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After a day spent in Athens, giving crew members enough of a chance to get the South African airliner maintained and refueled, the flying circus would take the skies one more time, soaring into the moonlit skies, the aircraft not turning south, but instead heading west over the Mediterranean and ultimately, the Atlantic. A diplomatic message would be flashed to the American Commonwealth in regards to accepting their invitation as well as establishing a flight plan that would have them arriving in Washington, D.C. The flight would be due to arrive in the late morning, giving the South African delegation time to sleep on the plane ride across 'the Pond'.


After spending about an hour in the air, reading a diplomatic brief, President Adolph Paton would fall into a weary and much-needed sleep on a couch in his office. This would be the last leg of the diplomatic safari before heading back to South Africa, and although he had enjoyed the delights of travel abroad, going across the globe, he would be happy to be home in Cape Town...

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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The South African airliner was met several miles out by two F-22s of the 1st Fighter Squadron conducting routine patrols above the capitol and escorted in.  The aircraft had been cleared for landing at Andrews AFB and air traffic had been rerouted to accommodate the delegation.  After landing the airliner would be brought to a specially designated disembarkation area.  Awaiting the South African president and delegation was Deputy Secretary of State Gary Parker along with a plethora of cleared press as well as heavy security measures provided by the DSS and base security, looking sharp and smart in full dress uniforms. 


"Greetings President Paton" said Deputy Secretary Parker as he shook his hand.  "Welcome to the American Commonwealth.  If you could please follow me to the transportation" he said as he gestured to the waiting convoy.  The convoy began its scenic tour route through Washington D.C. after the delegation got in and settled.   "Once again President Paton, welcome to the American Commonwealth.  It's an honor having you here.  I'm Deputy Secretary of State Gary Parker.  My job is to make sure everything goes smoothly for foreign diplomats and heads of state such as yourself while you're here.  Normally someone of your standing would be greeted by the Secretary of State but Secretary McNutt is currently unavailable as he is attending the multiparty talks in Mexico City.  So do you have any questions for me before we arrive at the White House?  Would you like some refreshments?" he asked revealing a mini fridge filled with a wide array of liquors and other beverages.


OOC: Sorry for the delay, didn't notice this until now.  Also, its the American Commonwealth,not the Atlantic Commonwealth :D

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Like with Athens, the South African government airliner would fall into a steady pattern with the escorting fighter aircraft that moved to flank the lumbering A380 as it approached Washington, D.C. The fatigued pilots would be grateful for the priority that the American Commonwealth ATC gave to the airliner as it passed over the capital, and made an approach for Andrews. The South African President, although appearing physically fatigued and weary from jet lag would still take on an energetic facade over the bags under his eyes, as the airliner was mated with a gate at the special disembarkation area at Andrews.


He would step off the connecting air bridge with a wave to reporters who had been allowed to greet him, and gave a smile, before greeting the Deputy Secretary of State with a handshake, and a polite nod. "Well met, Deputy Secretary," nodded Paton, as the man would quickly usher him and his staffers towards a waiting convoy of vehicles appointed to take them into the capital.


"Thank you for your invitation, Mr. Parker," nodded Paton, as the convoy headed out of Andrews and headed into Washington. "I am sure that Secretary McNutt's diplomatic mission to Mexico is much more important than my visit to your nation could ever be. How does your nation fare currently with all that is going on in North America at this moment?"


He would help himself to a bottle of water, avoiding drinking any liquor, fearing the inebriation would probably lull him into a sleep or lethargy, something he didn't want while making his last visit.


[OOC: Sorry about the name screw up, I think I had a moment of remembrance of ye olde Greater New England when I wrote the opening post. :P ]

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"Well for the most part things are actually going fairly smoothly, especially compared to what Faraway has been dealing with.  We haven't had major resistance to our operations like they have.  In fact, things were good enough that several southern states were deemed secure enough to reconstitute their own government.  Now we're primarily responsible for the Carolinas, Kentucky and Georgia and those areas are pretty stable.  Referendums should be able to be held soon to let the population of the states decide their futures.  Also, FBI Director Torrez has asked me to extend additional thanks to South African authorities for helping with their recent investigation into the fugitive president of the West African Confederacy".

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"That is quite the achievement, being able to redevelop another sovereign nation in the wake of Mexico receding in its influence and stature in this region," nodded Paton, thoughtfully, after listening to Parker for a moment. "The issues that plague North America threaten to plunge it back towards a slippery slope of its past, something that the world need not see again. North America and the Americas in general have been hotbeds for political instability before, and resentful relationships between neighbors. I hope that the issues that are plaguing North America at this point, will quickly resolve themselves so that it can once again enjoy relative peace and prosperity."


