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Wa Mu

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Posts posted by Wa Mu

  1. First off, let me say that I was giggling to myself from the second paragraph of "The Hegemonic Bloc" to the end. Let me bring up two quotations, one from that same second paragraph and another from "Rights as Undesirables":

    From this example it is clear what is necessary for rights to exist, and so it is relatively easy to take that onto the global scale and recognise that for such a hierarchy to exist in the international arena it would require, just like inside alliances, a politically, and thus militarily, hegemonic bloc. However, since there has never been a hegemonic bloc either capable or willing to enforce international laws, it is correct to say that there are not, and have never been, international rights.

    It seems that you have forgotten your very own alliance. How sad indeed. The New Pacific Order is entirely capable of enforcing such rights. The New Pacific Order has all the political and military strength any alliance would want, let alone need. But before you go saying that the New Pacific Order doesn't want to go and enforce such rights, you are wrong there too. The New Pacific Order, just today, has helped create the Cyber-Denizen Bill of Rights. Yes, the New Pacific Order has helped create this bill of rights. So I conclude that the New Pacific Order does want to help enforce the rights of the people. If they wouldn't, why else would they play a part?

    The hegemonic bloc would need to claim sovereignty over the world, forcing all nations, alliances and blocs under its domain; thus completely destroying their sovereignty.

    This previous quote is false, plain and simple. I can say that the sovereignty will be affected; it is true, no doubt. All alliances would need to follow these sets of rights; however, the alliance itself, i.e. its government, its war policies, its outward appeal, etc., would be affected only slightly. The right of the freedom of speech and other related freedoms do not and cannot "destroy" the sovereignty of the alliance. Thus, no slavery of any serious or true type would actually occur. The worst that could happen is a curbstomp that we find so common today, yet not as severe, as the only thing the nation or alliance would simply need to do is allow, not disallow, a simple action instead of facing war.

  2. Rights..the thought makes me tremble.

    You the "oppressed" will not have rights. We are the evil NPO, not the good NPO, not the kitten NPO, the Bovine Armies of NPO will oppress you, beat you, if you don't like it, fight back, don't cry. (Yes, I am aware your fighting back, but you will cry afterwards, or at least thats what the weather man predicts)

    Let it be known. The manure from our armies of cattle, will be put on your land, and from it will grow the fertile, strong corn of the NPO produce.

    Um... Let me just ask, but why are rights so bad?

  3. Lord Swampy, do you honestly believe this is right for The Legion? Yes, honoring treaties is all good and honorable, but isn't also good and honorable to fight against a tyranny that has a grasp on Planet Bob? And if you don't believe this is true at the current moment, at least answer the question as a hypothetical question. I thank you dearly for your time.

  4. If the Legion entered GWII, this would be a different game. It isn't...because some chose to vote for others, and some chose not to vote at all. Makes no difference at this point...does it?

    At this point, of course not. Unless you have a time machine, we can make all the difference in the world. We can, however, change the future. We can make the future a better place, a place we don't need to fear, a place where there is true stability, a place we can find the truth with no barriers, a place where fighting is not the first choice, a place where we, nations of Planet Bob, can be friendly. Actual friends.

  5. The alliance was in shams, we lost most our best leaders, and hardest workers because of internal bickering.

    As to your question...because we voted them in.... I was there before you...trust me.

    No, "we" means the Legion as a whole. Some of the Legion voted in the leaders. Some choose to vote for others. Some choose not to vote at all.

  6. If you think the pre-Renaissance leadership made only one mistake then I'm going to have to have what I say passed through a pyschoanalyst for you. I will not be going into detail here, but those who know, know.

    Ah, the old "Stay Ignorant" arguement. Yes, keep me out of the dark. Do exactly as what your NPO friends do.

  7. Regardless of good intent, bad choices put Legion where it is. Leadership makes an alliance make choices...you are wrong my friend.

    I stand by my preivious statement.

    Then why not take only the leadership? That was a perfectly good option, but instead, the entire alliance was to blame.

  8. The Legion of old was not a bloated midst of 1400 do nothings. Make no mistake...it was mislead. Leadership cost Legion that 1150 members.

    No, threats cost Legion those members. The leadership was made up of good, good people, but made one mistake that was to better Legion, to make it safer. It is this crazy idea that the leaders represent an alliance. That just isn't true. It is the members, every single member, that represent the idea of an alliance. One alliance cannot have only one idea. That is impossible.

    Edit: Grammar fix.

  9. You make me laugh, Hymenbreach, and I am still sad. Admit it please, you, and the Legion, bow to NPO. Valhalla is still the same. Just look at their "CB" against Hyperion.


    By adapting, Chalaskan, we also adapt ignorance. You live well because you live in the near top. You need not fear anything. I choose to stay informed. I choose to fight for what I believe. I choose to do what must be done for the better of Planet Bob.

  10. Let me explain why we are close to NPO. While others whisper and fail to prove accusations of skullduggery and bad intent, we have physical proof of their benificence. When we were a failing, broken thing struggling with demagogues and unwise leadership that some in the world thought should be put down, they agreed with me that the Legion was indeed a beautiful thing that required saving.

    Instead of crushing us, they helped us gain stability, growth and growing respect among the wiser and more intelligent commentators on Planet Bob. Nine months now without drama or danger of non-existence when in the previous year we could barely go nine days without such a likelihood.

    This is why we are proud to call NPO our friends. We have actions to prove their intent, not the shouts of the malcontent and failed pointing to fog and smoke.

    Ave NPO!

    The Legion is no where near as great as they were. Several members have left. This is what the NPO has left you, a memorial of how "great" NPO is. Legion was a beautiful thing worth saving, but now they have only made it a satellite.

    And what about Valhalla? What about noWedge? They were our greatest enemies, and now you bow to them.

  11. As a former Legionnaire, and a Legionnaire at heart, I am deeply saddened by this move. Ever since Legion's disbandment, it has been following NPO like a dog. Melidan, Sinatra, I ask you to reconsider. Remember what NPO and Valhalla did to the Legion, to us Legionnaires? I wish you luck in finding future endeavors that lead you to remember the past, Legionnaires.

    I shall not forget.

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