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evil uncle tom

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Posts posted by evil uncle tom

  1. I need tech. I will pay 3 million per 50 tech, but you have to have 2 slots. 1 slot to recieve the money and 1 slot to send it as soon as you accept the aid. I will do this long term, short term whatever. The two slots now, is no different than waiting 10 days, and you are getting double the going rate.

    If your in a war, sorry, we can deal later.

    PM in game.

  2. IMHO, FAN deserves peace.

    Yes, I was in FAN, and the guys are a great bunch of gun nuts. I was around when FAN was growing, yes FAN liked war, hence playing a game where war is a option. FAN was much like the trunk monkey, hey, attack this guy. Everyone has a different story and point of view on how things turned on FAN. I was in the war during the supposedly NAAC secret pact. I fought many NAAC nations that where fun. I never knew of a secret peace treaty.

    I was never aware of NoV being a protectorate either. During the attack, is when I was told they where. FAN may not have had the best diplomacy in the game,( it is still a game right?), but they played it well.

    I left the alliance as R/L called. I came back and was sitting in peace mode, I was attacked by a Molon Labe rogue nation and even nuked. Did I get any help from my protectors, no, I did not. I resigned from the alliance, so I could fight back. I have not returned since. Molon did help and I rebuilt.

    TOP accepted me and has been a great home. With all the hard feelings and the drama I might be at risk of getting attacked because I spoke my mind. So, I think we all need to go on. If FAN in others opion are not threats, or cowards,etc why keep them down? No alliance in this game would still be together if they faced the odds that FAN has faced. Those that say come out of peace mode, only want to continue the beat down, IMHO.

    Many other alliances had CB for the war, spied ,etc. They got peace.

    So, I guess I am trying to say the people of my nation wish to see a free FAN that has the chance to grow and rebuild without having 5-50 times the NS declaring on them for whatever reason.

    My statement does not speak for my alliance in any way.

  3. I think the game would be more fun, if FAN got peace. I mean being able to come out of peace mode and not be attacked. Allowed to rebuild. If a FAN member or two messed up, private channels or here on the forums, settle it, without killing the entire alliance.

    Was diplomacy a strong point of FAN, not when I was there. Hell I even tried my hand at Congress, that was not fun. But, was the game more fun, YES. Has the game became stagnant, YES. If FAN is so beaten and not a threat, let them off, see what happens. Could FAN ever topple the powers that be, I doubt it.

    Egos and hard feelings are always going to be part of this game. Put them aside, it is only pixels, and enjoy the fun.

    The above statement in no way are the views of my alliance,BTW, I am speaking just as a person who is getting a little bored with the game.

  4. I agree, I may try it myself next edition.

    I never really gave TE much thought. Now I am on my second time around. I have to say I thought TE was supposed to be a more aggresive version. The ability to war is why I play this. One cannot simply cannot fight and have fun at the level I am at in CN.

    As to the alliance I am in, well.. war is fun. I am having fun fighting, my oppents are turtling though. So, what I am saying I guess is, I think TE is really being over dramatized. It's only pixels and lets have fun. :P

  5. Many have left because the game has gotten boring. I mean no more FAN,\M/,Genmay,etc. When I say no more I mean tech raids, wars,drama, and lulz. Now, wars are a one way stomping for 1 or 2 small alliances compared to the odds they face.

    The game was fun when there was not 1 block of power that owned the game. And yes I know I am in that bloc, I am just saying all the wars,drama,raids made the game more fun back then.

    In NO WAY do I speak for TOP, but FAN getting peace might spice things up a little. And its not like FAN could hurt our bloc. Wars are always fun.

  6. IF FAN did get/ take peace terms, and where not attacked as soon as they came out of peace, and given a chance, the game would be more interesting. Would they grow quickly,surely. Would others be waiting for an excuse to declare again, sure.

    But the game was more fun back when FAN was at it's peak.

  7. I have been on yellow since joining CN. I was part of FAN, since then I moved on. Yellow is my home, FAN does not egg my house,pee in my yard,etc. The "yellow hood" is relatively quiet. I enjoy my home color and I am too lazy to fool with trades.

    Even if the efforts fail, I wish anyone trying to actually keep yellow the way it has been for over 2 years luck.

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