"Well, our nation always looks to ensure that justice and order is kept in our borders, I see no problem helping another nation ensure that they can enjoy fair jurisprudence and retaining order in their own borders, as well," he added, with a smile.

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"Yes, well we found it a bit ironic that an entity named after the former Confederate States of America was the most peaceful region in transition to independence and nationhood.  That being said this is the first real crisis the Commonwealth has faced.  In fact this is the largest deployment of military forces outside of the Commonwealth in our history.  We may not entirely agree with how Faraway is approaching its response to the situation but we understand the seriousness of the situation in Madison and I can't say we wouldn't do the same" he said solemnly.  "Even so we're all looking forward to putting this behind us and returning to a peaceful existence".  


While the conversation was being carried out, the convoy embarked on a leisurely tour throughout Washington D.C. past the various monuments and aesthetically pleasing buildings.  D.C. was a very clean city and traffic had been cut nearly in half thanks to efforts to revamp the city's public transit system.  Even so the route was scouted out ahead by Capitol police motorcycle officers who stopped traffic to allow the convoy to pass.  Going through several intersections Parker noticed recognized the occupants of some of the vehicles as lawmakers and lobbyists that he had come to dislike in his five years on the job and smiled a bit to himself.


Soon enough the convoy arrived at the White House where it was met by a ceremonial reception complete with a color guard and band playing a variety of formal pieces for the occasion, including the South African national anthem.  "If you could please follow me President Paton" asked Parker as he led him up the steps where President Bronson had just exited the White House from.  "President Paton, its an honor to have you here in the American Commonwealth" said Bronson with a smile as he warmly shook his hand.  "Please come in".  The party was lead to the Blue Room of the White House where a small conference table and several comfortable chairs took up the center of the well decorated room.  "I trust you had a pleasant trip President Paton?" inquired Bronson as they sat down.

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"The recession of Mexico was certainly an unforeseen event to your nation at this point in time, as we have been kept well appraised of what is happening over here, we must say that your actions are laudable. South Africa has met some crises of its own in the first few months of its' return to sovereignty, and we are hoping to resolve them soon, despite some setbacks by security forces. Although it is forward of me to say this though, the defeat of this internal stability is not a question of 'if', it is simply, of when," responded Paton, with a polite nod.


For much of the ride, he would split his attention between showing acute attention to Parker's statements with nods and quick responses, while he spent the other reviewing the city he was being driven through. He had never been to Washington, D.C., and he seemed to be quite enjoying the trip that took him through the winding streets and past monuments he had seen in pictures only. He smiled wistfully, as the White House came into view, and although weary, seemed relaxed as ever as they passed through the secure gate.


After exiting the vehicle as it arrived at the steps of the White House, Paton would smile lightly at the assembled honor guard and band that was exuberantly belting out the South African national anthem. He offered a respectful salute to the honor guard's leading non-commissioned officer, before walking up the steps as Parker led him towards the man he quickly recognized as President Bronson.


"Likewise, President Bronson, it is a pleasure to be here in the Commonwealth, thank you for your invitation," said Paton, smartly shaking the man's hand, before they were ushered in, a group of South African aides in tow behind Paton, that had exited from another car. Paton would look around the furnishings as they passed through, smiling gently as he took the opportunity to take in the history that was there. He would be quickly ushered back to reality though, as they made their way into a room with a conference room and seemed to relax heavily into the chair that was offered to him.


"My journey around the world, has been quite enlightening, President Bronson, I am looking forward to going home after this stop though, I won't lie," remarked Paton, with a smile. "I hear the Commonwealth has hit some, turbulence, of its own recently in North America with Mexico's influence receding. I must say you and your fellow nations are doing well to contain the violence and minimize it thus far."

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"Well we are doing what we can with the situation.  It seems like its mostly in hand and under control for the most part though so we're not worrying about it all too much.  The collapse of Mexico was one of the most unfortunate recent events to take place in the western hemisphere but we need to make do with what we've been dealt with.   So seeing as you've traveled all this way I feel it would be more polite if you started off this meeting.  What can the American Commonwealth do for you today?"

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Paton would lean back in his chair, seemingly relaxed with the atmosphere he was now in, as Bronson floated the question to him, and he smiled lightly.


