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Posts posted by flowingfire

  1. I'm impressed.  Congratulations on being the first alliance to send a recruitment letter to my first new nation in like 5 years, RainbowKitten. (Galerion gets credit for this one, like 10 minutes after I signed up.) And, Junka - I am quite pleasantly surprised to see you here.  I need a tech circle, help to grow, and the ability to actually play this thing in an interesting way and not sit around in an annoyingly impenetrable bloc incessantly collecting infra and tech.  Is there still an element of the fifth column? :)  If so, you may have a recruit.  Let me know.


    -FF, intending to be a CN badass.

  2. Does your alliance actually do something involved and interesting other than sit around, do nothing, collecting infra and tech?  Yeah, then, recruit me.


    I've been off Cybernations for years, but want to introduce the illustrious new nation of RainbowKitten!  My history: I played between 2006-2011 during some of the greatest times of Cybernations, have taken leadership in alliance governments, and seek to re-invest myself a bit into the game.


    What I'm looking for: A reasonably active alliance with a massive signing-bonus (with which you'll actually follow through), as well as the ability to for me to collect countless millions in a tech circle.  Is that your alliance?  Does your alliance pay well for tech to new nations?  I'm your guy.  I need to build, build, build, so here we go!  I send tech, you send $$$.  That said, it's about more than that-- let's declare a revolution on the status quo of "boring" that screwed CN to begin with.


    Let's get me in your tech circle and build the strength of our alliance, shall we?  (By the way, I like iconoclastic and politically savvy alliances too.)  Oh, and by the way big empires: I might betray you eventually.  :P

  3. As a member of IAA since 2006, a time when we were strong allies with Legion fighting in one of the earliest great wars, I was sad to see my home diminish lately. It strangely felt like a piece of me was dying-- even in RL.

    Reading this thread, however, is awesome. It warms my spirit, and serves as a reminder of what a gigantic impact this alliance truly had. It's astonishing to see people I once recruited years ago heading alliances. It's amazing to see how widespread and far-reaching the impact of this strong-minded, strong-willed group of people really is.

    IAA recruited and produced the most passionate CN players-- those with a mind of their own. When an alliance was ZI'd, or curb-stomped, oftentimes the best players knew exactly where they could go to find refuge. In turn, we often had the most dynamic and outspoken leadership in the CN world-- a relatively small-to-midsized alliance carried many of the best players this game ever saw.

    I am glad to have had any opportunity at all to learn from and play alongside these greats-- these giants of CN who made their impacts everywhere.

    Today, I am warmed in spirit to see a huge outpouring from former IAA members from alliances all over the treaty web. To know our Diaspora lives on in other places-- spread like seeds to the wind-- tells me something special will come of this. Sometimes you have to die in order to live. Sometimes you have to spread your legacy and your way of existing to all corners of Cybernations to win the game.

    Believe it or not... I think IAA has won. :) ...We held to an ethos during a time when it wasn't popular. That ethos is everywhere on Planet Bob today. I guess you win and then you die...

    Thank you for the outpouring of support from our allies, friends, and adversaries-- especially from our eternal friends in GATO, LOSS, TLR, and more. My home is now GATO-- long live that great Spanish cat in the sky!

    --flowingfire, off to retire in CN's big furry brown heaven

    EDIT: LMAO, my AA still says Vox Populi on here. Oh, history.

  4. It was a tough thing to vote for, but I support my alliance's collective decision about this.

    We simply cannot recognize the sovereignty of this alliance that is, in reality, an extension of the New Pacific Order and its policy. Members of Cybernations should, of course, have no moral objection to breaking international standards toward a non-alliance vassal project. :P

    (... dehumanization is the first step toward extermination... where there is no humanity, any moral atrocity may be committed with clean moral conscience . . .)

  5. Ahh, a statue is but a symbol. To destroy a symbol, which to so many has become an image of deep oppression, represents hope. Its destruction represents an awakening into a new era where people understand their role in a world where there is nobody but yourself to blame for tyranny.

    This is the end of an era, and the beginning of another-- a new awakening-- a new Cybernations.

    And, following with the discussion of the Legion, I still have faith in you. Even when you betrayed everything you stood for, I still believed in you. Even when you took the banner of Pacifica, I still believed in you... Even when you betrayed IAA, I still believed in you... Even when you trolled the forums with pro-NPO propaganda, I still believed in you.

    Like Darth Va-der still had good in him, so does Legion. I believe... I believe... it might take some time though. Throw your overlords into the pit!

  6. I still find it odd that despite all their desire to argue not a single member of Vox Pox has tried to have defended yourselves on this issue. Is it perhaps because you know damn well that you crossed the line?

    It may be because nobody knows what you're talking about. Frankly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if NPO was feeding people into the movement to do things like this. That way you can make the whole crowd look bad, and blame us for it.

  7. Vladimir, you seem intent on belittling people who refuse to follow along with an intolerable structure by calling them "failures." What you call failure, I call maintaining a deep sense of integrity. One must give up any independence or unique identity to "succeed" right now. Nothing but the dominant philosophy is tolerated. How do I know this? EVERY SINGLE INDEPENDENT, SELF-IDENTIFYING ALLIANCE OF SIGNIFICANCE IN THE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN KILLED.

    In order to succeed in Planet Bob, you have to do the following:

    1. Join an alliance that's NPO or aligned to the NPO whether or not you believe in its ideology.

    2. If you don't join an alliance that's aligned with NPO, make absolutely sure you don't speak your mind. (You'll probably get killed eventually anyway.)

