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Posts posted by Flonker

  1. We could debate this until the cows come home, and it's getting a bit boring really. But from my point of view, NPO get declared on by two alliances with whom The Legion hold an MDoAP. Then a 'rogue' Legion declaration shows up on NPO's war screen.


    Most alliances worth their salt would wake up and smell the coffee that there is a Legion member who is a bit trigger happy here, and has jumped the gun. The moment for action is then, when NPO should have seen the obvious that we were going to enter in support of NpO and Sparta, and most alliances would have declared on their new potential enemy before they declare on you.


    But instead it has the blind stupidity to send someone over to ask "Hi guys is this a rogue, or are you going to declare war on us later".


    Duh? If anyone thought they would get an honest answer to such a stupid question, then they don't have the brains they were born with.


    So yes, The Legion did 'get away with it' all day. Had you cared enough to do anything about it, then yes you could have, but instead the great military strategists of NPO decided to do nothing when the obvious was staring them in the face. And we in The Legion, along with most casual observers think that's pretty funny really. Maybe NPO just don't get our humour?

    Yeah, Panc, it was pretty damned funny alright.  Qaz screwed up.  And came home covered in glory.

  2. The entire problem with BCs was that I have no idea who you are.  If anyone had been active or given a damn I, the MoFA, wouldn't have been left in control of the AA for almost a week on the eve of the most obvious war imaginable.

    Alliances are tools on the global scale, I use BCs unconventionally toward a specific end.  You all didn't understand it and were more interested in your inactive pixels than in the big picture so you blew the whole thing and got yourselves the real war I was keeping you out of, then you vilified me even more. 


    And in answer to your question, yes it was in fact brilliant & arcane, and beautiful & vicious and that is exactly why a fake war started by a nobody troll using a no-name 30-nation inactive AA 5 years ago is still debated.  And so, except for the fallout which I regret but which was your own fault, I do remember it so fondly. 

    Two schemers, Zzzptm and me, with a common goal, swept up in the power politics of distant NPO and GATO, playthings to our aloof allies, said "no" reached across the aisle, and took control of our own affairs. 



    Oh, balls, MCRABT.  Whyyyyyy would you join NG?

    Yah, that WAS fun, Schatt.


    I kinda miss the old days...

  3. That's not why made the decisions I did, but who am I to know?


    Sure, let's stay on topic. It's laughable for you to insult Sparta's war history when you got defeated by the alliance known for being poor fighters. Is that fair?

    The real kicker is, they had HELP and still couldn't pull off a win.

  4. Let's not mince words. Legion showed up. NG? Eh, not so much.

    Maybe they'll straggle into range of the guns sometime after lunch? The after-action report on the beginnings of this global war will be an interesting read, if anyone cares to compile it.

    And above, an NPO member complaining about someone misleading them. Boo-hoo-hoo. This is Advanced Placement Cyber Nations, not the remedial course. If you aren't lying, you aren't trying. Ask your own leadership. They'd likely agree with me - especially when war is on the line.

    WHO IS THAT GOAT-LEGGED MAN?????  I like the cut of his jib!


    Good to see ya again, ES.

  5. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1344065918' post='3018408']
    I agree with you, obsessing over the past is ridiculous. I for one am sick of people claiming they deserve respect for their part in things like Vox. As far as I'm concerned, the only one who can still claim credit for that and be respected in the least is Schatt, and that's because he's freaking Schatt. Not trying to inflate his ego or anything, but he's Schatt.

    If you'd prefer a legitimate discussion without you making irrational, childish and downright retarded assumptions, I'm game.
    All I can add to this is, [b]SHATT HAPPENS![/b] He was a bud & an ally back in the day, and still amusing to read today.

    FWIW, I had problems with GATO's attitude pre-viceroyship. Seems most of the powers-that-were are gone now, so no beef no more. Haven't lost a moments' sleep over it since forever. <shrug>

  6. [quote name='Carson' timestamp='1344091697' post='3018459']
    yah, they were so good that i sent them to the Olympics, and other teams started throwing matches to avoid facing them ha

    and i'll def stop by...i'll bring some rum so we can make some banana daiquiris as well as partake in your banana vodka...
    Hope they get gold, they were that good. I hadda shoot off what, a 6-pack to get 1 through?

    Daiquiris sounds like serious plan, comrade. Drinks on me.

  7. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1344059445' post='3018378']
    Careful on the booze, your crotchety old liver can only stand so much :v:
    I would but I think my ban from #thelegion is still around 2 years later
    So I gotta ask, WTF did you do to get [b]that[/b]? You can PM me if you need to.

