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Posts posted by Supa_Troop3r

  1. le sighe.


    Clearly, Rotavele, you understand KCP far better than its arctitects and the parties privy to it. Except you fail to comprehend both what constitutes an ally to those of us that don't sign treaties as well as what yolo was actually stating when contrasting an ODP with KCP.


    Regarding the topic at hand, AZTEC and company's initiative would seem to be overly heavy-handed as well as altogether unnecessary given the agreement brokered between RS and SHIELD. I'm aware DT is top-heavy - hence the level of engagement - I think we're all reminded of the fact frequently with DT and company's public disbain for micros and small nations (which is interesting given their ties to DT Probes, DS, SHIELD, and comparable micros and small nations).


    In any event, I can at least appreciate the fact that DT has promised to handle this as a contained duel with white peace at the war cycle's conclusion.


    I don't know what the other guys are talking about but you know me to well SirWilliam. I have always had a strong desire to watch every micro burn including our applicant AA DT Probes,

  2. Nations this large are a direct consequence of the utter lack of testicular fortitude in this community. Given the incredibly low stakes we all play at in a browser game, I can't bring myself to feel more than disgust that we let this happen.

    I sincerely hope all of yall get the crap beat out of you by nations much larger than yours. It's nothing less than what all of yall deserve for all your years of doing diddly squat about it. And afore yall all get started with the "boohoo, I fought some wars over the years" line, what were you using your aid slots for the whole time? If you can sincerely say you were buying tech all the time you could have just to have 30k+ tech blown away by DBDC, then fine. Whine about it. But if you were a large nation with crappy tech to infra and got yourself blown out of the water by nations that built the way we all said we should have been building for years and years? That's just getting outplayed.

    This insane mentality that the only tier that matters is above 150k NS and you become worthless as a person if you fall below it is making your posts hard to read in a serious way.

    You know nothing Auctor Snow. 


    I'm talking more about alliances like NEW and SPaTR, which DBDC is apparently attempting to lay claim to, along with many of the nations within AZTEC. NG and DT alone are not sufficient for the God Emperor to forge his brand of hierarchical imperialism.

    I'm glad to know that we are the heavy lifters in AZTEC.



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