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Aircraft Costs Seem Wrong

Israeli Land

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When I logged in yesterday I noticed that for some reason I didn't have the maximum amount of planes that I am allowed. When I went to but more The costs seemed wrong. I was buying the F-22 and the Tupolev. The base price for these as stated on the aircraft info screen is $50,000. With my resources and their bonuses this price should be drastically reduced. Around 40% by my count. Instead of a lower price, the price is actually higher. $68,467 to be exact. This increase in prices affects aircraft from strengths 1-9 and both bombers and fighters.
To check that the game wasn't just displaying incorrect information I decommissioned an F-22 and re-bought it subtracting my new treasury balance from what I had before to check that I was actually being charged the incorrect amount, which I was. I have also cleared my cache and restarted my browser.
Thanks for the help,
Israeli Land

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You have a WRC

[quote]Weapons Research Complex - $150,000,000 - Increases the technology bonus to damage from 0.01% to 0.02% per technology level, Increases the number of nukes that can be purchased per day to 2, hurts environment by +1, [b]Increases the purchase costs of all military by 0.01% per technology level[/b]. Requires 8,500 infrastructure, 2,000 technology, National Research Lab, Pentagon Wonder.[/quote]This gives a 70% increase on your military costs given you have 7000 tech. So with your 40% discount and 70% increase there is a 30% increase, which is about right for the price you are quoting.

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