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The German Empire

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The German Empire is a growing, historically themed alliance residing on the black trading sphere. If you're looking for an alliance that encourages the values of respect, honor and self reliance, than I strongly encourage you to look at what we have to offer. The German Empire can provide stability and safety from rogue attacks and defense during wartime, and we also provide economic assistance through tech deals and trade circles for developing nations.

If you are interested in learning more about The German Empire, you can visit us at our official forums: http://thegermanempire.eu/

[i]Flag of The German Empire[/i]

[i]The Reichsadler[/i]

Part I -- Proclamation[/b][/size]

"A government must not waver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward."[/i]
[b]- Otto von Bismarck[/b]

The German Empire, founded on the principles of monarchy, national unity and order, hereby sets forth these beliefs in the form of this Constitution. It is the duty of the people of the German Empire to maintain and protect the Constitution, although we recognize that it may be necessary to modify it from time to time and after due consideration, in order to maintain it as a living reflection of the life and needs of the Empire.

The German Empire is a constitutional monarchy, with the German Emperor as the Head of State. The Reichstag represents all citizens of the German Empire, while the Imperial Chancellor and Ministries are represented and presided over by the German Emperor in the form of the Prussian House of Lords.

[size="4"][b]Part II -- Immigration Policies[/b][/size]

[b]Section 1 -- Imperial Citizenship[/b]

Any sovereign state wishing to join the German Empire must fulfill certain requirements to determine eligibility for entry into the German Empire. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, a general reference and background check, enumeration of previous alliances, and an overall assessment of maturity, dedication and loyalty. Once the sovereign state becomes a citizen of the German Empire, such a citizen may not join or apply to join any other alliance, unless that citizen officially resigns from the German Empire.
Section 2 -- Resignation[/b]

A citizen of the German Empire may at any time resign from the German Empire by providing due notification in public or in private, and all outstanding debts to the German Empire are settled. Once the citizen in question completes these steps, the citizen must remove "The German Empire" from his nation's alliance affiliation.

[size="4"][b]Part III -- The Imperial German Government[/b][/size]

[b]Section 1 -- The German Emperor[/b]

The German Emperor is the Head of State of the German Empire, and is responsible for directing the Imperial German Government. The German Emperor serves for life, or until he abdicates the Imperial Crown of his own volition. He also holds the power to veto all legislation and appointments in the Imperial German Government. In all affairs involving the German Empire, the German Emperor holds the final authority. The German Emperor can give vote priority to any legislation appointed by any member of the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords, to which the German Emperor can add or modify prioritized bills at his discretion, but only before the approval of the bill.

The Imperial Ministers serve at the German Emperor's leisure, and no government official may resign or be removed from his position without the Emperor's consent.

If at any point the German Emperor is unable to perform his duties, he may allow the Imperial Chancellor to assume his powers and duties, which shall be relinquished upon the Emperor's return.

[b]Section 2 -- Martial Law[/b]

Should the security of the German Empire warrant, the German Emperor may declare martial law with the consent of a simple majority of the Reichstag and a simple majority of the Prussian House of Lords. Under Martial Law, the German Emperor may take actions, create laws or issue Imperial Decrees regarding any sector of the German Empire at his sole discretion without the consent of the Reichstag or the Prussian House of Lords. Martial Law may be terminated by Imperial Decree or by a simple majority vote of the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords. This vote may be introduced in either house upon motion by any member of these legislative chambers.
Section 3 -- The Imperial Chancellor[/b]

The Imperial Chancellor is responsible for overseeing the everyday affairs of the German Empire, heading the Imperial German Government, representing the German Empire abroad in international affairs. The Imperial Chancellor is appointed by, and serves at the sole discretion of, the German Emperor.

A special session of the House of Lords may propose the Imperial Chancellor's removal from his position, with the final approval of the German Emperor, regardless if he is active or inactive during the vote, to which the Imperial Vice-Chancellor may act as a mediator if needed.

