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[b]Secure Diplomatic Cable[/b]

[quote][b]To: The Government of the American Commonwealth
From: Office of the Foreign Minister of Greater Colombia, L. Barrachos

Subj: Formalizing Diplomatic Relations[/b]


The Republic is well aware of your nation's history in North America up to the current day, the stability that the American Commonwealth and its government has provided over the past years in the Middle Atlantic of North America's eastern coast. We value diplomatic relations with stable governments that have proven their mettle against the uncertainty that this world continues to provide us all. As such, we would like to seek a diplomatic accord with your nation; we believe such an agreement could be beneficial to both our nations, providing both our countries with reliable friends, every nation needs additional bulwarks these days against uncertainty, especially in our hemisphere.

We would like to arrange a meeting between our two respective states, whether it be in your nation or ours, we will gladly host such an arrangement if a venue is unavailable in your own nation. We thank you for your time formulating any response to his letter, and look forward to hearing your reply to it, and meeting with a delegate (or delegation) of yours, hopefully soon.

[i]Sincerest Regards,

Lorenzo Barrachos
Foreign Minister of Greater Colombia
Office of the Foreign Minister[/i][/quote]

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[quote][b]To: Office of the Foreign Minister of Greater Colombia, L. Barrachos
From: American Commonwealth State Department[/b]

Hello Mr. Barrachos,

We are glad that the nation of Colombia is interested in extending diplomatic relations to the American Commonwealth and are happy to accept your offer. We are more than happy to host a Colombian delegation in Washington D.C. to talk about future relations between our nations. Unfortunately President Bronson is currently unavailable but Vice President Nelson will be available to meet any delegation that you send.

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A short note of acceptance of the invitation would be dispatched to the American Commonwealth's State Department, and after a daily interlude, the acceptance correspondence would be followed by a small delegation of Gran Colombia. On board a small government jet, the President of Gran Colombia, Ignacio de Ardanza, as well as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Xavier Diaz, would make the flight to Washington, D.C.'s Dulles International Airport. With ornate Gran Colombian government markings adorning it, the aircraft would ask for final permission before entering the Commonwealth's airspace, and upon making final approach to Dulles.

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The aircraft was rerouted to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and cleared for landing there due to its closer proximity to the White House. The aircraft would taxi to a private hanger where a limo and three SUVs with secret service agents providing escort awaited. The Secretary of State awaited the Colombian officials and shook their hands as they exited their aircraft. "Greetings and welcome to the American Commonwealth gentlemen. I'm Secretary of State John Powers. The plan is to proceed to the White House unless you have any questions?" he asked.

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"Thank you Secretary of State, its an honor to be here," nodded Ignacio, after debarking the plane, shaking the man's hand firmly. Ignacio would take in the sights of the airport for a moment, as well as the cooler environment they had found themselves in, before turning his attention back to Powers. "I am President Igancio de Ardanza, this is our Deputy Foreign Minister, Xavier Diaz," he said, introducing himself as well as the similarly young man next to him.

Diaz would add his own handshake, "A pleasure, Secretary Powers."

Ignacio, upon hearing the plan, would nod in understanding, his English was impeccable and without a trace of an accent. "That sounds delightful, I look forward to seeing glimpses of Washington along the way, its been a long time since I've been in this city of venerable and cherished history."

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The route to the White House had been closed as a security measure for the visiting delegation so the convoy proceeded at a leisurely speed on the route taking in the sights while escorted by DC Metro police and an Apache attack helicopter provided by the Capitol Brigade. The convoy pulled up to the front of the White House where an honor guard and band provided by the marine corps awaited the delegation along with the vice president. As the secretary of state and the Colombian delegation exited their limousine the vice president greeted them. "Good afternoon and welcome to the White House gentlemen I'm Vice President Charlie Nelson" he said with a smile as he shook their hands. "If you'd please we can head on inside to conduct these talks" he asked as he gestured at the front door. The group was led up to the Treaty Room where drinks and snacks were offered as they sat down at the conference table in the room. "Gentlemen, President Bronson sends his apologies that he is not able to attend this meeting as he is currently on a diplomatic tour elsewhere. So what does the great nation of Colombia wish to discuss with us today?" he asked.

