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To the Shores of the Indian


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[quote][b]To: Tanzanian Foreign Ministry
From: Union of Sweden - Commission of International Affairs and Trade

Subj: Formalizing Foreign Relations[/b]


It has come to the attention that the Tanzanian Federation is an emerging state in Africa, and given Sweden's lack of markets in the region, we would like to discuss the possibility of formalizing a diplomatic relationship between Sweden and Tanzania. We would like to request to dispatch a delegation to the Tanzania to discuss this endeavor, and possibly find a diplomatic accord between our nation.

These talks would discuss both possibilities of economic, as well as defense relationships between our two respective nations.

[i]Best Regards,

Karl Reinfeldt
Commissioner of International Affairs and Trade[/i][/quote]

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[b]To: Union of Sweden - Commission of International Affairs and Trade
From: Tanzanian Foreign Ministry[/b]

[i]We would be very happy to formally forge ties with your nation. We are willing to discuss both military and economic agreements and we would like to find markets for our agricultural exports.

President Jalawa Nikayo himself will receive your delegation at the Presidential Palace in our capital Dar es Salaam. We look forward to your visit.

Best Regards,

Francis Gabansda
Tanzania Minister for Foreign Affairs [/i]


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Despite being the Commissioner of International Affairs and Trade, Karl Reinfeldt was still adjusting to his new post, as one of the junior members of the Swedish High Commission. To stiffen the experience level of the delegation that was dispatched to Tanzania, Deputy Commissioner of Defense Angelika Oppenheimer would be sent with Reinfeldt on the diplomatic mission. Oppenheimer was a bit older than Reinfeldt, and had been part of the Swedish Armed Forces' Joint Liaison Team, that coordinated operations with allies and military partners of Sweden. With experience from dealing with the Commune of France, as well as being part of the Swedish Expeditionary Force that had been dispatched to Central Asia during the war with the Kingdom of Cochin, she was used to formal talks with high-ranking officials of other nations.

The delegation would arrive at Julius Nyerere International the evening before the talks began, to give the delegation a little bit of time to decompress and review information on Tanzania before proceeding to the Presidential Palace late the next morning. The two delegates would have a handful of aides and delegates, but required little in the way of any more security, being transported to the presidential palace via a duo of Volvo sedans provided by the Swedish Consulate in Dar es Salaam. As the cars made their way into the city, Oppenheimer would be looking at Reinfeldt, who was looking over reports, seeming a little uneasy.

"You look a little unwell this morning, Karl," she commented, lightly, the older woman saying it nonchalantly as she looked out the window at the passing skyline.

"A little," nodded Reinfeldt, speaking quietly, as he looked up. The Swedish commissioner would take a swig of water from a bottle, and clear his throat, shifting stiffly in his seat, as Oppenheimer just looked back at him.

"You nervous?"

"I'm just, used to my desk job back at European Affairs, is all," nodded Reinfeldt, who was one of the best bureau chiefs that the Swedish International Affairs and Trade Commission had, before being promoted. He wasn't so much a ambassador, as he was an academic, a good analyst who was shy but very astute, and very attentive to detail. He was still maturing when it came to the more demanding tasks of being the Commissioner, such as hosting events, he was a fine public speaker, it was directly greeting people that could make the young foreign commissioner a little nervous.

Oppenheimer just smiled thoughtfully, and looked out the window again, as they approached the Presidential Palace...

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The Swedish Delegation would be met by an honour guard of Tanzanian Soldiers, with their AKMs at present arms. Also present were the Tanzania News Network cameras and many photographers to capture the momentous occasion of the first foreign visit to the Tanzania Federation.

Inside President Nikayo was waiting. As they were led towards him, a big smile was on his face and he held his hand out to Karl Reinfeldt and said "Welcome to the Tanzania Federation. I hope that you had a pleasant trip. How did you find the welcome? I apologise about the reporters and TV cameras, although this is a great occasion."

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Oppenheimer and Reinfeldt would both thank the Honor Guards' commanding officer for their show of respect, before proceeding inside the Presidential Palace to be greeted by the Tanzanian President. Reinfeldt appeared steady despite the TV Cameras and News Reporters, and smiled warmly when Nikayo addressed them, "It is a pleasure to meet you President Nikayo, this is Swedish Deputy Commissioner of Defense Angelika Oppenheimer." Reinfeldt would introduce Oppenheimer, whilst shaking his hand firmly, Oppenheimer repeating the process.

"Thank you for welcoming us to your nation, Mr. President, its an honor to be here," she nodded, before adding, "I think the hype of our welcome is most interesting."

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President Nikayo laughed. "Please, come this way." He led them to a fairly large room where a table and three chairs had been set for them. He waited for them to sit down before he would sit. He then cut straight to the point. "I have high hopes for your visit here and i hope both our nations will forge a strong friendship. So, what would you like to discuss?"

Edited by Curristan
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Oppenheimer and Reinfeldt would sit themselves down, Oppenheimer pouring herself a glass of water while Reinfeldt started, "As does the Swedish nation, Mr. President, as Sweden has an increasing interest in economic affairs about the globe, we're always trying to find new markets to access, as well as find trade partners that will export to our nation. Sweden's growing population, as well as exports economy needs imports, as well as always another place to export to. We were hoping to secure a market in Africa, and we were hoping to also have a place to invest in, and with Tanzania a developing nation, we felt it would be good to secure a trade agreement with Tanzania."

