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shao khan

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Posts posted by shao khan

  1. You give your son beer? :o

    I am a little disappointed to see no pale ales on this list, especially in the summer.

    Blue Moon is becoming the new "cool" beer because it gives people who dont really appreciate beer the appearance of looking like a beer snob (it is seriously easy to drink, even for people who dont like beer). Sure, I like a good light summer wheat beer, but I typically prefer a heff like Paulaner or Pyramid.

    I will add a few to the list for completeness:

    Shiner Bock

    Dogfish 90 min IPA

    As far as light beers go, I will throw out Shiner Blonde (yes, I am a biased Texan)

    about time shiner gets mentioned :D

    also how did Iron lose a war? werent they affiliated with NPO or something? Pardon me, I've quit this game a couple of years back.

  2. Going out with a bang/

    sinking my fangs/

    in an alliance that tech raids immorally/

    so surely you can go to war with me/

    I tore a leaf of the olive branch to defend the meek/

    and end this peace with the phoenix war machine/

    that tech raids feeble crews/

    on the battle field is where i'll see you dudes/

    settle an old score with war/

    before i hit the door/


    it was nice to know everyone really, everyone even those I'm currently at war with. i'll miss you all. Life calls so i gotta move on. Why phoenix you ask? Well simply you raided an alliance of mines along time ago and driven us from the game, so I get to give some of that love back lol.

    stay strong, and take care!

  3. Some have argued that Continuum and 1V have declared wars and broke the peace capriciously but I don't think that's the case. From what I've seen, it seems that the alliances of Continuum and 1V have generally been rather loath to declare war and only do so when it is clear that there is an alliance that threatens the stability and order of Planet Bob. Though, I grant I haven't been here as long as some folks and I can't really speak to things that happened before my arrival but for the last year at least it seems that NPO has been a force for order not tyranny.

    We really are. When I first joined the game with IAA, I only heard negative things about the NPO. But after seeing for myself, I have tremendous respect for the fact that we are one of the very few alliances that don't tech raid, and respect the rights of the the unalligned. Also the fact that the players love their leaders and being part of a great community.

    This is why I love being in this alliance.

  4. I don't even think that matters at all. Our forums really aren't that active right now, probably less than usually actually. However the amount of IRC conversations and the amount of ingame messages has been through the roof.

    are you serious? I would point obvious stuff out, but I don't like helping.

    LOL anyway though.

  5. The real war is here on the OWF, where people make their voices heard and argue their points rather then just pew pew infra and bawww when they're incapable of making a point here, like yourself.

    Actually the real war starts on IRC and on offsite alliance forums. I think these are propaganda and public opinion boards and don't contribute to the real war much.

    I call it the crapola forums, cause its basically troll owned and ran.

  6. OOC:Some of us play more for the politics. We know it is a game but personally I am more motivated by the political climate than pointless war. If I just wanted to blow !@#$ up I would play Halo.

    also this shouldnt be in an IC forum

    Blowing stuff up is the backbone of politics. How do you think alliances are formed?

  7. o>


    FAN... laughing from the bleachers as the world stabs itself to death in the dirt.

    Oh, and since it's our birthday and the end of the world, have some gun pr0n.


    wow thats some seriously lovely stuff

    just out of curiousity what are the last two guns to the left...I know one of those is a mosin nagant.

  8. I know JT's shift is nearly over. Please tell me you aren't his relief, because you're really quite bad at this.

    me bad? its true, and thats why you can't rebuttal it.

    You guys think ES is some sort of a zoro character, when in truth he's responsible for many of the growing pains many of your members have gone through just as much as us. Only he got caught on a power trip and ended up on your side along with doitzel.

    lol I find that funny myself, although i do find it unfortunate that NpO had to suffer for his mistakes.

  9. I have never sought an office, except for the Bank.

    But really, you were in MilCom? I had NO idea. Why haven't you mentioned it a thousand times since you left with Mary's super special important goodbye wishes? What other important things have you done? What about the important people you know?


    lol i think he was part of intel, it was nothing special thats for sure.

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