[b]Section 4 -- The Imperial Chancellor's Duties[/b]

The Imperial Chancellor:
Has the power to veto legislation and appointments.
Has the power to expel any citizen, deny immigration applications, subject to the German Emperor's consent.
Has the final word on all day-to-day matters within the German Empire. The German Emperor may overrule if needed.
Can nominate the Imperial Ministers to be voted on by the Reichstag.
Manages all elections and votes within the German Empire, and may move to dissolve the current Reichstag with the approval of the German Emperor and the Prussian House of Lords.
Oversees the day-to-day functions of the German Empire.
Casts votes as necessary to break tie votes in the Reichstag.
Can, at the request of the Emperor, dissolve the Reichstag in case of inactivity and call a new election for Reichstag Deputies.

[b]Section 5 -- Imperial Vice-Chancellor[/b]

The Imperial Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Imperial Chancellor from the elected Reichstag Deputies, subject to the consent of the German Emperor. The Imperial Vice-Chancellor may be dismissed and replaced by another Reichstag Deputy at any given time, except when the Imperial Vice-Chancellor acts as a mediator or channel between the Prussian House of Lords and the German Emperor in the case of the removal of the Imperial Chancellor. The Imperial Vice-Chancellor may assume the duties of the Imperial Chancellor if the Imperial Chancellor is not present.

Preside over the Reichstag.
Fill in as the Imperial Chancellor if the Imperial Chancellor is absent.
Organize and maintain the order and coherence of the Reichstag.
Act as Imperial Representative of the Reichstag in the Prussian House of Lords.
Submits detailed reports of the acts of the Reichstag to the German Emperor, Imperial Chancellor, or directly to the German people, as requested.
Section 7 -- Imperial Ministers[/b]

The Imperial Ministers of the Imperial German Government are as follows:

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of State Affairs
Minister of War

The German Emperor, or the Imperial Chancellor with the former's consent, may create a ministry if deemed necessary at any given time. The Imperial Ministers can be appointed by the German Emperor or Imperial Chancellor, and must be approved by all parties, including the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Lords with a simple majority vote of each . No Imperial Minister can be dismissed without the approval of the German Emperor.

Section 8 - Duties of Imperial Ministers[/b]

The Minister of State Affairs is the department of the Imperial German Government tasked with the recruitment and retainment of members as well as ensuring the maintanence of the law of the German Empire as well as ensuring a safe working environment within the Empire.

The Minister of War is responsible for all of the military aspects of the German Empire. The Minister of War exercises authority over all matters related to the military and, with the aid of his officers, manages, organizes, and directs the Reichswehr, the Medizinisches Korps, and any other subgroup of the Imperial German Military.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for maintaining and building bonds across Planet Bob as well as training and electing diplomats to serve as ambassadors to foreign alliances across the globe. Acts as the first point of contact for alliances wishing to bridge relations with the German Empire.

[size="4"][b]Part IV -- The Reichstag and The Prussian House of Lords[/b][/size]

[b]Section 1 -- The Reichstag and Reichstag Deputies[/b]

The Reichstag is the voice of the people of the German Empire. Elections of the Reichstag Imperial Deputies by suffrage of citizens of the German Empire will take place each year on:

February 25th
April 25th
June 25th
August 25th
October 25th
December 25th

The term of the Reichstag Deputies begins on the first of the new month following the election. The Reichstag votes on legislation for the Imperial Government of the German Empire. All bills passed by the Reichstag must be signed by the German Emperor and Imperial Chancellor within the period of ten days or they are considered void and vetoed. The number of representatives in the Reichstag, otherwise known as Reichstag Deputies, is dictated by the German Emperor, and can only be changed every two months. In the event of dissolution of the Reichstag, new elections shall take place two days before the end of the month, and Reichstag Deputies announced on the first day of the new month.

