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Posts posted by Oradow

  1. The Cult of Richard will sacrifice its few remaining prisoners and slaves in suitably painful ways that will incite screams loud enough to be heard in FAN lands. We hope that the sound will act as a lullaby for restless FANners who find themselves haunted by the nightmares of neutrality and that are unable to participate in the wholesale mass slaughter that I only speculate is committed in the name of Richard.

    We know your heartache, FAN. We know it.

  2. [/url] (animated violence)

    our God is pleased with the Cult of Richard's progress. His Unholiness sings to his cultists and gifts them with a successful IRC channel, as well as a completed Forum!

    All are welcome to visit us out our humble fortress of darkness located at http://z3.invisionfree.com/Cult_of_Richard/index.php?act=idx .

    We have recently received a new shipment of babies and are looking forward to the ensuing feast in celebration of this memorial event!

    If you would like to visit our IRC channel, simple click the "#CoR" link situated the top-left corner of the forum page.

    We look forward to meeting you all in our channel in the hopes of spreading the great word of Richard!

  3. The Cult of Richard hereby commends these rogues in their eagerness to spread devastation for what we can only assume is in the name of Richard.

    However, we strongly feel that even greater destruction could have been theirs for the taking if they only had the patience to join a large alliance to wait out the next inevitable Great War. Having said that, these rogues - though eager - have failed in the eyes of His Richard.

    We at the Cult of Richard hereby declare that one minute of dark laughter shall be given in the memory of these rogues as The Federation prepares them for ritual sacrifice to Richard.

    Go get 'em Federation! You have Richard's blessing(curse?)!

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