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The Beginning (RP)


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October 5th, 2012


The sun is setting over the city of Bryansk. It's cold, and a breeze begins blowing through the city.


Zacharias checks his watch, it's ten minutes to ten. "Hurry up Sergei", Zacharias says to himself "it's almost curfew". He takes his phone out of his pocket and checks for messages, there are none. He now dials Sergei's number. After a few rings, Sergei picks up the phone. "Zach, where are you?". "I'm by the school, where are you Sergei?. "I'll tell you later, just meet me at home, ok? I really need to tell you something". "Alright. I'll wait for you". Zacharias then put in his headphones, turned on some music, and began his trip home.


October 5th, 2012. 10:46 pm


Zacharias gets home. He takes of his jacket and throws it over his chair. He then picks up the newspaper he had bought earlier in the day, sits down in his chair, and reads the headline. "More disappearances?" "Over the last several days, more and more citizens of Bryansk, and other cities, have mysteriously vanished during the night. Sometimes whole families, other times just an individual. There is no evidence in any of these cases that suggest where they may have gone to, or been taken too."Eh, the probably just left this country" Zach says to himself "I know I would If I got the chance". After a few minutes of skimming through the paper, he rolls it up and sets the paper on his end table. He then reclines in his chair, and goes to sleep.


October 6th, 2012. 3:22 am


Zacharias is awoken to a banging on the door. "Zach, let me in!". It was Sergei. Zacharias gets out of his chair and walks over to the door, and unlocks it. Sergei burst through the door, almost knocking Zacharias to his feet. Sergei spins around and locks the door, and even moves the chair over by the door. "Sergei, what the hell? It's three in morning! What is so god damn important for you to burst in here like a madman?" Sergei grabs Zach by the shoulder and looks him straight in the eye and says "I found out". "Sergei! What did you find?" Sergei is moves over by the window and peers outside, as if he was looking for something. "Sergei! What did you find!". "On my old radio, ended up on a channel for police earlier today. At first there was two police talking to each other. I left for a second to get a drink of water. I come back and I hear a third voice. The voice was telling the police to stop investigating the missing persons. He started to say these people were traitors by not respecting the Federation. Shortly after he disconnected. I immediately went to another channel, but every single channel I was broadcasting orders for arrest on various people. I unplugged the radio and went upstairs. I thought I was dreaming." Stunned and confused, Zacharias says "Umm, okay. This is definitely strange, but how do I know this isn't one of your conspiracy theories, Sergei"? "Because, I heard my name over the radio broadcast. When I went up stairs a policeman was at my front door. I managed to sneak around back, and that's when you called. He must've heard the phone ring, and us talking. He then ordered me to take him to you, I refused. I don't want to get in to the details any further. One thing is for sure, it's not safe here. We must..." "Open this door!", a voiced screamed from outside, "You two are under arrest!" Sergei reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pistol. Zach says "What are you going to do with that?" Sergei replies sarcastically "What the fuck do you think I'm going to do with it? Head out the side door and don't stop running. Do not forget what I've told you here today." "Oh wait, one more thing" Sergei says. He pulls a flash-drive out of his pocket and hands it to Zacharias. "Once you have access to a computer, read through everything on this. It will explain everything. Now go!" Zach didn't need that repeated. He bolted out the door and kept on running. He didn't know to where he would go, he just kept on running.

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