To be eligible for the position of Reichstag Deputy, citizens must announce their candidacy at least 24 hours prior to the election. Candidates cannot currently hold the position of German Emperor, Chancellor or Vice Chancellor, Imperial Minister or Field Marshal. The candidates must have served the German Empire for a period of two weeks prior to election day; this clause can be waived with a letter of recommendation from the German Emperor or Imperial Chancellor. The letter of recommendation must cite exact reasons for the waiver.

In the event that a member of the Reichstag is removed or resigns, the Reichstag is required to announce the open position for a period of 48 hours, during which citizens may publicly announce their intent to be considered. At the end of this period, the Reichstag will appoint a replacement deputy with a majority vote and the approval of the German Emperor. The Reichstag must appoint a new deputy within a period of no greater then five days from the resignation or removal of said named deputy.

The citizens of the German Empire have the full right to propose ideas which can be passed forward to the Reichstag. In order for a proposed idea to be brought forward to the Reichstag, the proposed idea must be forwarded to an existing Reichstag deputy. The Reichstag then votes on the proposed Bill, needing a majority vote, then it will be forwarded to the German Emperor who can either approve or veto it.

[b]Section 2 -- The Prussian House of Lords and its Representatives[/b]

The Prussian House of Lords is comprised of the following: The German Emperor, Imperial Chancellor, Imperial Vice-Chancellor, Imperial Ministers, Imperial High Judge, and two citizens of high regard who have been ennobled by the German Emperor. Membership for current Imperial Ministers, the Imperial High Judge and the Imperial Vice Chancellor is automatic. Citizens who are in good standing with the German Empire can be nominated for appointment by the Emperor and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Reichstag. There can be no more than two such Imperial Citizens appointed to the House at any given time. Appointment to the Prussian House of Lords is in effect until resignation or removal.

Members of the Prussian House of Lords may be removed by the Emperor with the approval of a majority vote of the Reichstag. Removal is automatic when such member is removed from his current position. Members may at any time resign from the Prussian House of Lords, however if said member is appointed to the House by virtue of position within the Imperial German Government, he/she then also resigns from said position.

[size="4"][b]Part V -- The Imperial German Military[/b][/size]

[b]Section 1 -- Citizens' Duty to Serve[/b]

Every German citizen is subject to military duty, and in the discharge of this duty no substitute can be accepted. The total land force of the German Empire shall form one Army, which, in war and in peace, shall be under the ultimate command of the German Emperor.

[b]Section 2 -- Maintenance of the Military[/b]

The German Army shall consist of five Army Groups, each under the command of a Field Marshal. It shall be the duty and the right of the German Emperor and the Minister of War to take care that, throughout the German Army, all Imperial Divisions are to be kept full and well equipped, and that unity be established and maintained in regard to organization and formation, equipment, and command in the training of the men, as well as in the qualification of the officers. For these purposes the German Emperor shall be authorized to satisfy himself at any time of the condition of the several Imperial Divisions, and to provide remedies for existing defects. The German Emperor shall have the right to designate garrisons within the German Empire, as also to call any portion of the Army into active service.

The Imperial German Military exists to support the German Empire and the German Emperor and will act only in the best interests of the German Empire. If at any time, it appears that they are acting outside these strict guidelines, an immediate inquiry can be called by the Reichstag.

Any major actions on the part of the military will be taken with the consent of the German Emperor. The Minister of War is owed no personal loyalty, save as head of the military chain of command. Neither he, nor his officers are allowed to coerce, threaten or demand anything of the general membership unless the German Empire itself is under threat.

[b]Section 3 - Command Structure of the Military[/b]

All German troops are bound implicitly to obey the orders of the German Emperor. The German Emperor has the right to appoint officers, however it is the prerogative of the Minister of War to assign military positions as he deems fit based on his observation of the individual officers’ competence, activity and devotion to duty. At any time, members of the military are subject to replacement at the request of the German Emperor.

If the Minister of War is absent, the Deputy Minister of War shall take over such duties as assigned, but if the Deputy Minister of War acts outside the terms of his post, the Reichstag shall intervene and approach the standing Minister of War for clarification. The Reichstag has the power to veto any action of the Deputy Minister of War.

