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Mexico City
Bourbon Estates
4 Years Ago

"It's been 6 years now...8 years, and still nothing to show for it." Enrique continued to listen silenty to his son's rant. "8 years, and every moment of it wasted. Your holding me back from my destiny!" Francisco was nearly red in the face. "I was meant for more then this. You know it." Enrique finally spoke. "I'm sorry son...I'm truly sorry for failing you. When I abdicated the throne it was not meant as a snub for you." Francisco would interrupt. "No, you didn't but all the same it was." Enrique was exasperated... knowing that his son was doomed to a life of mediocrity when he had been breed for a life of more. "So you want more money?" Francisco would quickly reply. "Yes, but that is the minor aspect of what I want... I want your blessing." Enrique would smirk. "My son, if you intend to marry a women it is entirely your decision." Francisco would speak in an emotionless tone. "I intend to leave the country and start my journey on my own...I'll never be able to pursue the life I wish here." Enrique would sit quite for what seemed like an eternity before whispering back. "Your my son... you have my blessing & my love. But I beg you to reconsider."

Francisco de Bourbon would end up leaving the country he had at one point been destined to rule over later that year. With little more then 2 million in his bank account he would wander the former United States taking up an almost nomadic life style. Never flashing his wealth or his ties he would simply travel the continent to find his way through life. Eventually spending some years in Northern California where he would serve as an administrator for Ellias Group for some years as it's chief financial officer. Headquartered in San Francisco he would laugh as businessmen throughout the city would casually refer to him as the city landlord. In a sense it was true, Francisco's impressive business acumen and grooming for leadership made him a natural capitalist in the modern sense and soon enough he had the capital needed to move beyond his current venture. When Mexico annexed the rest of California he soon grew discomforted with the land around him. He could not shake the thoughts in his head... this country was meant to be his. He knew that he'd never have that opportunity ever again, his family had been replaced as the preminient leaders of the nation and while they lived a comfortable existance, Francisco desired something he'd never had before... struggle. So once again, he would depart the country with a new venture in mind... it felt nearly a lifetime ago but it was on that day he decided that he would leave his comfort zone completely.

Throughout the journey, he had kept in touch with his Father...although for a time the two had a strenious relationship they eventually reconcilled. As Francisco began his new journey he would once more call his father and inform him of his intentions. "Well dad, I'm leaving again...this time for good." Enrique would ask "Are you truly that hurt over the nation? It's prospering... one way or another my son." Francisco would continue "I would be lying if I said I wasn't, but in the same token... it is for the better. However, I want more dad... I've accomplished all I can here." Enrique would continue to talk for a few hours to his son before Francisco finally was forced to hang up as he entered the terminal of San Francisco International.

Indianapolis, Indiana
Present Day

It was 2years, 4 months, 21 days since Francisco Bourbon had arrived in the mess that was Indiana. With a divided cultural identity and no apparent organization he saw a desperate starving region with a myriad of men trying to arrain the region into some sembulence of a nation. Arriving in Indianapolis he would use his considerable personal finances to create Lilly Pharmaceuticals. Given the relative short fallings of the region his company was the sole domestic producer of medicines & vaccines within Indiana. Within a year he had nearly trippled his income as Lilly came to dominate the area in influence. But unlike most businessmen, he would not hoard his wealth. Soon Lilly would expand to a number of other venues, buying out promising companies in a variety of fields. Lilly Pharmaceuticals would soon become Lilly Group as it held centers in personal finance, bank capital, industrial capital, and research. Lilly Group would largely be credited with the rise of Indianapolis as it's massive influence and finances would create a sprawling metropolis that would eventually take over the broken region and establish itself as the governing body of the state and then becoming an independent nation once more.

With his base of power established Francisco would soon become a top advisor in the fledgling Republic. He would find himself in various senior discussions partaking in debate and offering his expert analysis on a variety of issues. Thus at the age of 33, he was considered one of the most important men in the Republic of Indanapolis. Finally, he would live in a region where he could use his talents to benefit a people, although not native to the land it became his new home. He woud come to love the people of Indanapolis and soon the region. Thus with the world around Indianapolis engulfing itself underneath the smoke of war it would alarm Francisco greatly. He knew the Republic would only last as long as the great men of the nation assisted it, building and guiding it along the proper path... with his preminient position in the state it was his responsibility to do everything he could to aid the nation.

