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Posts posted by Syrik

  1. I laughed at "1 Federal Aid Commission".

    Anyhow, I like you guys; congrats on this.

    Actually I believe that was for lack of a better option at the time of purchasing. Although I don't remember who bought it, nor do I want to look through all our nations to find that person.

    Anyway, never miss a wonder day if you can help it. No matter which wonder you end up buying, they're all good when you hit month 28.

  2. If I remember correctly, you announced having twenty nukes per member, not more than twenty.

    Also get out of here Syrik

    I'm sorry for any inaccuracies in any previous announcements I've made.

    You can look forward to my next announcement: 0 Nukes Per Nation.

    I can only hope we reach that amount soon as we find some poor souls to unleash them upon.

  3. Twisted, the odd spying attempts are me trying to find a spy mode that will work against your nation. So far, only one spy attempt was successful...I changed your defcon level once.

    The rest were failures.

    ...odds are odds... not affected by which attack you do.

    You can bother learning that piece of wisdom after the current "conflict" is over. And no, I'm not referring to the dual...

  4. Hell, I know my friends at PC would probably enjoy a nice global war.

    Can't Wait!

    Hopefully TPF speeds things along with their recent announcement. All they have to do is extort a helpless Pink unaligned and we're guaranteed a war with them. (which I'm sure is the sole reason they went through all that)

    And VI, the only relation I have with FS is that I own their IRC channel. That's due to their lack of IRC communication and TGE wanting to push our/their buttons. You can ask Kaduuk all about it.

  5. Ok. We get it. Every TPF/PC/Vox thread is going to end up in a total mess with random jabs and insults. And then someone, usually from PC, is going to turn everything into "Hungry Phoenix" jokes. Congratulations. You've just rebeaten a dead horse with an equally dead joke.

    That's the spirit!

    As I understand it, you're obligated to return the favor to any IC attacks... and this is an IC forum... so you're obligated to troll us every time someone mentions a hungry phoenix.

    Also, I like your announcement... not the Valhalla one, couldn't care less about that.

  6. Nice sig you got there. lol

    On IRC it was pointed out to me that my post makes it look like I hate VI/FACE. Just for the record, I am excited about any war, regardless of opponent. Those words were not directed towards FACE, they were directed at any situation where my nukes might be used.

  7. I sure do hope those rumors I keep hearing about your involvement in helping FS plan their 'going out party' leading to their going rogue on FACE turn out to be just that, rumors.

    If we knew ahead of time we most definately would have nuked you along with them. I'm actually quite disappointed that they didn't let us join in on the fun.

  8. Actually, it got it's name from the war rumors involving NPO and RoK at the time. Since the rumors kept surfacing that the NPO was going to attack Ragnarok at the exact same time that we were both sitting in backchannels getting to know eachother and formalizing a treaty, we chose a name to reflect those rumors. ;)

    While I wholheartedly agree with the cancellation, this treaty took several months of work to accomplish and was not signed due to convenience on RoK's end.

    pfft, like you would know anything about the inner working of Ragnarok. I call your bluff and raise you 20.

  9. uhh... it's upside down. I hope you didn't do it on purpose cause if you did then I hate you.

    edit: I think I get it. I still hate you though.

    made me lol.

    Also decrease that time frame from months to hours and that graph can also represent TPF's infra/tech/NS/confidence/ego during the next war.

    That first decrease is when they get declared on. First increase is when they realize that and buy some tanks. Then it goes down as they get hit more. Plateaus as opponents wait for the 25hours to expire. Then a sharp drop down to nonexistence.

  10. I don't get a mention? pfff

    Anyways congrats on one year and over 3 mill NS, If my memory serves me someone wouldn't let PC pass 3 mill NS...

    and yeah old flag was better.

    We still got the old flag, just need a good variety to spice our announcements up.

    Rejoin PC and you'll get to add your sig to stuff like this. Way better than any special mention.

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