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Domination of the Chiss


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From the House Palace in the capital city of Csaplar on the core world of Csilla, the leaders watched the disintegration of the once-powerful Galactic Empire, following its devastating defeat at the hands of the Rebellion in the fateful Battle of Endor, with amused detachment.

How interesting that the galaxy's most powerful polity was defeated by a small, albeit growing, rebellion and by bands of furry creatures known as Ewoks. True, it took more than twenty years, along with imperial overreach and the incompetence of its leaders, for the sledgehammer of defeat to come crashing down. But still.

Being defeated by Ewoks was not something the Imperials would live down for a long time to come.

For centuries, if not millennia, the Chiss had largely kept to itself, rarely interfering in the greater affairs of the galaxy that stretched beyond their borders, save for several wars of expansion that had established the Ascendency, now the Domination, as a major power in the galaxy.

This remained the case during the Imperial Era, where through clever diplomatic maneuvering, strategic demonstration of resolve (through selective use of military force), and extensive financial and commerce connections, the Four Aristocra managed to insulate the Chiss from the overwhelming power and influence of the Empire for the large part. Emperor Palpatine and his officials tried in vain to bend the Chiss to their will, with little success.

The induction of Chiss Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as Thrawn, into the Imperial Military and subsequent promotion to the rank of Grand Admiral was indicative of the begrudging respect the usually human-centric Empire showed toward the Chiss. After all, it was better for the reclusive Chiss to remain neutral than act against the Empire.

Over the course of the year that followed the battle of Endor, the Chiss continued to maintain their isolationist foreign policy, and to maintain the authority of the Four Aristocra and the House Nuruodo over the four systems that constituted the Domination: Csilla, Cloral, Jamiron, and Rentor.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Recognized by the New Knight Republic, we would be honored to exchange diplomats.


OOC: If you want to exchange diplomats, go and accept our request on "New Knight Republic" thread.


"We thank the NKR for its recognition."


The Dominion wishes to establish a treaty of friendship and good will with the Chiss Ascendancy.


"We accept your offer of friendship, and will enter into such a treaty with the Dominion."

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