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Arstotzka, Paraguay to sign major agreement to boost trade and economic cooperation.

President Costava

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ARSTOTZKA - Bilateral relations between Arstotzka and Paraguay will receive a significant boost in the next week with the signing of a major agreement between the two countries, a source in the Ministry of Trade and Technology said. 
The agreement which will be signed after high-level talks between the diplomatic delegations, Arstotzka's President Jorji Costava and other senior Paraguayan government officials will mostly regard investments in Arstotzka and the export of Arstotzkan electronics, favoured by low labour costs in the Black Sea country and its emerging economy.
The successful conclusion of this agreement and other memoranda of understanding for increased bilateral cooperation in areas including the development of public infrastructure, oil and gas, power supply, and industry is expected to consolidate the already cordial political relations between Arstotzka and Paraguay.
President Costava will also seek investment for rail modernization, road construction and agricultural development. The President will soon meet Antonio Salaz, ambassador of Paraguay in Grestin City, Arstotzka, to discuss the terms with the Minister of Trade and Technology.
In furtherance of his efforts to attract greater direct Paraguayan investment to the Arstotzkan economy, President Costava will participate in a special session of the Arstotzkan Foreign Investment Forum which will be attended by Paraguayan investors and their Arstotzkan counterparts.

"The Glorious Republic of Arstotzka will continue its effort to streghten diplomatic relations with Paraguay, hoping more  nations will be attracted and invest in our economy. Arstotzka is currently undergoing major democratic reforms, and to reassure our investors i would also like to announce that democratic multiparty elections will be held by the end of September in order to ensure peaceful and open relations with all the democratic countries of the world." President Costava said during a press conference.
Edited by President Costava
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Currently, the level of taxation in Arstotzka is above the rate we would actually like to see.

The average Gross Income per day is 62 dollars, while the net income is only 44. Due to our high expenses and the lack of permanent trade agreements, our economy is mostly stagnating in a balanced budget situation where most of national investments must be financed trought foreign investments such as the one we are discussing here.

We offer to send 100 tons of electronics over 1 month ((RL time)), 50 every 2 weeks for the first agreement.

In the future we can discuss for 150, and 200 tons as soon as our economy recovers. However, we are looking for a permanent partnership between our countries.


If your current offer stands at 6.000.000 Roubles, My government will offer 10,000,000 Roubles in exchange you raise your workers salary to 70 Roubles per day.


My government and its citizens firmly believe in human rights and democracy, we are glad to be assisting your domestic economy.



Thank you,


Madam Mercedes Vierling

Secretary of Commerce

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If your current offer stands at 6.000.000 Roubles, My government will offer 10,000,000 Roubles in exchange you raise your workers salary to 70 Roubles per day.


My government and its citizens firmly believe in human rights and democracy, we are glad to be assisting your domestic economy.



Thank you,


Madam Mercedes Vierling

Secretary of Commerce

The Government of Arstotzka has planned to raise the average gross individual income per day to at least 65$ by the end of September and 85$ by the end of the year and we have pledged to invest millions of roubles in infrastructures and fight to unemployment which is a rampant issue here in Arstotzka. But considering the flows of foreign investment in our country, we hope to reach said objectives by the end of November, and maybe make the average gross income per day over 100$. 

Ministry of Trade and Technology of Arstotzka.

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The current deal stands at 10,000,000 Roubles in exchange you raise your workers salary to 70 Roubles per day, for 100 tons of electronics over 1 month ((RL time)), 50 every 2 weeks for the first agreement.


Thank you,


Madam Mercedes Vierling

Secretary of Commerce

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