Thus, Lilly Group began an important sub-division. Lilly Defense Tech would be birthed and with it an entire nations arms tech would soon be modernized behind their creations... with the massive resources of at the disposel of this division and a considerable budget allocated from the Republican treasury. Lilly was poised to provide some of the most impressive technological creations the world had ever seen. A black budget in excess of 10 billion dollars would be appropieted for this tech investment as the company soon imported some of the world best engineers and theoretical tech brains in the world... and among them, Francisco himself. Placing his full attention and focus on Lilly Tech he would aid in the design of a number of techs that would unbeil themselves into the production ques of the nations industry.

Francisco and his associates would be called to a meeting in the chamber senate with Legate Vincent Hawkins & senate senior leadership to discuss matters of national defense.

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Indianapolis Indiana
Lilly Tech Research Center

"It is agreed then. We must increase our defense preparedness if we are to remain a viable nation in North America." Legate Hawkins would continue. "Let's be realistic with our situation... from a geopolitical perspective the game is no different then it was when we were all at each others throats. In fact, the only thing that has changed is the fact that we are now united as a nation with common cause. Now instead of fighting each other we'll be fighting peoples from across the world." Francisco would nod alongside his peers impressed with the first meeting with the Legate before speaking. "Of course, we are all well aware of that fact... nations run like businesses in many ways. Competition is steep and there are limited resources to be fielded, usually whomever generated the most cash can triumph over her foes. In this facet, replace cash with guns & tech and the equation remains the same." Vincent would grin. "Your knowledgeble is certainly handy. But I am more interested in what all you may contribute in that avenue. We would not award Lilly Tech with such a contract if you weren't capable of deliving.

Francicso would snarkingly reply. "Obviously Vincent. I'm only trying to delay until refreshments are brought over..." The room would errupt in laughs at the brash comment. Vincent would only grin "Your confident... lets see if that translates into something more then coy remarks though." Francisco would only motion to an aide as the room darkened, blindes shuttered, and a screen appeared from an interioir wall in the conferenceroom. Francisco would begin his presentation. "We will be unveiling our exclusive inventory first and foremost... this is what we're currently designing and have prototype models created that will be unveiled for your pleasure at the end of the days events."

First would be the Aerial Packages...containing the current 5.5gen craft; F22 Raptor & F35 Lightning. Additionally would be the revelaing of Bu-160 for bomber productions. All of these craft would begin immediate production. There was a charge in the air, as Francisco unveiled the creme of the crop productions. The Gen 6.0 craft. LF-77 King Eagle & LF-66 Blackjack. Next came the new line of strategic bomber craft the LF-55 Universal. Then the final treat, UAV & UCAV. LF-80 Wasp & the LF-88 Ant. The presentation would continue for another hour or so go over technical specifications and listing preliminary assets. By that evening the meeting had shifted from the presentation center to a classified location where the first prototype gen 6 craft would be unveiled. By the end of the night as the meeting began winding down drinks would be had courtesy of Lilly Group. Legate Vincent would place his hand over Francisco's shoulder and mutter "I'm impressed." Francisco would only smirk. "Obviously Vincent... now wait until I show what's lined up for tomorrow."

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Lilly Tech Research Group
Day 2

The day would begin much like the previous one with a variety of events planned in the weapons tech showing by Lilly tech. Vincent wold be escorted to and from each venue with Francisco personally escorting him around the facility. Initially the discourse between the two was marked with some mental skirmishes... as they both would try and figure out the angles and validity of the things being presented to them by both sides. Their relationship would ulimately be more then just a personal one, it would be the single bond that held the Republic from being annexed by stronger powers in the region. As the two continued on in their company it became evident to them both the vital importance such meetings would have today, tomorrow, and as long as the Republic drew breath. It became evident that Lilly Group & the Republic of Indianapolis would rise or fall together.

As the two approached the presentation center once more Francisco would pause and lead Vincent to a place beside his own. A small gesture indicating his personal affection of the man he would be building weapons for and ultimately being paid from the treasury he wielded. Francisco would begin "While air superiority may be the name of the game in the modern arena of combat. We would be fools to discredit or ignore the importance of ground forces...I can assure you while nations invest in other avenues of battle we shall not neglect the most numerous weapon platform we posess. The common man." Lights would flash as a projection was bought up on screen with a infantry man standing in a magnificant uniform of body armor with the codename "Aegis". In the infrantryman's hands was a LI-22 assault rifle of impressive remake of the widely modled SCAR type. As it continued on a series of other equipment would be displayed in the small arms field as the weapons of the modern Republic was unvieled for the first time. "We've got 1000 production models already produced and will gift them to the Republic. While the rest could begin production as soon as the funds have been acquired by our holdings." Vincent was shocked by this... he had been under the impression that everything displayed was to be of conceptual design. Before he could speak his mind Francisco would continue. "But wait... there's more. Now I've got to show you the line of combat vehicles we're producing. Unfortunately, these are still in conceptual phases, but we estimate we'll have a full scale production of them within 2 years if funding is appropriate. We'll show off the test models after dinner tonight." As the screen once more flickered to a display of the M1-Basileus MBT an impressive design sporting a myriad of advanced defense tech. Shortly followed by the rest of the infantry mechanized vehicles. After which the group would be ushered to the test field once more whereupon they gained a first glance at the impressive capabilities of these models.

