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Athens - Oceanesia Diplomacy


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[i][color="#696969"]OOC: Closed to myself and Cent + generally private and classified

[u][b]Message from the Federal Government of the United States of Oceanesia to Whom it may concern in the Government of the Athenian Federation[/b][/u]

The United States of Oceanesia would like to conduct diplomatic talks with the Athenian Federation primarily concerning our neutrality in regards to the armed conflicts of the world but also other diplomatic discussions including the possibility of signing a free trade pact in the hope of building lasting bonds of friendship between our two nations.

If you would state whether you'd prefer to have the meeting hosted in Oceanesia or in the Athenian Federation we can then either make the necessary arrangements or send a representative of our government depending on which nation you would like to meeting to take place.

Most sincerely,
[i]Ishara Iskandar[/i]
President of the Intercontinental Congress of the United States of Oceanesia

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[quote]President Iskandar,

The Athenian Federation would be delighted to hear out your ideas and work towards a more stable world. Due to different factors however we can not spare a proper official to travel to Oceania at this time. As such we would like to invite you to the Imperial Palace in Rome to meet with the Emperor of the Western Athenian Federation.

Jean-Luc Picard, Magistrate of Foreign Affairs.[/quote]

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[u]To: Jean-Luc Picard, Magistrate of Foreign Affairs - Athenian Federation[/u]

We thank you for your invitation - I will be having the honour of representing the USO for this meeting. I look forward to meeting His Imperial Highness - please convey my best regards to the Emperor of Western Athenian Federation.

I look forward to fruitful discussions - I hope that this meeting will begin the establishment of respect for Oceanesia's pacifism and neutral status, and additionally also be the beginning of a strong new relationship with another sovereign power.

[i]Julia Manuel[/i]
Vice President of the Intercontinental Congress of the United States of Oceanesia (and Delegate for Timor-Leste)


Soon after the message was sent, the Vice President would board an Air New Zealand plane bound for Rome. A few hours later the plane would enter Athenian airspace and ask for landing directions.

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OOC: I'll skip the pleasantries :P


After the drive from the Airport to Caserta the Vice President would arrive at the gardens of the Imperial Palace and not much later the palace itself. Once there she would be escorted to the throne room where the Emperor was waiting.

"Vice President, it is a pleasure to receive you."

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OOC: Yes, lets do this fast, I'll be all tied up in a day or two. By the way, the Vice President is a she. :P

"The pleasure is all mine your highness" Vice President Julia Manuel would reply, with a curtsey, continuing:

"If I may - we could begin the discussion on the main objective of my visit here... our proposals concerning my country's neutrality and additionally, if the Athenian Federation looks upon it kindly, the signing of a free trade pact, and other agreements to bring our two nations closer together..."

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OOC: Guess I deserve it for reading a post half :P


Valerio nodded "In this world neutrality is an unique thing." He said "I believe it is something that deserves preservation. The Athenian Federation will recognize your neutrality. We are also open to trade agreements as we currently lack a proper market in Oceania for our products."

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"On behalf of all Oceanesians I thank you for recognition of our neutrality - indeed, not only are we neutral, we are also a pacifist nation - we hope that one day eternal peace will prevail on Earth. And we are also quite pleased that you approve of the proposed trade agreements" replied Vice President Julia Manuel.

OOC: [s]I must be going now (explains the short post) - I'll try writing a more substantial post tomorrow so we can get through this a little faster. :P[/s] [Edit 3: Well, looks like it'll have to be the weekend, I'm really busy now. -.-]
+ would you like to draft a treaty for the proceedings or shall I?

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Vice President Julia Manuel pulled out a prepared document from her suitcase:

[font="Arial Black"][b][center][size="4"]Treaty of Friendship[/size][/font][/center]
[center][size="3"]between the[/size][/b][/center]
[size="5"][b][center]Athenian Federation [size="3"]and the[/size] United States of Oceanesia[/center][/b][/size]
[i][center]Done in the City of Rome - 4th March 2012 (Auckland time)[/center][/i]

[u]Section I: Recognition of Neutrality[/u]

The Athenian Federation recognizes, and pledges to respect, the neutrality of the United States of Oceanesia in regards to the armed conflicts of the World, as well the the USO's pacifism.
In regards to the neutrality of the USO, this section is applied so as long as the USO has no conflicting treaties - in which case the USO shall block passage through its land territory, airspace, and waters, to any military transport of any belligerent nation involved in the armed conflict in question - but the USO shall continue to allow passage to all civilian transports of any belligerent nation including medical aid to military personnel. The USO shall have the right to ensure that the civilian transports are not carrying any articles which may be used in armed warfare.

