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    The Osirian Compact
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calaustria's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Well, The Osirian Compact isn't exactly new. We've been around since about three months before vietFAN (and fought in it). We are small, and we're hopefully about to start growing and becoming more active. We're now a protectorate of TPF, and we're working on some treaties with other TPF protectorates. If you wanna stop by, our site is osiriancompact.uni.cc
  2. Yeah, he has a whopping 6 infra at the moment. And we didn't even have to bother TPF.
  3. One of your members attacked one of ours. We contacted you, you didn't do anything about it, and you acted like an ass. That's when the fisting party began.
  4. Steal, no. But destroying a nuke/cm/infra is fine. That is realistic. A nice bunch of C4 on a nuke, cm, or bridge will do a lot.
  5. If we can see who they're trading with, I will be happy.
  6. You are wrong my good sir. You will take a penalty for being unable to read the guides correctly.
  7. Admin, I know it's hard to take into account what everyone wants, and all these omgspaisdontkillnuks and people complaining is annoying. I do admire you for making progress to the game as well. However, there is one thing we've all been begging for since the very start of the espionage thread. Hide all of our personal information such as threat level, tech, soldiers, tanks, etc. and make the spies uncover that stuff. A gather information mission would be pointless as it is, since we already have everyone's information. EDIT: A personal idea from me: Don't cancel trades. That would result in epic failure. Instead, show us who the nation is trading with.
  8. I see one big problem. The threat level. Nation's happiness should not go down just because spies are being implemented. IMO, it should be more like this: Low (+1.0 population happiness, 75% counter intelligence readiness) Guarded (+0.5 population happiness, 90% counter intelligence readiness) Elevated (-0.0 population happiness, 100% counter intelligence readiness) High - (-1.0 population happiness, 110% counter intelligence readiness) Severe - (-2.0 population happiness, 125% counter intelligence readiness)
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