  8. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1344059123' post='3018375']
    Glad to see you're still around Flonk, hope all is well in Bananaland
    Yeah, we're breakin out the '06 banana vodka at the Singer Memorial Karaoke Grill in downtown Bananagrad. We keep it stashed in the lead-lined vaults for occaisions like this. Stop off for a couple.

  9. [quote name='Carson' timestamp='1344050206' post='3018308']
    i have to give credit to the Legionnaires i fought--you guys were much better than you were last time we met on the battlefield...Flonker, fighting you was some of the most fun i've ever had fighting on Bob...cheers, mate....

    Next war, lend me those badmitten players you had posted at the borders. Those guys were [b]AWESOME[/b] deflecting my nukes!! And stop by Bananagrad for our signature banana vodka at the Singer Memorial Karaoke Grill.

  10. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1343947772' post='3017957']
    Please, allies and comrades on the field of The Legion, take note of this man's intellectual post.

    No sarcasm intended, this post literally just upped my respect for Legion and their credibility. (Given it's the rest of their side's idiocy that making me really appreciate this entire post, I digress.)
    Let's face it, vieroyships SUCKED. And NOT in a good way.

    And it's awful damned easy to sit in the cheap seats when your membership isn't on the line. [b]Real[/b] leaders do things for the alliance that [b]benefit[/b] the membership, even if it's swallowing your pride and surrendering to viceroyship. Been there, done that. I took voluntary exile when NPO rolled ONOS to cut down on the beatdown time. And we at M*A*S*H kept the backdoor channels open to Legion after Purplegate. So, yeah, I know the routine.

    Besides, most of my beefs with GATO were pre-viceroy.

  11. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1343918630' post='3017841']
    We're not asking Legion for anything. I agree that Legion has fought us honorably and competently. The offer of surrender with no re-entry was made some time ago.

    It is another member of the Crap-pile(TM) who has neglected to fight properly and so must meet one small extra condition.
    My first round was fun. A couple ODNers, one of whom was cool enough to swap barbs & jokes. I teased the hell outta him for his badmitton players at the border swatting down my nukes. Damn, he was hard to hit. This round, I got 2 guys on their last legs about to pack it, and I still have enough WC to go another month. I kinda [b]like[/b] being in the 'Mighty Mouse Brigade'.

  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1343618576' post='3016889']
    Brother, do you know who you're talking to? Did you miss my name in the logs, or are you just ignoring it for the sake of your "outside party" argument? I invented "grey" during that war. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shadow_Conspiracy and and it was beautiful, and I would've got away with it, too, if it weren't for that meddling Nintenderek.

    o7 Browncoats.

    Damn, them were the days, when we were young(er) and handsomer. Not to mention, full tilt bull moose [b]CRAZIER[/b].

  13. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1343608663' post='3016842']
    Youve been an old fart for the last 5 years you can't possibly get any older :P. I'm sure you're enjoying the attention, you did used to like war back in the day.

    Hopefully GATO declaring will force this front to a close if not I wish my friends in GATO all the best. Casaulties are good.

    I still do like war. That hasn't changed. What I'm startin to hate is goin through the hassles of rebuilding.

  14. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1340603927' post='2995561']
    [color="#0000FF"]Who, Flonker and his little monkey? Flonker's single greatest accomplishment is leading an alliance so miserable that it was forced to merge into your miserable alliance. I on the other hand am the redoubtable Rebel Virginia. I am a champion for justice, and my honor is above reproach. I led the NPO in its war against the Alaskan Border Patrol, and within hours the foe was completely destroyed. I was part of the Ivan Moldavi's staff during his viceroyalty over ONOS, preventing any chance of their recovery. I was their Director of Intelligence, and the one who made it the operation that it is today. I was invaluable to NSO's foreign affairs team, and it was by my shadow efforts that Legion was discarded by the few allies it had who matter. I am a more relevant than you will care to admit. Challenge me at your peril.[/color]
    Blah blah blah blah blah.

    You're resting on what little reputation you managed to build way back in the Stone Age. What have you done lately, besides glom the credit for others' work? Have a glass of water, a Pamprin and a day at the spa.

  15. [quote name='FreeMason' timestamp='1340602397' post='2995500']
    I'd love to, but while it is true that Flonker and I are joined at the hip, he has a much stronger will to live than I. Also, control over the arm which can currently reach our pistol. He doesn't trust me after our last little...ah...accident...
    Of course I don't trust you. You made me drop my shot glass, and Justa's coke flew all over the room.


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