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About bateristo

  • Birthday 10/17/1987

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  • Interests
    Drums, Church, Computers, Outdoors, Friends
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  • Nation Name
  • Alliance Name
    The Phoenix Federation
  • Resource 1
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. true... but it only reduces that by 3%... i guess it just depends on what you're switching it with... everything else that reduces infra upkeep (all 3 of them) reduce it by more... so, if you didn't have construction, or iron, or lumber (and especially if iron or lumber were the only resource you needed to complete construction) then it'd be more worth it to get those! as always, math wins! go with what the numbers say (which may be different in different cases)
  2. well aren't YOU friendly? what's your NS?
  3. that's true, BUT, the cost of nukes, even doubled, is a fixed amount... the benefits based on population keeps growing the more citizens you have.
  4. not neccessarily... maybe it's 'worth' it as far as money goes, but it's 'more efficient' as far as time and hassle go... plus finding the trade (which i'm sure would be terribly hard! jk) you asked if it was worth it, not if you should or should not.
  5. hahaha... yeah, i saw that in your thread. lol
  6. yeah, i had thought about leap year... but idk why i went dyslexic there... thanks!
  7. ok, so, on my 'view my nation' page, ( http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=145397 ) it tells me my nation is 326 days old... which is 30 days from 356, which is a year, right? well, i was pondering the question: does the anniversary hit when i get to 356 days old, or when it's the same day of the year as my creation date? and then as i was looking, i realized that the creation date listed is actually 40 days away... how in the world does that make sense? that means, my nation was created june 13th last year, and this year on june 13th, my nation will be 366 days old??? what? can anyone explain this to me?
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