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Posts posted by Zinobya

  1. Very much enjoyed the read. War is the reason for the game, and it has been my experience that blocs and majorly treatied alliances are a bore. and never measure up to expectations regardless of "side".

    I do think, however, you should try a little less subtelty next time ;).

    p.s I still remember the Zombie announcement, and you haven't topped that one yet. ;)

  2. Let me put this simpler...

    Do you feel there are any terms that Valhalla deserves? Or do you feel you are completely innocent, and that the light terms you've received are completely proportional?

    I think that its up to the alliances fighting to decide what we deserved, which they did, and we have acknowledged our our loss, surrendered and trying to honor those whom we fought in this thread.

    Also Joe said he wasn't going to answer that here. He might in pm, you never know.

    Care for a yuengling? Its really, really tasty :)

  3. Tyga, it matters not, read it as you will and take it as you will. Myself, I prefer confusion these days, especially the kind that comes from a few glasses of yuengling. :)

    If it makes anyone feel better, I cried when I decommed what was left of my nukes. Like a little girl. For serious. ;)

    Can we change the topic now to Free Beer or something? Everybody likes free beer.

  4. I would like to take a moment to give mad props to all of the guys I fought, since I forgot to earlier... finest bunch of fighters I've ever faced. You guys rocked my world, and I'll never ever forget it, hands down the best experience to be had in CN. Cheers!

  5. Yes, clearly in CN the aggressors deserve the spoils if they win the war and a free pass if they lose. The defenders deserve to have their carcass pillaged if they lose and a nice war bill if they win. This world is truly mad.

    No madder than it was at the end of GWI when NPO were asked to apologise for what, in essence, you did, and were not required to pay reps nor anything else. The Orders of the time that you were a member of bragged the entire time and later even spun that it never happened. In practice, it seems the world never truly changes, and even when faced with people I believe have truly changed, I find in instances like these their true colors always show. That being said, to treat those you believe evil or deserving of harshness with said harshness, you engender even worse enemies and worse hate. Look at, say, AirMe. His hate is palpable, and rightly so because of the way he his alliances have been treated in the past. It stands to reason that repeats of this behavior create even more hatred and bittnerness. It certainly never ends well, so is it worth a week of smug satisfaction to ensure that revenge is returned upon you a thousandfold? Everyone keeps citing what Valhalla has done to other alliances, and I think Valhalla has learned the lesson that this engenders hatred and a desire to bring you down. Taking it further than that serves noone.

    Speaking for myself and not my alliance but as a person who has been on both sides since near Planet Bob's beginning(and there really are only two): I find nearly everyone carries grudges, and nearly everyone is full of hate and desire for revenge. Valhalla fought long and hard in this war, and treated their enemies with respect and honor. Harsh terms meant to cripple them would have never been accepted by the general memership, and Planet Bob would be dealing with small nations with MPs and warchests hell bent on dying for a very, very long time. I know I fully expected us to be offered terms with harsh reps, that called for Joey's head, that took away all military and wonders... terms that would have never been accepted, that would have I believe seen the self-willed disbandment of the alliance and unleashed a fury of rogues that would have suprised even FAN. Again this is my opinion and not based on any fact.

    I would like to thank our opponents for showing honor and class, and also for being one ~@#& of a good time. If it were possible to buy ever one of you a pint of ale, I would. I tip my hat to you.

  6. Sarcasm. A wonderful tool.

    You get what you have given to others, or at least that is what you should get. Valhalla has given terrible terms to alliances in the past.

    True that Valhalla has, but disappointing to see the lofty riposte in this manner. I did not really believe that BAPS thread would devolve into Viking slams.

    I rather believe this is a well deserved peace for BAPS precipitated by respect won on the battlefield, and am glad to see it.

    Great fight BAPS, congrats on peace. o/

  7. I am glad the New Sith Order honors their treaties.

    I am sad however that I expected this, and that no matter the outcome of this war that here we have the Old- old hegemony fighting the established hegemony and that nothing will ever really and truly change after this war... in some cases not even the faces and names.

    There are many that fight for true ideals in this war, but I fear they are muddled with

    what is, in essence, Pacifica versus Pacifica. To these people it is about passion for power. I caution the other side to question who leads them as much as the current hegemony is supposed to question theirs.

  8. Yes please. We're waiting for you to honor your MADP with GGA.

    I believe that's beeen answered. Valhalla will not be putting their treaty partners in NpO in a compromising position, any more than STA are going to start an offensive war. The horse is dead, and you appear more desperate to resurrect the poor thing with each post.

    Telling Valhalla to honor their treaties and by proxy to compromise one of your allies in the process is hardly appropriate ally behavior, imo.

  9. You guys can explain all the theories in whatever logical arguments you'd like. I know the facts regarding what happened...I'm just not at liberty to discuss.

    Crazy times.

    In this hush hush paranoid world it has been intimated by strange parties I may be a Vox spy. I fell out laughing, what a load of garbage, my conscience is clear and especially with the ONLY one whom with it matters. Do not even make the mistake I would do that to him, or my friends.

    Vox has you all so spun you look into any shadow to find what is staring back at you. If there were freaking facts we'd hear them loud and clear. Chase your own tail at will.

  10. I seriously wish you good luck. Its hard, what you seek to undertake.

    I hope you aren't plagued with:

    1) popularity contests

    2) spies working from the ground floor

    3) A populace who does not think you are hiding everything from them

    4) A general membership that does not flee in disillusionment from the workings of Democracy or that does not resign after a few terms in govt.

    *edit: drunk typing ftw

  11. The propensity to desire blood and war is characteristic of the game design and is arguably why people and alliances build nations, wonders, warchests, infra and tech; where as the influence necessary to render the ultimate conflict viable is a commodity held by a mere handful of players.