[u]Section II: Non-Agression[/u]

Both signatories recognize the sovereignty of their counter-signatory and pledge strict non-interference in the affairs of the other. Both signatories pledge abstinence from any and all forms of aggression and interference which would be directed at the other.

[u]Section III: Free Trade[/u]

Both signatories agrees to a bilateral policy of free trade and economic cooperation. Pursuant to this objective, both agree to abolish all tariffs and trade restrictions levied against their counter-signatory.

[u]Section IV: Optional Assistance[/u]

Both signatories reserve the right to offer voluntary military and/or economic assistance to one another should the need arise and a request by the counter-signatory is made. While providing assistance is not required, it is highly encouraged.

[u]Section V: Cooperation[/u]

Both signatories pledge to strive to cooperate with each other in any manner proposed by either signatory to build bonds between the two nations.

[u]Section VI: Withdrawl[/u]

i) Either signatory may opt to withdraw from this pact at any time by notifying the counter-signatory. Upon notification the pact will remain in effect for a period no less than 47 hours.

ii) In the event that a signatory violates sections I, II, or III, this pact may be immediately voided by the offended party.

[b]For the United States of Oceanesia:[/b]

[i]Julia Manuel[/i], Vice President of the Intercontinental Congress of the USO

[b]For the Athenian Federation:[/b]

[i]---[/i] ---


"Would the Athenian Federation be agreeable to this treaty, your highness?" asked the Vice President.

[i]OOC:[/i] Edit: Spelling, fixes

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"I find this treaty to be nothing but profitable to both our states."

[code]His Imperial Highness Valerio Moretti of Bourbon, [i]Emperor of the Western Athenian Federation, Lord Protector of the Delian League, Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Forces, Hero of the revolution.[/i] [/code]

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[font="Arial Black"][b][center][size="4"]Treaty of Friendship[/size][/font][/center]
[center][size="3"]between the[/size][/b][/center]
[size="5"][b][center]Athenian Federation [size="3"]and the[/size] United States of Oceanesia[/center][/b][/size]
[i][center]Done in the City of Rome - 5th March 2012 (Auckland time)[/center][/i]

[u]Section I: Recognition of Neutrality[/u]

The Athenian Federation recognizes, and pledges to respect, the neutrality of the United States of Oceanesia in regards to the armed conflicts of the World, as well the the USO's pacifism.
In regards to the neutrality of the USO, this section is applied so as long as the USO has no conflicting treaties - in which case the USO shall block passage through its land territory, airspace, and waters, to any military transport of any belligerent nation involved in the armed conflict in question - but the USO shall continue to allow passage to all civilian transports of any belligerent nation including medical aid to military personnel. The USO shall have the right to ensure that the civilian transports are not carrying any articles which may be used in armed warfare.

[u]Section II: Non-Agression[/u]

Both signatories recognize the sovereignty of their counter-signatory and pledge strict non-interference in the affairs of the other. Both signatories pledge abstinence from any and all forms of aggression and interference which would be directed at the other.

[u]Section III: Free Trade[/u]

Both signatories agrees to a bilateral policy of free trade and economic cooperation. Pursuant to this objective, both agree to abolish all tariffs and trade restrictions levied against their counter-signatory.

[u]Section IV: Optional Assistance[/u]

Both signatories reserve the right to offer voluntary military and/or economic assistance to one another should the need arise and a request by the counter-signatory is made. While providing assistance is not required, it is highly encouraged.

[u]Section V: Cooperation[/u]

Both signatories pledge to strive to cooperate with each other in any manner proposed by either signatory to build bonds between the two nations.

[u]Section VI: Withdrawl[/u]

i) Either signatory may opt to withdraw from this pact at any time by notifying the counter-signatory. Upon notification the pact will remain in effect for a period no less than 47 hours.

ii) In the event that a signatory violates sections I, II, or III, this pact may be immediately voided by the offended party.

[b]For the United States of Oceanesia:[/b]

Julia Manuel, [i]Vice President of the Intercontinental Congress of the USO[/i]

[b]For the Athenian Federation:[/b]

His Imperial Highness Valerio Moretti of Bourbon, [i]Emperor of the Western Athenian Federation, Lord Protector of the Delian League, Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Forces, Hero of the revolution.[/i]



"I believe then, we have successfully concluded our deliberations. I look forward to further cooperation between our two nations" Vice President Julia Manuel concluded.

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