As the nights events finished and Vincent and his entourage of Senior Republican commanders left to their quarters Vincent would call them into his room to discuss the days events and a summary of a new course of action. As it stood, this would be the final night for the showing of such technologies and a decision to purchase or pass would have to be made then and there otherwise as Francisco noted at the start of the meeting if a deal would not be made. "We'll be forced to sell elsewhere. Lilly Tech will only entertain exclusive deals with nations, no proprietary tech will be seld elsewhere currently." With that in mind the officials and Vincent would discuss...it was nearly pointless. Nobody objected to anything shown an offer would be made to Lilly Tech in order to provide the exclusive contracting rights to Republican Defense Affairs.

Simultaneously, Lilly Group would conduct a meeting with their board of directors via teleconference with Francisco Bourbon leading it. "How'd it go Frank?" said Vice President Allen Williams, who'd been appointed in his role while Francisco took personal direction of the defense aspect of the company. "As expected, they tried to feign disinterest at first...but by the end of the night their eyes and awes spoke more words then needed to be heard. I expect them to offer us quite a substantial amount by the end of tomorrows final meeting." The rest of the board would simply nod in approval. As Francisco would continue for sometime with general discussion held along a number of issues. After an hour or so the teleconference would end and a personal discussion between Francisco and Allen would be held.
"How are we looking?"
"We're golden...massive growth on nearly all accounts."
"Good good. This will no doubt be a bolster to our quarterly."
"Definitely Frank...but why not sell to other countries? We'll make exponentially more by opeaning it up to the global market..you know other nations are always looking to buy."
"It's simple really Allen... this venture isn't motivated by profit. We're trying to keep Indianapolis afloat for now. Once that is accomplished we'll have a country indebted to us. Ponder that for a moment."
"What makes you so keen to believe they'll value your ideas? It's just a business deal."
"Your sorely mistaken. It's an investment...and by the end of it I'll own them whether they realize it or not."
The conversation would end shortly after and Francisco would rest before ending the remaining days affairs in preperation for tomorrow's final meeting.

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Lilly Group Central
Indianapolis Indiana

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep* the sound of Francisco's alarm clock broke the silence of peace brought by sleep. It was the morning of Lilly Groups most momentous occasion; a moment crafted by his own hands. As the architect of the companies creation and the prime mind behind the innovations being crafted by her research department he was a man of immense talent. Yet even on this day he could not help but feel some aprehensions...while he was supremely confident a deal would be etched in ink by the nights end he still had his butterflies. As he began the day in the same routine he'd always been accustomed too. Stepping into the kitchen and crafting himself an omellete & bacon, just as his mother had taught him when he was a boy. As he ate his food solemnly composing his plans of action he thought to himself. "Now to see if I can deliver the coup de grace and seal this deal." As he finished his meal he stepped into the restroom and took a quick shower before dressing into a nicely tailored pin-stripe suit. "One cannot step into war without his armor." In Francisco's mind a business room was no different then a field of battle, or a game of chess. There were pieces to be moved, observations to be made, feints to counteract, and ambushes to set. Over the past two days Francisco had gone about setting the pieces for the field of play and now the hour was ripe for his final move to be made. "Checkmate." he muttered as he looked himself in the mirror.

Hours later the meeting would begin...an intimate small setting without the mass of men that had previously viewed the room. Pre-set conditions had been made that the final business deal would be conducted between the two men central to the deal. Francisco Bourbon & Legate Vincent Hawkins. As per Legate Hawkins personal request the two would be alloted 1 hour and 40 minutes to iron out the final details of the arrangement stating "If this isn't enough time, then this partnership will not be in our interests." Legate Hawkins was a man of few words, preffering actions over debate and more often then not having his way with lesser men. But Francisco was different...the two had their skirmishes throughout the meeting. Exchanging intellectual shots at one another; probing and proding for weaknesses and traits that could be exploited. Both men were of a calculating and coordinated nature. Thus with the days main bout finally begining it would be an interesting discussion between the two... even with his plans to accept a contract he was determined to probe a bit more. Always analysing for weaknesses Vincent would not satisfy Francisco with a quick decision nor a contract worth billions of Republican dollars.

