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The following diplomatic dispatch was diplomatically dispatched to the Umbrella Commonwealth.

[quote]To: HIH Alice Wesker, Empress of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella
From: Isabel Vieira, Premier of the Republica do Pará

I wish to extend an invitation to representatives of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella to the city of Amazônia to discuss the possibility of trade agreements and, perhaps, a Non-Aggression Pact to solidify a growing period of South American peace and co-prosperity. Hopefully, this meeting can be one more step towards continental cooperation and goodwill.


Isabel Vieira[/quote]

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[quote][b]Private Response[/b]

I would be delighted to attend a meeting with you Miss Vieira.

HIH Alice Wesker[/quote]

Alice boarded her private plane and made her way to Para. On landing, she travelled straight to the meeting and waited for it to begin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Straight to the point and no nonsense--Isabel was pleased with how quickly the meeting got straight to the heart of the matter. Upon the swift arrival of the Empress of Umbrella in Amazônia, the two leaders met within a secure, private conference room, and the meeting was underway.

"To cut straight to the heart of the matter," Isabel was saying as the meeting proceeded. "I believe it would be in the good interests of the Commonwealth, Pará, and the continent as a whole for our two nations to examine the possibility of trade agreements and a Non-Aggression Pact. Lest it seem symbolic or sentimental, I do believe that such an agreement, besides cementing trade relations and diplomatic goodwill between our nations, would signal further progress in the course of a South America united in peace and cooperation. Is this agreeable to you?"

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1338934373' post='2977858']
Straight to the point and no nonsense--Isabel was pleased with how quickly the meeting got straight to the heart of the matter. Upon the swift arrival of the Empress of Umbrella in Amazônia, the two leaders met within a secure, private conference room, and the meeting was underway.

"To cut straight to the heart of the matter," Isabel was saying as the meeting proceeded. "I believe it would be in the good interests of the Commonwealth, Pará, and the continent as a whole for our two nations to examine the possibility of trade agreements and a Non-Aggression Pact. Lest it seem symbolic or sentimental, I do believe that such an agreement, besides cementing trade relations and diplomatic goodwill between our nations, would signal further progress in the course of a South America united in peace and cooperation. Is this agreeable to you?"

"I have no problem with opening the Imperial markets to Para's investors and traders Miss Vieira. A NAP is also agreeable. You will be aware that I have lead several wars in the South of the Continent to remove unstable and oppressive regimes which were a threat to the Continent. Since then, South America has been a beacon of stability. I have no problems with keeping it that way."

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  • 1 month later...

Isabel nodded as Wesker spoke. "It seems now, however," she noted as an aside. "South America is home only to Umbrella, to Edean, and to Pará*." Whilst her tone was as cordial as ever, Isabel could not ward off discomfort whenever she came close to mentioning that Umbrella now dominated very nearly the entirety of South America--she remembered only all too well what had come about the last time a nation had spanned from coast to coast, from the Panama Canal to the Southernmost tip of Cape Horn. Perhaps her misgivings were well-placed, but they were not, she felt, unwarranted.

"That aside, however..." the Paráense premier set that line of thought aside and forged onwards. "Should you require an official document of this agreement, I will produce one momentarily..." And in short notice, she had the document, detailing the tenets discussed, from non-aggression to steps taken to encourage trade and open markets--and then Isabel herself, upon ensuring that all was in order with the document, printed her own signature at the bottom of the paper.

*OOC: Assume this takes place before Shammy and Mael got their land for purposes of continuity. It was only Umbrella, Edean, and Pará when I looked at the map at the time :v

Edited by dotCom
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