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Drago Musevini

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Posts posted by Drago Musevini

  1. The more i think about it the angrier i get, you say norse and nazis have nothing to do with each others, and then you begin to heil, why is there even heiling? its only called that in German as far as i know. Hil dig din lort

    Then I suggest you expand your knowledge.

    The term is norse to the bone; varieties include old norse hagl, old english hægl, old german hagal (there is a rune with the same name), old saxon hagal, old frisian heil etc. A common norse expression was heil ok sæl! (health and happiness!) - even today heard in some rural districts in Scandinavia.

  2. The term Nazi is derived from the first two syllables of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the official German language name of the National Socialist German Workers Party (commonly known in English as the Nazi Party). Party members rarely referred to themselves as Nazis, and instead used the official term, Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists). Nazi was a pejorative term used by opponents of the movement, especially in southern Germany. The word mirrors the term Sozi, a common and slightly derogatory term for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands). When Adolf Hitler took power, the use of the term Nazi almost disappeared from Germany, although it was still used by opponents in Austria.

    Thus Spoke Wikipedia

    Seen any sozis lately?

    edit: correction

  3. (...) "The Black Book of Communism", an analysis so terrible two of the authors writing the book wanted their names taken off the finished project because it was a crappy analysis written by someone with an ideological ax to grind, someone determined to get as large a number as possible with no regard for accuracy.

    OOC: Well, the two authors in question (Nicolas Werth and Jean-Louis Margolin) scaled the number down to 65-93 million lives instead of 100.

  4. Nationalism on the level of racial patriotism or superiority is synonymous with racism. If you believe that one race is better than another in any way, then you are racist. Even "pride in ones own race", that's racism.

    Do you acknowledge that there exsists differences betweeen various races?

    One should ask: better in what? Inferior in comparison with what? These are relative terms. The masai would most likely be better at basketball than the pygmies.

    OOC: As for OP: Yes, National Socialism could be considered a form of valid government and it does not have to be based on extreme bigotry (some try to show the usefulness of the term, like the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party, though I bet they don't win any awards for PR-strategy) but more often than not you will be associated with one of the most hated regimes (the NSDAP) in modern history.

    If this come as a surprise to you, well, get some education.

    edit: typos

  5. The odal symbol in itself is not offending, but when put on a flag you immediately are associated with extremist organisations which exist already. I see it as a sacrifice that NoV can choose to make, to make an end to all suspicions about their alleged nazism.

    OOC for the 1st and last time: That kind of thinking and you may as well ban the whole Futhark by some twisted guilty-by-association logic. You are aware that the current German army (Bundeswehr) uses the odal rune as military insignia? (and those germans are banning even anti-nazi symbols if they depict some sort of taboo even it it is a taboo getting downthrodden by boots.) And you are aware that the odal is commonly used without any national socialist connotation?

    Islamic cresents, christian crosses, communist sickles and swastikas mean murder and death to millions of people but banning their usage is something I consider utter totalitarian, even if the nazi taboo may stand out in the western hemisphere as something extra-taboo because of some culturally induced bias.

    Making symbols taboo does not fight nazism, that notion is a mere mind mirage devoid of practical consequence. Are there any less neo-nazis in Germany than in countries where nazi-symbols are allowed?

    Also consider this is a game where people don't mind bombing countries into oblivion and where militaristic fetishes flourish among a broad variety of oligarchs, sovereign emperors and what we in RL would consider tyrants. In an IC context it is quite amusing to observe ruteless warmongers ranting on about racism between their nuclear strikes.

    edited: spelling, typos

  6. Somewhat amusing to see an leftist-communist alliance with a national-bolshevist flag (that bird with tools).

    An interesting analysis though, as I think it demonstrates that achieving revolution and achieving democracy are mutually exclusive.

    Of course the dream of a society devoid of class still remains an utopia as it is counter-productive to coordination, organization and effective implementation of the means that are to bring about such a change.

    In order to create revolution you need hierarchy.

    Quite a paradox.

    edit: typos, clarification of meaning

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