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Diaz and Ignacio would talk to each other in Spanish as the limousine as they passed through the city at a slower-than-normal speed for a usual government, commenting on the passing monuments and the sights they took in as they passed through Washington on the way to the White House. Diaz had never visited the city before, and seemed more excited and animated than the more well-traveled President, who had been to Washington on a number of business trips, as well as at least one leisurely visit. Ignacio still seemed rather genuinely excited, however, and as they neared the White House, he would say to Powers, "Thank you for taking us on a slower journey through Washington, it still is a beautiful city, the history the city evokes is still wondrous if you take the time to enjoy it."

Ignacio was pleased with the welcoming ceremonies at the White House, Diaz being very impressed with the Marine Marching Band assembled there, and after another round of pleasantries were exchanged with Vice President Nelson, they would proceed inside. After enjoying some of the refreshments available, with Ignacio taking his time nursing a glass of wine, which he had refilled before they sat down at the conference table.

"The absence of your President is not a problem, Vice President, our own government has been having issues trying to arrange for individuals to be able to be present at all the diplomatic conferences we have been involved in as of late," nodded Diaz, with Ignacio nodding his agreement with Diaz's sentiment.

"Well, Greater Colombia has been attending to its internal affairs until very lately, and right now, we have turned our eyes outwards, to look to find stable nations that we can find common ground with diplomatically. We are seeking economic and strategic partners abroad, in short, and we believe that your nation and ours might benefit from formalizing diplomatic ties. We live in an uncertain world right now, Vice President, and we hope to assuage some of that uncertainty by establishing ties with nations that have proven themselves to be stable and responsible members of the global community," said Ignacio, in a straightforward manner, as he sipped lightly from his glass of wine.

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"I completely understand" said vice president Nelson. "That pretty much sums up the my own nation's foreign policy until very recently which is why President Bronson is currently unavailable. I do agree that it is important for nations to find stable economic and strategic partners in the volatile times we live in and I am pleased that you see the American Commonwealth in such a manner. What exactly is the scope of the relationship that Greater Columbia was hoping to have with the American Commonwealth?"

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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"We were hoping to forge some economic and the basis of some strategic bonds at our initial meeting here, usually this is standard procedure for our nation. We would like to see trade further fostered between our two nations, a simple respect of each others' sovereignty, which would basically amount to a non-aggression pact, as well as setting the basis of strategic cooperation through some sort of intelligence-sharing program," replied Diaz, in a simple tone.

"Personally, I believe that such bonds will allow our cooperation to grow further, and allow a friendship to develop before we delve deeper into more committed strategic dialogue and agreements for the long term," added Ignacio, with his own sentiment on the matter. "What kind of state is the American Commonwealth's economy in right now, in your opinion? Are you looking for any particular sources for resources or imports?"

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"Those suggestion seem sensible and acceptable to us. Non-aggression is pretty straightforward and I'll have to have the appropriate agencies handle the intelligence sharing. Economically the Commonwealth is doing pretty well for itself and expansion of trade with other nations should be beneficial for both of our countries in the end. As for particulars, this isn't an official government request but the Hershey corporation asked to forward it's desire to expand it's cocoa production to meet rising demand and would like to meet with the appropriate people in your nation to facilitate that at some time. Other than that I see no problems with what you have proposed here".

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"I am sure that our government could look into ensuring that your world-famous chocolate producer can be supplied with the raw cocoa it needs for expanded production," chuckled Diaz, looking over at Ignacio, who nodded in agreement.

"Of course, any formal agreement put out here would certainly be a stepping stone for more stronger bonds to be forged in the future, although I would like to make a request to be added to any initial treaty. We would also like to be able to secure semi-permanent anchorages for as many as three mid-sized warships in this initial treaty, which I believe would also further strategic cooperation between our two nations. We would gratefully grant a reciprocal agreement where you may find semi-permanent anchorages in Greater Colombia," added Ignacio, sipping lightly on his glass of wine after his statement.

