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[b][center][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="7"]Great Northern Times[/size][/font][/center][/b]
[b][center][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="3"]Edition 1[/size][/font][/center][/b]

[u][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="5"]Frontrunners Emerge in Tight Elections Race[/size][/font][/u]

[b]WINNIPEG, NEW MANITOBA - [/b] The election race for the newly independent nation took to new heights of intensity in the wake of Dale Everett's announcement that would not be on the ballot, allowing others to forge the Federation forward after all his work in founding the nation. He stated, "Founding the nation is exhausting work and I'm getting any younger. I've done what I could for this great nation and I think it's time for me to fade into the background. There are many great young minds that could do this job. I gave them a template to work on and I hope for the best."

Meanwhile, two major, emerging political groups have emerged to formulate the possible vision for the Federation, the Christian Conservative Party (CCP) and the Hudson Bay Socialist Groupe (HBSG). Both have a strong base of supporters in which through a recent Saskatoon University-Falcon Media survey showed the two parties garnished roughly a 20% for the CCP, while the HBSG had the support of 25% of the nation. The rest were split amongst smaller parties or undecided. Turnout for the initial election is expected to be around 70%.

CCP Chancellor candidate, Stephen Gallows spoke earlier this week on his opposition, stating, "We wish the Hudson Bay Socialist Groupe the very best, but we think they are out of touch with the priority of issues facing this new nation. Hopefully, our differences will not block the possible progress to get this nation on a firm footing." Nathan Kilpler, the Socialist candidate for Chancellor echoed similar sediments, "We agree to disagree with the Conservatives in the manner of our priorities in which we think in the end, all the issues facing the Federation need to be faced. I will say this, that our nation's interests of being strong internally will be our priority and hopefully, the CCP will agree with that."


[u][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="5"]Ministry of Defense Outlines Force Structure/Potential Base Locations[/size][/font][/u]

[b]WINNIPEG, NEW MANITOBA -[/b] Minister of Defense, Charles Ulilski, announced that the Armed Forces of the Federation has formally organized itself into organized commands to be overseen by the different armed force branches and sought land for bases scattered throughout the nation. "The nation's defense is built on a clear chain of command and the flexibility of field and base commanders to execute the decisions made by those higher up. Recruitment has been slow to start due all the building from the ground up we've been doing and taking inventory of equipment in our possession," explained Minister Ulilski.

The Everett government has sought out parcels of land throughout the Federation in the initial construction of permanent bases to house mission capable units in many areas of the nation. Construction crews have been spotted on the outskirts of Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and the border regions of Ontario, Northern Imperium, UCNA and Cascadia. Initial units from the various branches have been setting up tent cities near the sites to signify their presence.

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[quote]Private to the Federation:

To Chancellor Everett's Government:

Her Majesty Jade I Lithaen would like to extend the offer of an Embassy in Illarion, first of its kind, to you, our neighbors of the Hudson Bay Federation. Given our physical borders and subsequent close physical proximity, we would like to extend trade relations to you as well as aid in getting your feet underneath you.

I look forward to working with your government's diplomatic corps.

For the Princess-Ascendant,
Imperial Foreign Minister Charles Kehenna,
Duke of Bethel, Northern Imperium[/quote]

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Since communication networks lacked between the two nations, an internal message sent on the initial Federation Governmental Communication Network (FGCN) would be sent to the Foreign Relations Office and shot off towards one of the major border crossings with the Northern Imperium and delivered specifically to Northern Imperium Foreign Ministry personnel for physical safeguard.

-Hudson Bay Federation Government Correspondence-
-Security Level: Secret-
-Encryption via FGCN: Hardline Network-

To: Federation Foreign Relations Office
Fwd: Northern Imperium Foreign Ministry
Subject: Relations Response

Minister Kehenna,

The Federation welcomes your nation's sincerest interest in establishing relations between our two nations. The reasons you have stated are obvious and we will take you up on your offer on establishing an embassy in Illarion. Your nation will be granted an embassy in Winnipeg as well as a token of friendship to be established between us. Economic trades discussions would be very welcome.