"And possible a defense agreement as well, it's always good to have strategic partners in this world," nodded Oppenheimer, as she sat back in her chair, relaxed, and clasped her hands in her lap. "We would be willing to engage in training exercises with Tanzania's military, establishing a military liaison program with your own forces, in exchange for the ability to utilize air and naval bases in your nation."

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President Nikayo nodded. "We would most definitely be willing to trade with Sweden. We would also in turn invest in the Swedish Economy as you invest in ours. We would also welcome a defence agreement as we are currently without any allies."

"We would allow you to use Rushungi Naval Base to refuel your vessels and it also has an air base that we are currently building for long range naval aircraft. I am also open to a possible military exercise so we can test our equipment as we are currently in a massive modernisation programme. We are also about to launch a civilian modernisation plan as our infrastructure needs upgrading."

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"Of course, we welcome financial investment in Sweden's economy, of course, I'm sure you have your own domestic investments to look to first, but in the long run, I'm sure I could see Tanzania putting a good balance of investment into the Swedish economy. We are principally interesting in Tanzania's mineral and agricultural resources, and we'd certainly like to have products and resources from your nation imported to Sweden," nodded Reinfeldt. "We could also encourage private investment to help finance your infrastructure upgrades, if you would like, it would certainly benefit both of our nations in the long run."

Oppenheimer nodded at the offer of using Rushungi's growing port and air facilities, "I'm sure that would be sufficient, having another port in the Eastern Indian is certainly a plus for our nation, we are always looking for strategic bases. Any long-standing military liaison programs would be based out of our embassy, we were not counting on basing large numbers of troops here permanently."

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"The Tanzanian Economy is a fledgling economy and it is growing. Swedish investment would definitely increase the speed of its growth. We are willing to transport the minerals and agricultural products that you require through the port facilities at Dar es Salaam if you are willing to send ships to collect from there."

"We would welcome foreign investment as long as it doesn't take jobs from the Tanzanian people. Also i am willing to offer to have your embassy modernised and upgraded to more staff can reside there, in honour of our agreements. That offer is on the table."

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"Well, our investment would not come at a price of jobs, it would help finance these projects, ultimately it would give your country more capital to work with in modernizing its infrastructure," stated Reinfeldt, as he sipped his own glass of water he had poured while the President spoke. "It would be a great honor to have our embassy modernized and expanded by your own government for ours, and I appreciate that offer." He looked over at Oppenheimer, who nodded at him.

"I believe that everything that is on the table now is perfectly acceptable to our goals, as well," she said, with a smile. She quickly added, "And I'm sure that our international logistics corporations wouldn't mind picking up the resources and goods in Dar es Salaam."

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"I believe that this framework would be sufficient for both our parties," nodded Reinfeldt, producing a handheld computer tablet, and inputting a few things, before handing it over to the Tanzanian President.

[i]Under the pretext of friendship and mutual understanding, the governments of the Union of Sweden and the Tanzanian, hereafter known as the "contract parties" in good faith, do ascertain, by signatures of their governments, that they shall accede to the following Articles.[/i]

[b]Article I. “Statement of Neutrality”[/b]

Section 1: The governments of both contract parties of this document shall maintain a state of peaceful relations between one another, and shall not engage in any behavior with one another, or in the company of a third party that will lead to aggression.

[b]Article II. “On Common Interests[/b]

Section 1: The governments of both contract parties shall maintain close contact with one another, to ensure smooth relations and to keep the other party appraised of any common threats or conflicts that may arise.

[b]Article III. “On Conflicting Interests”
Section 1: The governments of both contract parties shall, should either find themselves at conflicting interests with one another, work through diplomatic channels, and if necessary joint arbitrary committees, to ensure peaceful resolution of said conflicting interests.

[b]Article IV. “On Mutual Defense”
Section 1: The governments of both contract parties agree to that if one or the other is engaged by a third party in an act of belligerence, the other is mutually responsible to respond with appropriate force to protect the other.

Section 2: The governments of both contract parties shall work together to maintain the readiness and effectiveness of each other’s armed forces. This proviso includes, but is not limited to; preferential defense contracts, training and technical assistance, joint military exercises, and stationing of one another’s troops within the boundaries of each other’s territories.

[b]Article V. “On Trade and Economic Assistance”
Section 1: The governments of both contract parties shall work with one another to lower trade tariffs and encourage private trade and capital to flow freely between each nation, including preferential trade for the others signatories' government.



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President Nikayo studied it for a few minutes before replying "Yes we will definitely sign this treaty." He then adds the Tanzanian signatures:


[b]For the Tanzania Federation:[/b]

President Jalawa Nikayo

Tanzanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Francis Gabansda


President Nikayo hands the tablet back. I thank you for allowing us to cement ties with your nation through this agreement."

Edited by Curristan
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Reinfeldt would add his own signature to the document;

[quote][b]For the Union of Sweden[/b]

[i]Karl Reinfeldt
Commissioner of International Affairs and Trade[/i][/quote]

"Thank you, Mr. President, for coming to terms with us, I'm sure this is just the beginning of a solid friendship between our two nations," said Reinfeldt, with a smile, offering a handshake.

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