The Minister of War can be asked to stand down if more than five standing or reserve officers petition for his removal. Upon such petition, the Minister of War will be required to submit his resignation to the German Emperor and await His decision.
Section 4 - Court Martial of the German Empire[/b]

The Court Martial of the German Empire shall comprise all current Field Marshals and shall be presided over by the Minister of War, who will be the final arbiter of this body. This Court shall be responsible for discipline for insubordination, absence without leave, refusal to fight, unauthorized attacks, or any infraction of military rules or orders. The Court Martial will have the discretionary power to issue and order any sentence it deems appropriate, including suspension from the military and suspension from aid and trades or a sentence of "Ghost" status. Any sentence of the Court Martial that would result in attacks against an citizen of the German Empire must be approved by both the German Emperor and a majority of the Reichstag.

Section 5 - Nuclear First Strike Policy[/b]

The German Empire denounces offensive nuclear strikes. Should the German Empire become engaged in a non-conventional war, the German Emperor may grant by written approval the right to a nuclear strike against an aggressor and his affiliated alliance as a whole. Written consent must cite specific reasons for defensive response. The German Empire will consider all nuclear nations of the affiliated alliance as imminent threats.

[b]Section 6 - Declarations of War[/b]

An enactment of martial law notwithstanding, a simple majority vote of the Reichstag accompanied by approval of the German Emperor and the Imperial Chancellor are required to authorize acts of war against an alliance of any size. The Minister of War may submit a request for declaration of war by written proposal, such proposal citing a specific casus belli. The Declaration of War will be effective upon public announcement by the German Emperor, which announcement must cite a specific casus belli.

Individual wars are to be approved by the Minister of War, or in his absence, the Deputy Minister of War, the German Emperor or the Imperial Chancellor. Written approval for any individual war is necessary; any member state of the German Empire engaging in acts of war absent written approval will be considered a rogue and will face punitive actions. In the case of individual war it is not necessary to cite a specific casus belli.

[b]Section 7 - Zero Infrastructure[/b]

The German Empire reserves the right to use Zero Infrastructure as a judicial penalty, civil or military, and during time of war against enemy nations. The foregoing includes simple Zero Infrastructure, i.e,. a single occurrence of Zero Infrastructure, or as a judicial penalty only, Permanent Zero Infrastructure ("PZI"), which can recur as long as an individual has a specific nation. The German Empire hereby renounces the practice of Eternal Zero Infrastructure (“EZI”).

[size="4"][b]Part VI -- Amendments to the Constitution[/b][/size]

Amendments of the Constitution shall be made by the Reichstag if there is a two-thirds vote in favor thereof, as well as approval of the German Emperor and a simple majority of the Prussian House of Lords.[/quote][/center]

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German lyrics Approximate translation
First stanza

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
|: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt! :|

Germany, Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When, for protection and defence, it always
takes a brotherly stand together.
From the Meuse to the Memel,
From the Adige to the Belt,
|: Germany, Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world! :|
Second stanza

Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Und zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
|: Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang! :|

German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song
Shall retain in the world
Their old beautiful chime
And inspire us to noble deeds
During all of our life.
|: German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song! :|
Third stanza
(Germany's current National Anthem)

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
|: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland! :|

Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland!
For these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of fortune;
|: Flourish in this fortune's blessing,
Flourish, German fatherland! :|

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The German Empire, is growing each and every day, and like many others before you with the desire to see their homeland reestablished, Will YOU TOO ANSWER THE FATHERLAND'S CALL ?


Edited by President Orff
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Looking for a home ? A place where you can get involved and feel you can be apart of ? The German Empire is that place, we have over 31 Nations, and just reached the 500K NS Mark today. We are a fast, growing and developing alliance, filled with a wonderful community of members ! Come post an application today, at http://thegermanempire.eu/ and become apart of something great !

Gott Mit Uns !

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