Gregory Rolan
Interim Foreign Relations Chief

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[b]-Hudson Bay Government Internal Memo-
-Classification Level: Secret-
-Encryption: Federation Intranet Security Protocol-[/b]

Subject: Federation Communication Security Measures

The Federation lives in dangerous times and must ensure OPSEC, COMMSEC, and COMPSEC policies are streamlined through all levels of the Federation government. The Everett administration ensures the future security of sensitive information will be combated through several avenues to prevent external and internal security breaches of government networks.

Effective immediately, the first layer of information security will be through the issuance of Governmental Employee ID cards with encryption keys and a 12-digit alphanumeric PIN that are unique to the user. PINs will be hand-delivered to respective department supervisors in secure envelopes to the user and the PIN is temporary and must be changed upon first log-in. PINs life-span will last 90 days before mandatory prompt to change is required.

Federation government will be using fiber optic cabling in long-distance communication lines and in sensitive buildings to prevent external breaches. It is known that fiber optic uses light to transmit data over traditional mediums that could be tapped and translated via electrical signals, fiber optic is not subject to such risks. The use of wireless communication for any information above Classified is prohibited.

The government wired-based network is a large Internet with the security protocol maintained by the Defense Ministry for buildings running wireless and Gigabit ethernet sending Classified level communication or sensitive, unclassified information.

The use of UBS powered devices is prohibited on all government computers.

Physical transportation of Classified material will be discussed later.

- Ministry of Interior
Department of Information Handling


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"Intel from the Hudson border indicates an increase in activity along certain areas of the Ontarian-Hudson border," Defense Prefect James Draiman reported, indicating a handful of locations on the westernmost edge of Ontario on a digital map. "A handful of temporary installations, mostly tents, really, have been formed in the region around our border. It is the opinion of the Department of Defense that the Hudson Bay is planning to begin construction of military infrastructure along our border. Initial reports suggested that it was a simple gathering of some sort, but these were dismissed when the size of each of these tent cities increased."

"Odd that the Hudson Bay Federation would think they need military bases along the Ontarian border," Prime Minister Anselm mused. "Perhaps I should meet with some of their representatives and see what exactly the issue is."

[quote]*Classified Message*
Recipient: Hudson Bay Federation Government
Sender: Ontario Federal Government
Subject: Relations


The Federal Republic of Ontario would like to extend congratulations to the Hudson Bay Federation for its successful establishment and stabilization and hopes that this will translate into a more secure future for Canada and North America. I would like to formally invite you to the Ontarian capital in Ottawa to open the door for positive relations between our two states.


Jason V. Anselm
Prime Minister[/quote]

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The Federation Foreign Affairs Office would send the following via certified mail to Ontario
-Hudson Bay Federation Government Communique-
-Classification Level: Classified-
-Security: Certified Mail-

To: Federal Republic of Ontario Federal Government
Subject: Relations


Thank you for the congratulations. We would be ecstatic to visit Ottawa on official business to discuss future relations. We'll send someone along shortly.

Gregory Rolan
Interim Foreign Affairs Chief

Meanwhile in Winnipeg...

"So, Ottawa wants to chat, eh?" questioned the assistant Foreign Affairs Chief, David Kurn.

"Yep, everyone's interested in us Kern, having all of Canada tying up our phone lines the last couple days," replied Rolan.

"So you're going to Ottawa right?" pressed Kurn.

"Of course, I've heard it's nice since the rebuilding from the Canada War. The car is outside waiting," stated Rolan

And off he went to Ottawa...

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[center][size="6"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Great Northern Times[/size]
[size="2"]Edition 2[/size][/font][/center]

[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][u]Election 20XX: Nathan Kilpler of the HBSG Wins![/u][/font][/size]

[b]WINNIPEG, NEW MANITOBA -[/b] The Federation's Federal Election Commission has announced that Nathan Kilpler of the Hudson Bay Socialist Groupe won with about 55% of the vote as election tally count was over 90% done this week. The new nation had an impressive 85% voter turnout for the initial elections for permanent government seats in the Federal Assembly and Chancellor. However, strangely the success of the HBSG didn't follow through in capturing the majority of the Federal Assembly seats and the CCP has assembled a coalition group to oppose the Socialists in the legislature.

