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The U.N.S.C. Recruit Depot


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[url="http://halonations.com"][color="#556B2F"][b]Enlist Now![/b][/color][/url] | [color="#0000FF"][b]#unsc on colfront irc[/b][/color]

[color="#FF0000"][b]Occasionally, the perfect combination of desire, determination, skill, and mettle come together to forge something truly special. When this happens, legend is born.
That time is now. Welcome to the UNSC.[/b][/color]


For both new nations and established nations interested in joining a new alliance, the UNSC is a blue-sphere alliance based on the popular Halo gaming series and modeled after the UNSC Marines. The UNSC exemplifies honor, courage, respect, and the brotherhood that binds her members. Our Officers have worked painstakingly to create an alliance that is not only true in virtue, but loyal to it's theme and it's members. We also recognize that our members want to contribute to the alliance and enjoy being a part of all we have to offer. There is a variety of ways you can participate:

[*][b]OCISP Staff[/b] - Plan monthly contests and activities!

[*][b]Merit Committee[/b] - Maintain and issue awards/merit ribbons

[*][b]Artisan[/b] - Join the team to help create our awe-inspiring graphics, signatures, avatars, announcement banners, and more!

[*][b]Journalist[/b] - Contribute articles for the U.N.S.C. newsletter, [i]PRESSCORPS[/i].

[*][b]Wiki Coordinator[/b] - Keep the U.N.S.C. up to date with weekly contributions, updates, and articles in the U.N.S.C. wikia page for Cyber Nations.

[*][b]Instructor[/b] - Mentor our new recruits and ensure they hit the ground [i]feet first[/i]!

[*][b]Company Commander[/b] - Head up a Company in the pride of the Corps, the U.N.S.C. Marines!

[*][b]Tech Officer[/b] - We have already established constant tech buyers. Sign on as a Tech Officer and coordinate the flow to keep our nations growing!

[*][b]Resource Officer[/b] - We ensure all of our nations are locked into long term trade circles for maximum growth potential. Contribute to the effort as a Resource Officer!

[*][b]Finance Officer[/b] - Banking, organizing aid in peace and war time is vital to the success of our nations. As a Finance Officer, you'll ensure our Marines are always prepared!

[*][b]Recruitment Officer[/b] - The core of our alliance's success is it's members. Earn your merit ribbons as a Recruitment Officer!

[*][b]Diplomat[/b] - Diplomats represent everything the U.N.S.C. stands for. If you're personable, active, and want to help establish our foothold in the world, then Diplomat is your call to duty![/list]

[b]We're always scouting talent to join HIGHCOM, our upper government tier, as well. In HIGHCOM, you can serve as a Division Commander or Division Executive Officer in one of four different Divisions.[/b]


[center]There's much more to the UNSC. You can be a part of it by enlisting today. [i][b]Have you got what it takes?[/b][/i]


[i]irc:[/i] [b]#unsc (on coldfront)[/b]

[i]wiki:[/i] [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/UNSC_Alliance"][b]UNSC Alliance[/b][/url]

[i]Team Color:[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]Blue[/b][/color]

[i]Pacts:[/i] [b]U.N.S.C.-Deinos Protectorate (Tinytowne Accords)[/b]



[size="4"][color="#556B2F"][b]HIGHCOM (High Command)[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Commander-in Chief[/b] - Zhaan, General of the U.N.S.C.

[b]Executive Officer of the U.N.S.C.[/b] - [i]vacant[/i]

[b]PERSCOM (Personnel Command) Commander[/b] - [i]vacant[/i]

[b]UNICOM (Unified Command) Commander[/b] - Augustus Autumn, Colonel

[b]LOGCOM (Logistics Command) Commander[/b] - bd428, Colonel

[b]ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) Commander[/b] - [i]vacant[/i]

[color="#000080"][i][b]Current Membership - 22[/b][/i][/color][/center]


[size="1"]Disclaimer: The UNSC is a Blue sphere alliance. Nations with existing trade circles may remain on their current team. New nations are required to change their team color to Blue. The U.N.S.C. is protected by Deinos.
Official Halo names and images are properties trademarked by Microsoft Studios, 343 Industries. The UNSC of Cyber Nations is in no way licensed or endorsed by Microsoft or it's affiliates.
We rock.[/size][/center]

Edited by Zhaan
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Soldier! What are you waiting for? Do you have no pride in yourself? Do you have no respect for your current alliance? Do you have no alliance to be proud of? WELL? Here at UNSC, we can give you something to be proud of while allowing you to be proud of something that you help form into what it is. There's so much more that we can offer, but first you MUST enlist. Well, soldier, are you a number or a MAN?

Or, you know, maybe you're a woman, hey, we have no problem with that. Just... didn't fit as well in my speech.

So join today! Any man, woman, or number! To us you're a person. And a soldier.

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[quote name='elkanah bent' timestamp='1327304985' post='2905379']
Atten-TION! No, sorry, I just wanted some. Oh, also, you should really join this alliance. It's fun and really helps you grow. These guys have more contacts than Hoffa! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Don't worry, this guy won't actually be one of the ones leading you. He's just there to keep things from getting calm. Really. He's like DeeDee from Dexter's Lab, without him there's still some excitement, but not as much.

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[quote name='Alexander the 5th' timestamp='1327461159' post='2906386']
Bump, from your aliies at TAE :)

Thank you for that! Also, we've just rolled out the Member of the Month program! The first winner will be announced on or around February 1st. This is an honor for anyone who earns it and all it takes is activity and participation. Join us and be recognized!

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The U.N.S.C. isn't for everyone, but if you think you've got what it takes to belong to an organized outfit that prides itself on honor, integrity, loyalty, and discipline, then you need look no further. The Corps is waiting for YOU.

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Well, accidental second post. Not an accidental alliance. One filled with purpose and pride. It has drive, passion and a quality of member that exceeds the average. Think you have what it takes? Have the drive to make yourself have what it takes? Join today. You'll be glad you did.

Edited by elkanah bent
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As a noob to the CN challenges. I am saying that this Alliance has helped me greatly, and still does every day. So if you feel as if you have no where to turn......Join the Core of the U.N.S.C. They will give advice, and direction, and show you how to succeed, not to mention the whole making new friends thing that is going on here. Can't wait to see you, and watch you bloom into a great nation!

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