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Posts posted by antikato

  1. 9/4/2020 11:47:34 PM
    war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png



    Ruler: Rattata
    DEFCON 1


    Ruler: Skaullin
    Alpha Wolves


    War Expired

    9/4/2020 7:58:38 PM
    war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png



    Texas Mesa
    Ruler: Cowboys
    Seal Team of Rose


    SS Couch
    Ruler: Captain Ringo
    DEFCON 1


    War Expired

    9/5/2020 1:29:16 AM
    war_info.png   icon_war_end.png   note.png



    Ruler: Jiros
    DEFCON 1


    Wile E Coyote
    Ruler: Wile E Coyote
    Seal Team of Rose


    War Expired

  2. I've done the math.  The seven fighters Krabz supplied added 210,000 strength to the 340,000 NDO strength.


    Anyone can verify this by looking at the charts and  Oct 3 in the 30 day history of the nations.


    Krabz               210,000

    ND0 1st page  238,000

    Rest of NDO    100,000.


    That makes 548,000. You and your hand-picked mercenaries in fact had over 135,000 strength you neglected to mention.


    Here are the pre-war stats:


  3. Nickghostwolf


    I think you'll find that this is the only war I have ever felt the need to speak about bullying.


    It is interesting that you chose to respond to a comment I made to someone else, rather than the only one I made specifically to you. I find it laughable that you think I should be imtimidated by threats from someone who appears not to notice they have been challenged.


    What pride can NDO take when they have warred with the alliance least able to defend itself. You bulked up your fighting force with seven 30,000 strength Krabz and also falsified your declaration. You stated that Eurasia had a 45,000 strength advantage. In fact YOU had a 50,000+ advantage


    If you want to take Nick on in a 1v1, I'll allow it. It will be fun to watch him burn you down to the ground.


    What do you say tough guy - name the day our war starts.

  4.  "needs to be taken with a grain of salt.  the people calling us bullies, call EVERYONE bullies.  TDO, OP, TE Police, Avengers, Warriors, go down the list"


    Yup - you called it - each of those alliances have bullied their way to the top in their day. and yes, we do call them out.


    Things like that extra 100,000 strength you didn't mention in your declaration.


    Yes, NDO could take down misfits any time it wants. But how about you and I rebuild over the weekend and have a 1 on 1 next week?

  5. I didn't suggest your policy was directed toward us. My suggestion was that  (particularly some members of) NDO have taken the opportunity to further ingratiate themselves with the biggest bully while delighting in trash-talking misfits.


    Thats why you guys want us to post declarations. You feel the need to bully people.


    I didn't see you posting much after your 5 Dark Order members were mysteriously destroyed while fighting Misfits which had been rouged and then warred with the 7-man "Light Order."

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