In a large post-election party in Downtown Winnipeg, Nathan Kilpler addressed party supporters, "Tonight was a great victory for the HBSG and for the Federation in entrusting us with the future of this great nation. I look forward in promoting this great nation's interest on the world stage."

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[center][size="6"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Edition 3[/font][/size][/center]

[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][u]Large Number of Grants and Permits Granted in Arctic Economic Development [/u][/font][/size]

In one of ending acts of the Everett administration was seen through the Interior Ministry in a large number of permits granted to domestic and foreign companies to developed the Federation's expansive natural resource reserves in the Arctic region. Chancellor Everett stated earlier in the day, "The development of Federation land to boost the economic vitality of nation is imperative to our existence. Many of these companies are seeking to hire local and invest here and grow. It has long been suspected that large oil and gas reserves exist within the Northwest Passages region and we seek to advocate the extraction of those resources. I have also issued that funding for the Federation Coast Guard be increased and the purchase of two dozen icebreakers be done. We're infusing funds for further development deep-sea ports and possible transportation hubs in the region."

On the news, local company, North American Resources announced their intent to send a dozen ships north for initial resource exploration for the next several month as soon as this week.

[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][u]Rupert Defense Industries New Tanks[/u][/font][/size]

[size="2"][b]Rupert Defense Industries Tank - M20[/b][/size]

[b]SOUTHPORT, NEW MANITOBA -[/b] Rupert Defense Industries has assembled the first several dozen M20 Main Battle Tanks to the Federation Army. General Neville of Army Eastern Command stated, "The M20 tank is a beautifully deadly tank utilizing the latest in electronics, optics, firepower and defensive capabilities. It's very mobile and would compliment our existing inventory of M1A2 Abrams on the field."


[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][u]Peaceful Riots Staged in Saskatoon[/u][/font][/size]

[b]SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN - [/b] Peaceful demonstrations were staged by a large number of people against the fairness of the elections in their region, claiming fraud. Election officials have issued no comment on the manner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[center][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="7"][b]Great Northern Times[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"][center]Edition 4[/center][/font][/size]

[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][u]North-South Trans-National Highway/Rail Construction Breaks Ground[/u][/font][/size]

[b]PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN -[/b] High ranking officials today met with Salvan-Cole Construction Inc. workers at the Prince Albert section of the new Federation Trans-National Highway that will stretch north to a developing port in the Arctic Ocean. The Federation government touted that current work underway to develop resources in the Arctic region would be boosted by this key project in providing vital infrastructure for the developing region.

"The need to bring key supplies and people to the region is important for the Federation's economy, this will be the future of our economy for the forseeable future," said Economic Minister Thomas Dalls.

Work has began in ernest north of Prince Albert in the Northwest Territories with the establishment of pre-planned towns and stations in the region.

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[center][b][size="7"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/b][/center]
[center][size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Edition 5[/font][/size][/center]

[u][size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Prairie Union Forms from Former Saskatchewan[/font][/size][/u]

[b]SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN -[/b] In a sudden turn of events in the future of the Federation, former Chancellor Dale Everett and other key officials signed off the independence of the Saskatchewan portion of the Federation with former Neo Roma officials. Chancellor Kilper was caught off-guard by the announcement. It was long known that the region was never fully integrated into the Federation, and the legislature has launched an investigation on the deal.


In breaking news, Chancellor Kilper has announced his immediate resignation. Vice Chancellor Fred Logan has taken the position of Chancellor for the remainder of the term. Chancellor Logan stated, "We'll recognize the formation of the Prairie Union and I will also state that Dale Everett will be my Vice Chancellor."

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  • 5 weeks later...

[center][b][size=7][font=Palatino Linotype]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/b][/center]
[center][size=3][font=Palatino Linotype]Edition 6[/font][/size][/center]

[u][size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]Chancellor Revokes Recognition of Northern Imperium[/font][/size][/u]

[b]WINNIPEG, MANITOBA -[/b] In the latest events engulfing the Federation's western neighbor, global power, Tianxia issued a crippling ultimatum to the Northern Imperium government. Chancellor Logan responded to comments on the Federation's stance in the war to the west, stating, "We have no choice but to revoke the recognition of the Imperium government. The Federation along with it's allies are committed to seeing a definitive conclusion to the current conflict, which may include the use of force. I, along with military officials have issued a heighten state of alert for all Federation forces since the conflict began and have deployed a significant presence of force along the Federation-Imperium border."