Entering the sound-proof conference room Vincent would take a seat directly adjacent from Francisco. Francisco would greet Vincent as he entered the room rising from his seat and embracing Legate Hawkins hand in a firm grasp. He would then speak.
"Shall we begin"
"Not a man to mince words?"
"I find my words are precious and need not be wasted with idle chatter."
"I envy that. I am a man forced to engage in false pleasantries with old men who's opinions I value less then most."
With an air of sarcasm in his voice Vincent would respond "How chilling. Please tell me more."
Francisco would only nod and laugh. "Well done." sliding a series of documents over to Vincent.
"I don't know where you do business but it's usually customary for the party sitting in my position to make an initial offer..."
Francisco would not acknowledge the statement. "Just read it."
Vincent would ponder the meaning of the document. "Is this some sort of joke? An error perhaps?"
Francisco would calmly retort. "I have never made an error before. Nor am I one for foolsplay."
Vincent would sit quietly...entirely confused. Alarmed at the fact he had been disarmed so easily and more importantly being toyed with by an exceedingly potent mind.
Francisco would break the silence. "Vincent please, your dissapointing me. It's really quite obvious."
Vincent continued to stare at the bottom of the document...everything else was in order. A blank acquistions form where he could input the amount of units he needed per each item...but the bottom where the final total would be held contained something peculiar. A slash in deep black ink. He thought to himself "This certainly cannot be..."
Francisco would finally outright entail the meaning. "Simply put, name your orders and you'll receive them free of charge...the expression on your face demands an answer as to why. I'll oblige your request. I intend to help build this nation alongside you, consider me a voice in your air and a guiding hand at your back. Years ago I was bred to lead a nation and had it robbed from my hands by my fathers own foresight. I have built up a resource base in Indianapolis and now I shall empower you to build us an Empire."
Vincent would listen keenly, unsure if he could trust the words coming out of Francisco's mouth. It was true that he was at one point a Prince of New Spain & heir to the throne...but his family dissolved its monarchy and he himself disavowed his status in the royal line. But in the days leading to their fateful encounter he had gained a good idea of when Francisco was being serious and when he was joing around. This was no joke.
Francisco would continue. "I understand this may seem infeasible and outlandish. But I assure you it is all within my capabilities and well within my rights to conduct."
Vincent would finally speak. "With your support, I will carve out a nation fit for us... but I warn you. Do not slight me."
Francisco simply nodded and smiled. "Of course...there is but one thing. The terms of our agreement must remain our secret. You are to never reveal the contents of our arangement nor the reasons why I have done this. Outside of this meeting we will not speak to one another face to face for sometime given we are both busy men. But I want your solemn oath that you will keep me in the loop regarding major decisions and likewise I will provide you with the same information Lilly gathers."
Vincent would stand up and extend his own hand to shake Francisco's; just as Francisco had done earlier...signfying the equality the two would share but for a moment. "That is agreeable. You have my oath."
Francisco would shake Vincents hand and give him a small cellular device. "This has been encoded to work only for you on a secure line. It can contact me from any location at any moment in time...one last thing. I'll have the first units of the order up within three months. I'll have the full order completed within the next two years. I swear it."

With that in mind the meeting would be adjorned and the two would step out of the conference room to an entourage of officials from both camps waiting in the wakes. They would both conjure up stories of how stubborn the other would be in negotiations while offering no details of the arrangement...mearly acknowledging that one was in place... As Francisco lead his aides into the conference room he would issue orders to Lilly Tech for production to begin full scale immediately. Given the relative confidence Francisco had in the arrangement he had already begun allocations the necessary technical designers, materials and manpower needed to begin full scale production within the month. It was his flourishing move...

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Somewhere over New York State

The G-650 seemed to buckled over a stretch of airspace as the captain on board would announce on the intercom system "This is your captain speaking we're about 75 miles away from the destination. We're hitting a small stretch of turbulence. Nothing to worry about. Over." Vincent would only look out the window to the ground below... as the waters of the great lakes grew further and further away...he was entranced by the clouds beside and scenary below.

