorrow without war; but should that war come, days or even hours from now... we stand ready. God bless our Federation."

Edited by Stephen Young
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