Times correspondents in Yellowknife have confirmed addition military divisions and air assets in and around Yellowknife, well above the usual number housed at Joint Base Yellowknife. Although no significant presence of Federation forces have been seen closer along the border, activity by AWACS and other planes have been going around-the-clock for the past couple weeks.

[u][size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]Federation Military Enters the Space Domain[/font][/size][/u]

[b]WINNIPEG, MANITOBA -[/b] Air Force Space Command has announced the first plans to utilize space for military use, mainly through satellites. They acknowledged that the military has limited capabilities for extended deployments without space-based navigation and communications, thus pressing military officials hand to develop several designs for all services based on their needs.

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  • 2 months later...

[center][b][size=7][font=Palatino Linotype]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/b][/center]
[center][size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]Edition 7[/font][/size][/center]

[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype]Chancellor Logan Dies, Emergency Elections Announced[/font][/u][/size]

[size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]BRANDON, MANITOBA - The Federation already reeling from the nuclear attack on Winnipeg, killing over an estimated 400,000 so far has claimed another victim, Chancellor Logan. Vice Chancellor Everett annouced to the nation today in a somber tone, "Chancellor Logan succumbed to the effects of the helicopter crash earlier in the year after numberous surgeries and efforts to regain life once again to lead. Logan was a dear friend of mine and the attacks that Winnipeg and this nation has suffered will never happen again! I call for emergency elections as soon as possible to choose a succesive government and restore the legislature."[/font][/size]

[size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]The passing of former Chancellor Logan comes at a critial junction on nuclear proliferation of the Federation and work on the new Northern Shield Anti-Ballistic Missile Shield. Massive protests erupted outside of the temporary leglislative building in Brandon over the last couple days on banning nuclear weapons in the Federatio[/font][/size][font=times new roman,times,serif][u]n. [/u][/font]

[size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]__________________________________________________________________________________________[/font][/size]

[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5][font=courier new,courier,monospace][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][u]Economic Recovery Slows in Q3[/u][/font][/font][/size][/font]

[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5][font=courier new,courier,monospace][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4]BRANDON, MANITOBA - Lastest news from the stock exchange in Brandon showed that with the recovery of Winnipeg pulling the most weight behind the economic revival in the Federation, the job field gap left by the destruction of Winnipeg plagues the nation still. Analysts believe that investment outside of the construction industry has been slower than ever as most people in Manitoba continue to deal with recovery work and banks, in cooporation of the government has poured a lot of money into the recovery effort and foregoing job seeking still.[/size][/font][/font][/size][/font]

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  • 3 weeks later...

[center][b][size=7][font=Palatino Linotype]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/b][/center]
[center][size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]Edition 8[/font][/size][/center]

[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype]New Chancellor Douglas Welks Ushers in New Era for Federation[/font][/u][/size]

BRANDON, MANITOBA - Amongst the cheers of supports at the City Hall, Douglas Welks addressed the beleaguered nation still reeling in the aftermath of the destruction of Winnipeg. Welks' New Populist League Party beat out the Federation Conservative Party headed by Dale Everett soundly with 56% of the vote. Welks told the nation earlier in the day, "People of the Federation, we have faced rough times unlike we've ever seen in the history of North America. Millions perished by a great force of tyranny nearby, innocent lives caught up in a conflict some hundreds of miles away. While they are gone, we must forge on, we've given them justice and we will continue to honor the fallen in our ability to rebuild from these ashes! Much progress has been done, but work remains, and I'll ready to get to work for this nation!"


[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype]Legislature Moves to Annex Yukon Territory into Federation[/font][/u][/size]

BRANDON, MANITOBA - The outgoing legislature has voted on a bill to allow the annexation of the Yukon region into the fold of the Federation. In a 70 to 35 vote in the Upper House, members argued on the long process to vet out the application of the area to be part of the Federation. Senator Emily Blankenship said, "The Yukon application was not a top priority for us for much of the last couple years as the rebuilding of Winnipeg and the economy wasn't doing so well that we just couldn't consider it."