"Vincent." A voice shouted to him from the room.
"Huh?" His gaze transfixed on the voice from the backroom.
"Come with me to the discussion center...it it time we discuss things." Francisco would arise and reveal himself as the speaker as he lead Vincent Hawkins into the planes small office space. "Please, take a seat."

"Last time we spoke I elluded to my plans for our new venture without properly proclaiming the details or reasons why...allow me to be concrete with you now. We are headed to New York State, specifically Albany. Months ago, I had authorized a black-budget venture to create a new division of Lilly Group there... except this wasn't a conventional business expansion or office building. Rather, it was to be the spark of our revolution."

"For months and months our profits were being stored from our Indianapolis gains with this goal in mind. We knew Indianapolis would never be a stable state... even if we had our hopes. It isn't a slight to your leadership but rather a simple deduction based on history. A populace cannot be ruled where disunity rears its head. Thus the factionalism that the cities displayed would have brought it all down eventually. So we sought to make our profits and prepare our eventual escape to more stable pastures."

"Which is why we selected New York state. A region of land that has seen it's populace held in esteem as the vaunted capital of Pravus Ingruo. Additionally serving as a capital of commerce and the world in large under the visage of the previous United States of America eons ago." Francisco would pause before opening a briefcase pulling out a map of New York State.

"As you can see, Albany is and remains a strategically vital part of the state given it's centralized position in the state. It provides a means to the greater part of the state and its most strategically valuable assets. In short, all roads lead to Albany...at least where New York state is concerned. Thus, our plane is headed to our private airstrep located within the Lilly compound we constructed in the outskirts of the city. People have not had any idea what the facilities purpose is, many of the natives speculating that it is some sort of factory facility... they are completely unware of it's contents."

"You likely noted the broadcast orginating from New York City of the apparent "Founders" who have proclaimed a reborn United States of America...we had previously heard rumors of the group but never did we take their presence as a real threat. They represent a small niche of people who seem bent on rebuilding the United States. It is... idealistic to a fault and flies in the face of what the Empire previously stood. Simply put, don't be alarmed by these extremists." Vincent would smile and nod at the remark. "But they are there nontheless... what shall be done?"

Francisco would grin before bringing up a screen on his nearby LCD display. "You see, the Albany facility was a large HQ building fit for an army. An army, paid and provided for from all the corners of the world... armed and equipped with the armaments we'd developed for our use. The same weapons and armaments being geared for the Republic were also being used for our consumption. In a sense, you could say we were building our own army in conjunction with the Republic. Except, we gave you the scraps of while we kept the premium product. For months we would import " foreign labor" to help in the construction of the facility...when in reality we we're flying in wholesale mercenary fighting groups from the various defunct armies of the world...former members of the Empires own army itself were counted in large part among them." Francisco would continue his grin. "You see... this was a masterstroke planned ahead of time."

The G-650 would roar again as the plane quaked from a violent burst of turbulence... seconds later the captain would speak once more. "We are now descending to the lz sir." Francisco would simply look to Vincent before finishing. "Buckle up my friend, we have much work ahead of us in the coming days..."

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Francisco and the members of his inner circle would be referred to as the "Command Committee" within the newly restructed Lilly Group. For all intents and purposes they were the the leadership and most experienced minds inside of Lilly Group and the now defunct Republic of Indianapolis. As they set foot within the facility work would begin immediately as the men of Lilly set forth on their task. To win over the state of New York and to finally build a nation of their own. A meeting of the Command Comitte was called into action within a hours of their initial landing as they went about setting their goals for the task at hand.

"Gentlemen, this is where our revolution begins. Look around at the faces gathered around us here... we are the nucleus of this idea. An idea that has long since been dormant in the former United States. The idea that a state and a business can be fused into one symbiotic entity. Not since Sostra Holdings built up Sri-Lanka and later Ceylon has the world seen a nation operate with this flawless relationship."

"One mearly need to read history and learn that this model of governence is superior to most. Sostra presided over some of the worlds most innovative developments in our century and lead the once poor and defunct areas of the world into a period of prosperity and affulence that has yet to be rivaled. Simply put gentlemen, Lilly Group should take up this mantle and build up so that one day we may become the model of this modern fusion of industry and innovation."

Francisco would pull out a document and place it on the long-table. "Entailed within is the founding document of a restructed organization...into a corporate state. I have taken the time to draft a statement to the world at large. Expousing our principles, ideals, and intent. With your approval I will release the statement within the hour."

"We came here to build a country gentlemen...let us begin the deed." With those closing remarks the Command Committee would begin putting their plans into action.

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