"South Africa is a nation in transition, for years Africa has been quite insular and inward-looking, our nation is one of the few from the continent that has sought to change all that, to move from that type of thinking to a much more dynamic approach. Globalization, it effects us all, we are a world that is on the move forward, at all times, and South Africa is looking to increase its presence in this world that has come so close together. The flow of information and ideas continue to grow faster, and South America intends to keep up with that by finding partners throughout the world which it can come together with, through economics and mutually beneficial cooperation."

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"Africa has always seemed to do its best to isolate itself but in this world that isn't really a viable option.  Its just too bad it took a war to change that.  Nonetheless it is good to see your nation has decided to break with that tradition.  My country also wishes to expand our global presence through trade and goodwill.  As such we are open to establishing trade and other relations with South Africa.  Was there anything you specifically had in mind?" asked Bronson as he took a sip of water.

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"Yes, it is too bad," nodded Paton, seemingly stoic at the crisis that pressed Africa to its limits in the way of law and order.


"That being said, my country realized that mistake, if we are to call it anything, it shall be that," he said, sitting up in his chair a little bit. "Well, our nation is a developing one, with high potential for growth, economically and strategically. We both have large reserves of untapped natural resources, as well as a strong manufacturing sector, might we start there? What kind of goods or resources does the American Commonwealth need that we could potentially provide you? And possibly, what could you provide in reciprocity?"

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"The American Commonwealth is pretty self sufficient in most categories of production and manufacturing.  One of the areas we do have a shortfall in is the production of rare earth elements and precious metals.  I mean we have some deposits, according to the latest reports the ACGS estimates we have several massive deposits of these precious metals but they're years, even decades away from being developed to the point where they are economically viable.  In the meantime we need to make do with whatever erratic supply the global market can provide.  I feel we can look to your nation to ensure a more reliable supply".


"As for what we can offer South Africa varies and will obviously depend on your needs.  The economy of the American Commonwealth is very well rounded with activities in every sector.  Our manufacturing capacity ranges from automobiles to heavy machinery, steel, petroleum products and a wide array of consumer goods.  Our High tech industrial sector is also booming, providing us with some of the latest industrial and scientific technologies.  As for our available natural resources they are not inconsiderable.  In the last year we have discovered and developed two large oil fields, one in western Pennsylvania and one offshore in the Atlantic, which produce more than our current needs.  In terms of mineral resources we produce an abundance of cheap coal and iron.  Lumber is also readily available for production.  Agriculture is also doing very well, with large surpluses across the board.  Any crop or livestock that can thrive in a temperate climate, we've got it.  Lots of it.  Wheat, corn, potatoes, tobacco, produce, vegetables, dairy products, animal products and a whole bunch of other stuff that would probably take too long to list off" Bronson concluded.

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Paton would chuckle heartily, as he sat up in his chair, and produced his digital tablet from a bag he had been carrying, tapping the touchscreen a few times, he would bring up economic data on South Africa, before sliding it across to Bronson. "South Africa is a leading producer in gold and precious metals, our rare earths output is not as strong as other nations, but it certainly is respectable. We also have a growing rare earths recycling industry, which is economically viable that is growing in the resource refining sector, which recycles old technology and is able to extract precious rare earths elements from components in electronics refuse. I'm sure there are a number of mining outfits in the South African resource extraction business, that would be possibly interested in joint investment ventures of your own resource reserves as well."


"As for South Africa, my own nation is very well rounded as well, but we do have some gaps, and those are gaps that you could fill, particularly in the acquisition of raw structural steel, and lumber. We are a country on the move, and we only have so many raw steel manufacturers, filling that gap with imports would be particularly advantageous of us, and what with construction booming right now, lumber is in high demand in South Africa. Agricultural products could certainly be a market that we would be interested in as well, we are not without our own agricultural industry, but adding your own products to the mix, with ones that may be rarely available in South Africa, would also be of interest to us."

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"Beyond said trade relationship," remarked Paton, with a curt nod, "I believe there is the possibility here to build ties stronger than that of a relationship built solely on economics. I believe South Africa would not be averse to adding to this agreement with other stipulations, which increase cooperation in other areas as well."

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"South Africa is looking to build cooperation based on similar national ideals, as well as common interests, and given the Atlantic Ocean is a particularly important body of water to our nation, building a security relationship with other relevant nations in the Atlantic Theater is important to us. Although a defense pact would probably be forward of us to offer at the time, we do not have to leave our militaries 'high and dry' so to speak in any agreement we may come to here," remarked Paton, looking relaxed as he settled back in his chair and smiled politely at Bronson.