It is expected for the bill to arrive on Interim Chancellor Everett's desk by the end of the week for final approval for the process to get going. Full integration is expected within a year.

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[center][b][size=7][font=Palatino Linotype]Great Northern Times[/font][/size][/b][/center]
[center][size=4][font=Palatino Linotype]Edition 8[/font][/size][/center]

[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype]Chancellor Welks Announces Western Canada Under Federation Dominion[/font][/u][/size]

BRANDON, MANITOBA - Chancellor Welks stated in another weekly televised address to the nation that the Federation was expanding it's sphere of influence to encompass all of Western Canadian region to assert it's control of a large swath of the continent. It would extend it's military and economic projection throughout the region to ensure to lessen the effect of foreign influence in the region. Welks said, "It's time for the Federation to take up the responsibility of this large region to ensure the security and prosperity of this area. I'm declaring today, Western Canada and the Federation itself is outside of any foreign doctrine that itself hasn't agreed to, including one's of nearby neighbors. Our nation looks forward in ensuring the peace in Northern North America from future internal and/or external tyranny. We continue to push to develop relations with other friendly North American nations, including Mexico, as well with Vaule in Vancouver, and Tianxia in Alaska."

[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype]Winnipeg Recovery Continues, Initial Reconstruction in Outlying Areas Underway[/font][/u][/size]

[size=5][u][font=Palatino Linotype][img]http://farm1.staticflickr.com/54/124312143_6d78688da1_z.jpg?zz=1[/img][/font][/u][/size]

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - Nearing the third year of the anniversary of the attacks, much progress has been done to clean up Winnipeg and begin the long process of reconstruction. Outlying suburbs all around Winnipeg have long been cleaned up with contractors and construction crews rebuilding areas outside of the city. Various pickup trucks and men in hard hats populated hundreds of new housing units, along with utilities crews getting initial services restored as private contractors move in to rebuild sections of the city. The sounds of jackhammers, nail guns, saws, and backhoes echoed throughout western Winnipeg as one of the areas cleaned up first.

Much of Downtown Winnipeg remains off-limits as debris removal crews continue to move debris from destroyed skyscrapers and other structures blocking many streets in the area. The legislature has agreed that two city blocks in Downtown Winnipeg would remain untouched for a memorial to the attacks on the city.

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  • 1 month later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 9

Transportation Minister Outlines National Transportation Plan

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - Transportation Minister Harold Avery spoke today of a substantial federal investment of the nation's transportation networks, reinvestment in the existing Trans-Federation Highway, a cooperative national-commercial Maglev venture, a new land link to Ellesmere Island of the second Arctic Highway, improved funding for multi-modal networks within the provinces, and expansion of ports. Minister Avery outlined the 20 year plan to a consortium of business leaders, shipping companies, local leaders and other federal governmental officials.

"As recovery from the war has eased the strain of the nation's coffers, once more we look to improve on the lifeblood of our nation's commerce, improvement of the shipment and transportation of goods and the movement of people. This seesion of the legislature, I propose to introduce introductory funding for all these projects to move the Federation forward in the mid-21st century."

Experts have estimated the various projects to cost up to $500-700 billion over the lifespan of the plan. Skeptics pointed out that money that has poured into the long recovery Winnipeg has not paid it's full dividend and that this project would continue to tax the populace more than what some of the projects are worth.

Chancellor Welks on Western Hempisphere Goodwill Tour

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - The Chancellor's plane left the new Winnipeg International Airport today to speak various nations in the Western Hemisphere on an expanded foreign affairs agenda in his first term. Improved relations with neighbors and reaffirming current relations are part of the large agenda.

"As a regional player, we continue to seek peace, prosperity and the expansion of free markets in the Western Hemisphere. The last administration did little to expand our relations to neighbors; however, understandable due to the attention of the war and the recovery of our losses. We can of this time to look outward again and pursue a peaceful agenda to the world."

Police Apprehend Suspect in Brandon in Relations to String of Murders

BRANDON, MANITOBA - Brandon police today arrested a person of interest in relations to a series of murders in Southern Manitoba. Gruesome details of the victims have been withheld as police officials in cooperation of Federation Investigative Services (FIS) launched a multi-agency task force to catch the killer.