    I don't care what goes on behind the scenes, and I frankly don't want a war only when it is either stoked via waited-for iron clad causus belli, or profitable and/or convenient to have one.

    I also do not care if I am neither "allowed" nor "wearing the correct AA" to say this.

    We'll have a war this summer, or by May. It will take that long to engender the parameters, and ensure that the "most important" are out of school or on vacation and available to commit full time to the game.

    I'm old, tired, and so very bored.

  12. I voted summer, but really that's just wishful thinking.

    I could give a crap about terms because if war ever comes again I won't be accepting them personally. I'm in it to fight and die.

    However, I'm bored to death and think it may never happen, really. Not on a large scale, just one stupid curbstomp after another. Nothing good will happen. People are so precious about their zeroes and ones, no one wants to take a chance, and so we all sit and look for intrigue or something to snipe about. Meh.

  13. It is possible, though very highly unlikely, that someone "infiltrated" a tC leadership account and popped the screenshots. It is also possible, though highly unlikely, that the DB has been since scanned and offending IP found. If the spy used an proxy, the IP could easily lead to a dead end thus resulting in little or nothing for tC to report or crow about specifically, thus explaining the lack of any public announcment. This would then mean that the tC account would necessarily be reset (password at least) and the leak effectively sealed. This would then explain how Vox got the screens, and that tC does not have an active traitor/spy among their leadership.

    I highly doubt this is the case, but it is as close to a reasonable explanation that meets the confines of the alternate scenario Vlad hinted to. It is also just as ES says, a resolute dig on an antiquated situation that occurred in a galaxy far far away, a long long time ago.

    See I got a Star Wars reference in too.

    Thanks Neboe, that makes a great deal of sense, very appreciated.

  14. He's indicating that whoever grabbed those screenshots is not one of the top 3 government members of Q. You can judge that hypothesis on its own merit, but can we at least judge it, and not some imagined hypothesis?

    That's how I read it as well.


    IP look-ups or traces? Or surely someone with database access could nail it down without question?

    I'm still going with Hizzy's door number two:

    2) Player already in the sanctum turns and bats for Vox. Most likely, and if true then they're a spy.

    For this to be either a hacking or a password hand-off, IPs would deliver the truth, no?

  15. Had Ivan wanted to play parlor games and send h*ggles around the world he could have. Instead he chose to be interesting. He chose to have teeth and use them.

    I have a question out of pure curiosity. If the Continuum ends and Moo is deposed and all that is bandied about these days ever comes to pass, then what do you foresee the future/aftermath to be?

    I'm thinking another rises to fill the void. I'm thinking whatever comes after will be just as bad or worse as what people complain about now. I'm thinking it will be about revenge, just as it has always has been.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy revenge and war as much as the next person does, or I at lease hope does. It is, after all what makes Planet Bob go 'round. If the CoaLUEtion had won the first war, it would have resulted in revenge against the oppressors. The subsequent wars, since this did not occur, were about revenge against those that took part in the first. The rise of power blocs were designed to ensure noone who survived ever had to face humiliation again.... then the blocs ate themselves from the inside as people turned on each other and began taking their revenge on each other.

    Now we have Vox and NPO, two factions of the same beast still saying no U over who was the better leader, wanting revenge.

    Its all the same freaking day on Planet Bob. The difference lies in whether we have real war or not. Everything else is the devil in the details.

    Please explain why I am wrong. I'm quite serious.

  16. *skims the thread and responses*

    The New Pacific Order has every right to attack here. A thread is a threat, size has no bearing on the matter, and any here saying they would do differently if their alliance were facing the same are either hypocrites, deluding themselves or spineless imo.

    To whomever said NPO should have offered a Viceroy instead, I loled. If NPO had done that, then the same people would be saying "Zomg I'd rather fight to the death than lose sovereignty! Bad NPO! Go jarheads!"

    This is a rock-solid CB (and I am frankly jealous, NPO). Roll on, have fun and godspeed!

  17. Sir Experimentum is the only reason most of those signatures exist on this treaty. You might remember that before trashing his name in a fairly poor attempt to minimize his actions here.

    Also I read this thread quick, and I think it's pretty funny. Was I seriously the only one who signed it that actually understood what it meant? Seriously, just me? The important thing to realize here is the reality of the situation.

    Imagine a member of your alliance goes decides to "tech raid" the OBR, who you have signed the WDC with. That member apologizes and offers to pay reps. Do you think the OBR will decline said reps and instead demand ZI? No, not likely and I do not recall that ever happening. They'll take the reps and move on. Now say this member, after attacking the OBR, refused to stop and to pay reps. Any decent alliance would boot the offending member and release them to the OBR. The OBR then has the right to take the guy to ZI.

    So how does this Death Cookie actually change the dynamic of the game, and give the OBR power it didn't already have as a sovereign alliance with a nice collection of nukes? It doesn't. Not one bit. So what it boils down to is, folks are upset that there was a clause in a treaty they didn't read but signed anyway. The fault is not on the OBR here, but on those who signed it without understanding what it said. You are the ones who are fools who have failed your alliances. The OBR just did their thing as always.

    No, not the only one who realized, Random. I do mostly agree with your assessment regarding Experimentum and see no need to trash what he has achieved. I do however believe Sir Neboe played a fairly heavy role in some of the signatories.

    I also agree with your assessment of the death cookie as well, in all but my belief that my percieved intent to obfuscate with the wording was unnecessary at best; and having viewed the spirit behind its intent I find it so, in wont of a better word, ugly.

    Personally however, I must confess I really want to know why Experimentum has posted this now, and also if the timing was in any way designed to ensure Sir Neboe would not be around to reply to this immediately. A Sir Neboe sighting on the weekend is very rare indeed.

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