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President Smith

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Posts posted by President Smith

  1. The offer (which Ragnarok and other alliances also received) was to change your AA and keep your forums and even your government. I don't know if BigBiz received the EXACT same offer, but it looks like the separate forums clause is the same ...

    that offer is a strange one, and it serves nothing besides making one alliance look better than it really is, while making the other look like its non-existant while its still working on its own things...

    Also, what are we to think of the Nations who still hold the Big Biz alliance affiliation?

  2. all great wars start out small, as nothing more than one alliance having a problem with another...

    its happened time and time again, and has had many alliances joined in because of treaties...

    but as stated earlier, the small war will escelate, having one alliance attack another, having several alliance jump in because of MDP/MADP.

    then those alliances being attacked, bringing in more alliances, which at this point, as easily seen by the MDP web, will either cause a giant group of alliances to cancel treaties, and wait the needed period of time to attack, or a very large breach in treaties, which will cause a large shift in the MDP web, and a large change in CN as i see it...

    CN evolves... because the way we as nations evolve... and because of that, no one war has ever been the same(great wars to be exact). although they do happen, in somewhat regular intervals, it will be different i think... its just a matter of time, and a matter of what happens, and to which party it happens to.

  3. Congrats Halsa...

    i am proud to call you guys an ally.. your diplomacy is very impressive...

    and welcome to the former TOTAS members as Allies of GOD =3....

    anyway, o/Halsa

  4. as an person outside of this conflict i have one thing to say...

    Unalignes are unalignes... hence the name...

    if you want to protect them, declare they are under your protection..

    via get them in your alliance.. or state it here...

    if you don't, i wouldn't expect anything that includes reps. as that seems rediculous

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