"We have taken a suspect of immense interest to the "Plains Serial Killer" murders. I cannot say at this time the suspects official connections to the case; however, we believe this person has detailed knowledge of the person or persons responsible," stated Sheriff Tony Nehauser.

Grand Slam in 9th Seals Victory for Winnipeg Falcons Against Whitehorse Bears 11-9

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - In the opening season of the Federation Major League Baseball season began in earnest on a crisp spring day of Winnipeg's newly completed Logan Stadium as the Winnipeg Falcons took on the Whitehorse Bears as part of a 4 game series. A raucous crowd of 37,000 filled the stands as a tense game unfolded.

Bears pitcher Felix Hernandez, as well as Falcons pitcher Allen Fisher seemed rusty throughout the game as both were relieved in the 4th and 5th respectfully. Bears star hitter Jose Garcia was 2 for 4 with one HR, but the game was taken away by the Falcon's rookie David Halstrom with a significant Grand Slam in the 9th Inning sealing the Bears' fate.

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  • 1 month later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 10

Referendum on Joining the Hudson Bay Placed on Ballot


CALGARY, ALBERTA - The newly acquired areas of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia had the citizen's of the region to vote officially on joining the Federation of Provinces of Hudson Bay.  The Hudson Bay Federation Election Commission issued millions of ballots throughout the three province regions for this historic vote.  


Voter turnout appeared just above 70% of an estimated 20,000,000 voters that registered in the months leading up to the vote.  "We believe in the democratic progress of allowing the people to choose their governance," stated Vice Chancellor Edwin Mallory.


Strong voting presence in Alberta and Saskatchewan heavily favored joining the Federation at 63% and 77% respectively, while British Columbia was fairly split at a 48% in favor of joining the Federation, falling well short of the majority needed to officially join.  The HBFEC stated that a district-to-district revote would be needed to decide the fate of BC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 11

Alberta, Saskatchewan Officially Join Federation


Calgary, Alberta - Throngs of thousands crowded the provincial government building here in Calgary as a formal ceremony signified Alberta's entry as part of the federation of local governments to join under the banner of Hudson Bay.  A parade crawled down the main street of Calgary before the signing ceremony inside that thousands gathered.  Similar demonstrations played only in Edmonton, Saskatoon and other major towns in the two provinces.  



British Columbia Revote Signals Differences; Talks with Cascadia Develops


Prince George, British Columbia - HBFEC officials have finished their revote with registered voters of British Columbia citizens as the proposal to let BC join Hudson Bay failed to gain majority vote in the process.  A new ballot was issued last month and put to a vote to clarify the population's position. Election results by county revealed a strong leaning to join Cascadia in most of southern counties of Hudson Bay administered BC, as HBFEC BC Election Supervisor, Joanna Salio, stated to the press earlier, "The new election results showed that the populations in southern BC favor future administration by Cascadia rather than us; however, results around Prince George and northward showed strong numbers for Federation administered services and official province-hood. 


Franklin Townsend, Assistant Minister on North American Affairs commented for the federal government's position on the matter saying, "We've been in talks with Cascadia if this occurred and we expect Cascadia to be quite cooperative in future integration talks that have been underway for sometime.  We have allowed Cascadian personnel to aid the people of southern BC as the Western Union fell."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 12



Chancellor Welks Condemns North Korean Invasion; Disrupted Global Chain of Turnip Production


WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - The recent attacks by North Korea on Mascurian Siberia received attention of the Welks administration this morning in the weekly press conference to the nation, saying, "Some folks ask me 'Why?  Why do you care about what happens outside of the Federation?  Because there's other people out there, people.  Yes, in this very room some year ago, my secretary was an immigrant from weird place called Grossdeu, whatever, Germany.  Anyways, today's concern regards Mascurian exports of various turnip products, and the Koreans in their infinite wisdom decided to wreck global shipments of that good #$*(.  You know what, turnip vodka are fabulous and the Internets have said the war has disrupted supply, so North Korea, stop being such a hater."