"Perhaps the sharing of relevant intelligence to each others' nations, if it pertains to an impingement on our sovereignty, as well as a commitment to provide safe harbors and refueling opportunities to our respective navies. Perhaps also our nations could engage in cooperative military exercises, providing one another with an opportunity to train in a variety of environments. We are also looking for a perspective site for a satellite and ICBM tracking station, and we'd be willing to operate such a station in a joint operation with your own forces. Of course, a communications outpost would be also assigned to transmit findings back to South Africa."

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"Yes, well it is important to have reliable security partners that share similar goals and I do believe the Commonwealth can see that in South Africa.  Intelligence and military cooperation is acceptable as well as the creation and operation of a joint satellite/ICBM tracking station".

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"Jolly good," remarked Paton, looking a little apprehensive after posing the question to Bronson, but looking more relaxed with his positive reply to his suggestion. "Your forces would be also welcome to open a similar station in South Africa, perhaps on Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, and jointly operate it with us, as it is of a theater of interest to us both."


"Of course we'd also have a formal exchanging of embassies included in this agreement, if that is alright with you?"

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[OOC: Apologies if your national flag is the wrong one, it was the only one I could find (from your factbook)]


"Perfect, I have a treaty scribe on my staff presently, who will be able to produce a document for us to sign momentarily," responded Paton, waving one of his staffers, a mulatto woman from the Foreign Service, forward to the table. The President would hand the young woman the electronic tablet he had taken out and written a few notes on during the process of the meeting, and whispered a few words to her.


He would then turn back to Bronson, and smile politely, "I must say that if there is a good end to any diplomatic safari, it would probably be with our last visit being here, I feel this meeting has been quite productive."


The treaty scribe would open up her briefcase curtly, and after producing two sheets of heavy, official-looking parchment, as well as a sheet of notes, and arranging the tablet that Paton had given her, went to work diligently. Within about fifteen minutes of fanciful writing, she would slide the proposed treaty over to Paton and Bronson, and wait for their acceptance to produce a direct copy, so that each nation could have a copy of their agreement.



200px-Flag_of_Pennsylvania.svg.png                        200px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png


The District of Columbia Concordant



In the spirit of international economic and security cooperation, the American Commonwealth and the Union of South Africa, henceforth known as "the signatories", agree to the terms of this diplomatic agreement. To establish a basis of mutual respect and build a relationship through the commonality of mutual interests, the signatories have agreed to the following sections as the terms of their new relationship;


I. The signatories agree to a formal exchange of embassies within their nations, and space will be made available to permit the construction of an embassy building, or a respectful building will be made available to the other nation by the host nation. These embassies will be considered national territory of the owner, and the host country/posted diplomatic mission personnel will adhere to the standards of diplomatic practice set down by the Vienna Convention of 1961.


II. The signatories affirm that they agree to utilize a system of legal arbitration and diplomatic staff meetings to resolve and mediate any conflicts of interest, should they arise.


III. The signatories agree to mutually develop and "actively promote" trade relations with the other nation to build a robust international trade relationship, this includes promoting the reduction of tariffs and customs duties wherever possible.


IV. The signatories agree to mutually develop a relevant regime of relaying intelligence and information that could be potentially relevant to the other, particularly when the information could be vital to the others' national security, interests, or sovereignty itself.


V. The signatories agree to mutually develop a cooperative military regime, including military exercises, hosting military observers, port visits by naval vessels, and providing fuel (at standard market prices) and shelter for maintenance for vessels in distress. This clause can be nullified by request to protect the sovereignty of the other nation during wartime, if one nation or the other is not cooperating in military operations alongside the other.


VI. The signatories agree to jointly develop a system of secure strategic intelligence pertaining to the tracking of relevant satellites and strategic threats that could seek to invalidate efforts to a nation's right to military secrecy or security, or bring harm to its shores by ballistic missile. This will include jointly-run facilities built at a location that is to be determined in the American Commonwealth, as well as an agreed-upon facility on the South African possession of St. Helena.


VII. The signatories agree to give "ample warning" to the other party of this agreement should they wish to suspend or completely eliminate this agreement.



Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[b]President of the Union of South Africa[/b]

Adolph Paton


With the first sheet signed, Paton would also affix his signature to the second document, the two documents identical, giving each member a formal copy of the agreement. He would then turn to Bronson, and offer his hand.


"It was an honor to make your acquaintance as well as increase the cooperation between our two countries, I look forward to seeing you again, perhaps maybe sometime you will be able to come down to Cape Town," remarked Paton, with a smile.

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