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Tibus Heth

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[b]ELECTIONS![/b] Elections have come to the new twin-state region, as voters flock to polling places to cast their votes for the government of the new Weimar Republic. Many different political parties have been vying for control of hte public's opinion, and there are several candidates running for the office of President. Slated to last for two days, the newly created Supreme Court is also up for election as well, with all justices elected to life terms according to a constitution being voted upon as well.

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With many precincts closed, the majority of citizens in the Republic have elected the Deutsche Demokratische Partei to a majority of seats. With 62% of the vote, Maximilian Vern will head the new government of the Weimar Republic. Opposition in the unicameral legislature will be lead by Joseph Wirth and Ruth Baders of the Deutsche Volkspartei and Centrist Parties. Roughly 31% of the Reichstag's seats were awarded to them in the elections, with the remaining 7% being distributed to the Deutsche Staatspartei. The total number of seats stands at 115.

Max Vern issued a statement today, thanking the constituents, and also added,

[quote]I want to thank everyone for their support, and their hard work. The german population, as well as the dutch population in the twin states has strived for integration and cultural exchange with the americans of the heartland. We feel that as a political party, the Deutsche Demokratische Partei represents the very best of the immigrant community, and the great american community. We know that together, we can achieve anything we put our minds and bodies to. With that in mind, let us work together to achieve something great. Something that our children, and their children can be proud of. Thank you.[/quote]

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