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  • 2 months later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 13



Election 20XX: Foreign Minister Jordan Brady Wins with 56% of vote; Federation Progressive Democratic Party captures majority of Lower House!


WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - Former Chancellor Douglas Welks of the Federalist Party lost yesterday's election to Jordan Brady, Welk's Foreign Minister during his last term in a hard-fought campaign. The war against the PSSA swayed voters over to Minister Brady, who was more dovish to seek a peaceful resolution to the escalation of issues stemming from PSSA actions.  At the FPDP headquarters, Jordan Brady made his victory speech to his supporters in a festive environment.  "Today.  The FPDP and the citizens of the Federation have won a great victory of progress.  The citizens of this glorious Federation have spoken with one voice and have brought us to power to fulfill their wishes.  Myself and other elected party members will seek to enhance our agenda within the Federation and globally.  Remember this citizens... Canada! Jesus! Freedom!"


Political analysts were slightly confused by the last statement on Canada, but it was downplayed by FPDP officials as post-election festivities were underway and Brady wasn't one hundred percent sober at the time.  Meanwhile, the legislative elections showed a strong win for PDP members to ensure a prediction of sweeping social internal reforms for the Federation in the coming term. 



PSSA War Concludes; Federation Redeploys


ALEXANDRA, LOUISIANA - The piles of the dead Federation troops were being loaded on a cargo bay of several C-5s at Alexandra Air Base in Louisiana.  The Federation commander in Louisiana, General Charles Davids proclaimed, "The success of the defense of the CMA by an aggressive PSSA force laid out in limiting their ground offensive capabilities over the Mississippi River; however, it did not come without a cost.  The defense claimed over 25,000 Federation soldiers lives in the CMA defensive theater.  Overall, the Federation suffered losses of just over 50,000 in total as vicious fighting took place without much external assistance in the theaters we operated in."


The conclusion of the PSSA conflict has made Federation Armed Forces policymakers to make significant decreases in forces deployed in Louisiana, Cuba and Mexico, roughly a 50 to 75,000 decrease in forces deployed outside of the Federation and bring most of the soldiers home.


Thousands Travel to Persia for Socialist War!


WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - Field Marshall Triyai Triyunovich Triyunovsky's message of a glorious war of freedom of a German curtain of oppression over Europe has grown to great fervor globally as thousands worldwide took to the call of keeping the light of socialism alive in Eurasia to the embattled peoples of the Caucuses.  Several thousand volunteers originating from the Hudson Bay Federation heeded the call of volunteers and a cheerful thong of people could be seen at several airport bound for Persia.  They flew flags and chanted socialist slogans in their optimistic view of going to fight for the glorious cause. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great Northern Times

Edition 14

Federation Space Exploration Agency Launches Manned Space Flights



SV-2 - Arctic Wolf; launches from Cárdenas Space Facility on Friday


CIENFUEGOS, CUBA - Yesterday's space launch marked a milestone in Hudson Bay Federation's domestic space development programme under the supervision of the Federation Space Exploration Agency with the launch of a manned spaceflight on a new space orbiter vehicle.  "This week marks an impressive achievement in the domestic space programme with the start of regular manned space flights to advance Hudson Bay's and the world's understanding of space," remarked FSEA Director Charles Mallory, "The launch is a culmination of a decade of work to improve our technology and know-how to launch payloads into space and continued investment into the exploration of space.  We're glad to join the small community of nations leading manned space exploration for various purposes."


Under former Chancellor Douglas Welks, billions was poured into the Federation space programme after Cuba was taken under the administration of the Federation, both for civilian and military purposes.  The flight of Space Launch Vehicle Mission 001 (SLVM-001) marked a huge step in civilian development arm of the space programme.  SLVM-001 is to last four days to test out the space-worthiness of SV-2 and in essence the rest of the Space Vehicle Fleet.  Astronauts Col. Greg Hollomon, Commander; Cmdr. Caroline Ullinski, Pliot; Lt. Col. William McFlay; Mission Specialist 1; and Maj. Brian Sullivan, Mission Specialist 2, were chosen for this special mission.