    3. Don't have your own independent ideology that contradicts Francoism. (Which NPO is bastardizing.)

    4. Make no mistakes whatsoever, because NPO is looking for them.

    5. Don't talk openly on the Open World Forum unless you're praising NPO and its allies.

    6. Act like 1V, TI, TC, (or whatever its permutation is) can do no wrong.

    7. Be content to take abuse whenever it's dished out.

    8. Wait to be killed like a good little CN player.

    See a pattern here? Comply or die. Follow or leave. Anybody with any sense of intellectual freedom can't tolerate this. You have left people who think differently no choice.

    You're driving people away from the game. You don't let them have their own alliances. You consider them threats. You destroy their communities. And then, you have the arrogance and audacity to call them failures for not succeeding in the only way possible: to give up their very identity. For shame.

    On with the Revolution ~~!

  8. Vox is a euthanasia clinic? hmmm, intresting recruitment method

    Many tire of an endless cat and mouse struggle against those that won the game over a year ago. That said, hope is a good thing-- even if it must come about on the backs of people sacrificing themselves for that vision.

    Because of this, things already have changed.

  9. Eventually, you'll see that responsibility is subjective.

    I like what you're saying, but that's a pretty weak argument... I'm not even sure I believe it. lol

    But, being in an anarchic collective with you, I can openly disagree and not take responsibility for what you said. :P

  10. Thus further proving my thesis about the initial members being those alienated from the current structure.

    Maybe, just by chance, this wouldn't be a problem if NPO hadn't destroyed other people's "structures." You turn more and more people into radicals every day with your heavy handed tactics.

    Without these destructive tactics, of course, there would like be no need for a Vox Populi. Those of us with former alliance homes might actually be able to have some stability and, *gasp, order!

    Instead, people become marginalized, radicalized, and come back to haunt you. It's a perpetual cat and mouse game, it is, and I think enough people have been killed by NPO to realize it's time to reorganize.

    Things have changed.

  11. thats a load of crap. There is no such thing as a 'collection of individuals'. You're either on the team or not.

    Define: Loosely organized anarchic collective.

    Loose/Loosely: 2 a: free from a state of confinement, restraint, or obligation <a lion loose in the streets> <spend loose funds wisely> b: not brought together in a bundle, container, or binding carchaic : disconnected, detached

    Organized: 1 : having a formal organization to coordinate and carry out activities <organized baseball> <organized crime> 2 : affiliated by membership in an organization (as a union) <organized steelworkers>

    Anarchic: 2: lacking order, regularity, or definiteness <anarchic art forms>

    Collective: 1: denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole <flock is a collective word>

  12. Ya know, for what it's worth I always respected the GPA. You guys always stand for an ideal you believe in and never waver.

    Even in the face of losing the honored status of the strongest alliance in CN your one true ethic remained... Even after getting curb-stomped and marginalized, you stick to your neutral guns. Even when everyone abandoned you and left you to get brutalized by NPO, you were the same old


    Clearly bullets cannot kill an ideal.

    :) You will rise to power again.

  13. It is the victors who write history . . .

    RL history shows the common people often write (more like orally transmit) their own history when they dislike their overlords. And not surprisingly, this culturally-created history sometimes lives far longer than a victor's paper-trail . . .

  14. Morality is defined by the ruling class, by those in power with the guns, so you will never have a 'moral' victory because the winners will simply rewrite history and you will forever be known as the 'bad guys'.

    I beg to differ. Morality belongs to those who need empowerment-- those who set themselves apart from the establishment. Would there be any need for a separate "morality" if everyone agreed on the social norms or those presented by a powerful establishment? No, morality belongs also to the individual.

    Do you take your government's word for everything? Do you take the word of your local newspaper for everything? Do you take the word of NPO? Many cultures throughout time had ways of passing counter-establishment messages-- many of them took the form of a moral code.

    Let's take, for example, 6th-2nd Century BC Judaism-- a source of morality for a majority of the planet even today. They formed a self-identity and moral culture in the face of large empires like the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persia, and eventually Greece and Rome. One of their main points was to have a unique cultural sense in the midst of powerful cultural forces. (Many of which, of course, they adapted in part.)

    Without going into huge unnecessary detail, they were never the ones in power; however the culture they created never died. Their culture stayed alive throughout many different governing structures. It morphed and changed, but the set-apart moral philosophy ironically became, over time, a dominant force in the world.

    This is just one of many examples of when morality is created NOT by those in the ruling class, but by those needing to self-identify within the clamor. Majority may create the status-quo, but it does not dictate the moral identity of those ruled.

    Cybernations, of course, is just a game. But it is a game with many philosophies and concepts of morality that reflect real-world values.

    I do not presume to think Vox Populi stands for everybody; everybody who IS a member, however, seems to have intellectual and moral freedom. It's a free voice. The voice of the one speaking...

    And it is a collective identity of those setting themselves apart: a truly indestructible source of morality.

  15. That is true, in the sense that you cannot fire bullets at ideas. But on the other hand, all the ideas in the world cannot stop a bullet, either.

    Many of the great religions and philosophies of the world place great value on taking the proverbial bullet for your ideal. If you try to kill it, it will merely grow stronger.


  16. CN has turned into a large scale cat and mouse game. We're simply playing the opposing side of a game that has, in part, degenerated into such. Within this structure, there would be two basic options. Do you play the cat or the mouse? Are you the hunter or the hunted? The rebel or the establishment?

    I've played both. As the mouse, I certainly don't expect to win. But I most certainly don't want to continue on as the cat for eternity. How boring. Let's spice things up, shall we?

    That said, being in Vox Populi is a moral victory: it means that we are standing up instead of laying down. We are fighting instead of complying. We are the rebels of this game, and support a new ideal.

    I am one of the people, and this is my voice. Is yours being heard?

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