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"Well last time I heard there's still a lot of space left at Norfolk so I feel basing a few ships from your nation there wouldn't really hinder us much and it will be pretty good step towards mutual cooperation. While we really have no need to base our own vessels in Columbia I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep our options open. Also, some of our military command wanted me to ask if it would be possible for us to possibly create a exchange training program between our nations. Obviously due to our location its kind of hard to adequately train troops for jungle and tropical warfare and we were hoping you would be open to this suggestion although its not conditional on any treaty we sign today".

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Upon hearing the use of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard was available as an anchorage, Ignacio would chuckle, "Well I suppose that would solve that issue, there's probably more than enough space there for three mid-sized warships."

"I am sure that our own forces would appreciate an exchange training program, as well," added Diaz. "We have extensive training facilities for jungle training in the Venezuelan Amazonas, it would probably be of use to such a training program. Our own military could probably use some conditioning in more temperate climates, such as in mountains and foothills of Pennsylvania, such conditioning training could be of use."

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"I believe that we do," responded Ignacio, turning to Diaz and nodding. Diaz would produce an electronic tablet, which he began punching in a few codes to, and making a few alterations. Ignacio would take the time to get a glass of water for himself, and sip it lightly, before Diaz looked up.

"I am printing this to the nearest available printer here, if you could possibly get your aides to retrieve it?" he asked, before using the tablet to make a projection against one of the walls to present the text of the treaty.

[quote][center][b]The District of Columbia Accords[/b][/center]

The Republic of Greater Colombia and the American Commonwealth, hereafter known as the 'signatories', conclude their successful negotiation with these accords, signed August 20, 20XX, in Washington, D.C. These accords will seek to build stronger bonds between both countries, fostering the promotion of recognition of sovereignty and non-aggression, and economic and strategic cooperation.

[b]Article I:[/b] Both signatories recognize the sovereignty of each nation and seek to ensure that they will not violate in any way, the sanctity of the sovereignty of that nation.

[b]Article II:[/b] Both signatories pledge to use non-aggressive means of exchange (diplomatic meetings, councils) to ensure any conflicting interests are smoothed over between both nations in a fair and just manner.

[b]Article III:[/b] Both signatories pledge to foster trade relations with one another through promoting the others country publicly, through streamlining foreign investment, and reducing tariffs wherever possible.

[b]Article IV:[/b] Both signatories pledge to develop intelligence interoperability, and pass on pertinent information to the other that could be vital to the others' national defense or security, including communications intercepts, radar intercepts, visual intelligence, human intelligence, or any other means of intelligence-gathering.

[b]Article V:[/b] Both signatories pledge to develop military interoperability and pledge to devote portions of their military bases to promote environmental training for the others armed forces on a semi-permanent basis.

[b]Article VI:[/b] Cancellation of these accords will require a seventy-two hour grace period.


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The document would be printed off by the printer in one of the corners of the room and was retrieved by the secretary of state. Normally the vice president actually didn't have the authority to sign or approve treaties unless that authority was delegated to him by the president to sign in his stead which it was. "Looks like everything is in order" he said as he and the secretary of state signed the copy and handed it to the Colombian delegation.

[quote]Signed for the American Commonwealth

[b]Vice President[/b],
[i]Charlie Nelson[/i]

[b]Secretary of State[/b],
[i]John Powers[/i]

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[quote]Signed for the Republic of Greater Colombia,

[i]Ignacio de Ardanza[/i]

[b]Deputy Foreign Minister[/b]
[i]Xavier Diaz[/i][/quote]

"Gentlemen, I want to thank you for this meeting, and I look forward to further cooperation with your nation," responded Ignacio, as he offered his hand to both Nelson and Powers.

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Nelson and Powers shook his hand in return. "You're welcome and we also look forward to our future relations with your nation. I know you must be busy but if you'd like we could arrange for an overnight stay and tour of Washington D.C. for your delegation. If not we have your aircraft ready to leave whenever you want to".

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