500km/h Maglev Service Edmonton to Winnipeg Opens



NPM Line Maglev - Spirit of Winnipeg passing through Saskatoon yesterday


EDMONTON, ALBERTA - Throngs of people lined up here in Edmontion, Saskatoon and Winnipeg to herald the opening of the "Northern Plains Maglev Line" service between Edmonton and Winnipeg.  Federation National Maglev Administration (FNMA) and Canadian Advanced Rail Corporation [FSE-200 symbol: CARA: +3.04%] stated that the project was on-time even though it was slightly over budget by $5 billion Federation loons.  The total trip time between Edmonton and Winnipeg was just under 2 hours and 30 minutes, with just one stop in Saskatoon.  Meanwhile, construction continues to extend the line through the Rocky Mountains to Prince George and Prince Rupert.  


Two other routes in the Federation, the Polar Express Maglev Line, from Calgary to Dawson Creek via Yellowknife was nearing 50% completion while the Southern Plains Line, from Calgary to Winnipeg via Regina was 95% complete and expected test runs on the line next month.  It was hoped that the Southern Plains Line would open in three months.

Edited by Tanis777
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Great Northern Times

Edition 15


Special Report: Major Flooding in Alberta; Calgary orders 175,000 Forced Evacuations



Downtown Calgary Closed to Severe Flooding


CALGARY, ALBERTA - It has been called the worst flooding event in Calgary in over a 100 years as Provincial governor of Alberta, Timothy Yarder, called a state of emergency for every town along the Bow and Elbow River.  "This is unprecedented event for Calgary and the region.  We are seeing the Elbow River flowing over the tops of dams and downtown Calgary under several feet of water as the levee system was quickly overwhelmed to the weather system that has brought all this rain," remarked Yarder.


The Trans-Federation Highway west of Calgary is closed to traffic as the Bow River demolished the highway bridge and the frieght rail line bridge was covered by swift moving water.  Smaller towns throughout the region had local streams and rivers sweep homes and businesses away in the rapid currents.  Alberta Provincial Police stated that the flood had claimed nearly a dozen lives already.


A stationary weather system over the Rocky Mountains brought more rainfall in 48 hours than the normally arid region usually sees in a month, close to a foot of rain in some places.  The Bow River and the Elbow River spilled into five Calgary neighborhoods, forcing a shutdown of the city’s downtown.  5,000 troops from Joint Base Calgary-Edmonton were activated to assist in the evacuation efforts, while police officers from unaffected Edmonton volunteered to respond to the crisis unfolding in Southern Alberta.


The mayor of Calgary expanded the mandatory evacuation zone to nearly the entire downtown and surrounding neighborhoods to force 175,000 people from their homes and the onslaught of torrential water engulfed Calgary and towns in Southern Alberta.



Members from the 10th Light Infantry Division operating around Calgary Friday.  - AHP

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"To assist our friends in the Hudson Bay Federation, and the citizens of Calgary, the Union of South Africa pledges seventy-five million South African Rand, with approximately half the money going into direct humanitarian relief supplies. These supplies will be shipped by way of the South African Naval Auxiliary Force post haste, with some initial deliveries being made by cargo services provided by South African Airways. The rest of the funds will be released after the worst of the disaster is passed, to help restore services, improve flood control, and repair/improve vital infrastructure."


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service

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Great Northern Times

Edition 15

Port of Prince Rupert Facility Expansion Underway



Port of Prince Rupert Bulk Coal Facility


PRINCE RUPERT, YUKON PROVINCE -  The port commissioner of Prince Rupert heralded the last hurdles overcome by the latest expansion of many of the port's facilities to accommodate burgeoning trade to the East Coast of North America and to Asia.  "The EIS cleared federal authorities for the expansion of the Fairview Container Terminal from 1 million TEUs to 4 million TEUs to handle the surge in container ship capacity projected between North America and Asia in the coming decade.  Meanwhile, the Columbian Terminal Incorporated handling coal unload and loading terminal will be a fully automated facility to make the facility one of the most advanced and quickest coal movement between unit trains and ships in the world."


Great Pacific Railway announced expansion of their Prince Rupert terminals and track upgrades in the Yukon Province to speed up the transport of goods to and from the East Coast, while outlining eventual right-of-way in Faraway and American Commonwealth provide unparalleled freight rail service in North America.

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