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Lord Wolf1

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Everything posted by Lord Wolf1

  1. Daily Bump We are needing members to regroup and remake ANGIL and raise it back to how it use to be full of pride honor and stability.
  2. ANGIL Charter and Declaration Section I: Preamble We, the members of the Alliance of Nations for Greater Independence and Liberty (ANGIL), in pursuit of happiness, prosperity, unity, and peace hereby form an alliance in the hopes of obtaining and maintaining the equality created in striving for the betterment of ourselves and of those around us through progressive and revolutionary means. Section II: Goals 1. Mutual protection from other Organizations and Rogue nations. 2. Economic Partnerships that will allow the growth and expansion of member nations. 3. Unity through peace and understanding through friendly interaction between members and groups. Section III: Requirements Any nation belonging to any team color will be considered for membership in ANGIL provided said nation does not belong to any other alliances beforehand. In order for any potential new nations to be considered for membership, you must apply within the alliance, providing the necessary information needed. Section IV: National Rights All nations are allowed ‘National Rights’. These rights are defined as individual rights to manage and to expand their nations without fear of punishment by the ANGIL Assembly. This includes the right to manage and maintain a sizeable Army and to obtain and regulate Nuclear Stockpiles. All nations may at anytime declare war upon another nation, so long as it is not a fellow nation in ANGIL or a nation belonging to a friendly alliance, without the consent of the ANGIL Assembly. All nations have the right to aid a fellow ANGIL member that is at war or to provide aid in the form of military support, military aid, or financial aid. A Nation also has the right NOT to give aid and support should they seem fit to not do so. There is no obligation for an ANGIL member to aid in a war that is started by a ANGIL member. Section V: ANGIL Rules No single Nation is allowed to declare a war on behalf of ANGIL. ANGIL is a peaceful alliance that allows its members to participate to their fullest extent without forcing a nation to partake in action unless an “Organization War†is declared, in which all nations are obligated to protect ANGIL from enemy threat. ANGIL reserves the right to start a war should the ANGIL Assembly see fit. Once a member of ANGIL you must give a 1 week notice before leaving the Organization. Nations belonging to ANGIL may not join other Organizations or aid any other Organization in military operations unless an Ambassador from that Organization has requested aid from the ANGIL membership. Section VI: ANGIL Assembly The ANGIL Assembly is the body making authority of ANGIL. It is comprised of all the members of ANGIL. Each member is given one vote on every issue that is presented to the Assembly. Any member can begin a topic for discussion or a vote for a specific Bill or piece of legislation. The Assembly is lead by the Grand Commander (President) and Civil Commander (Vice President). Section VII: Offices of ANGIL Grand Commander The Grand Commander is considered the leader of the Organization. He/she presides over meetings and maintains order through out the assembly and ensures that once a final decision is made that it is acted upon. He/she represents ANGIL in Conferences and other CN affairs. The Grand Commander is elected by the Assembly every 4 months and once in office can only be removed by a unanimous vote in the Assembly. The Grand Commander also has absolute authority over the Military and its actions. A full scale military action however can not be taken until a vote by the Assembly has taken place. The only exception to the Grand Commander's powers is in times of crisis, where he/she can take full control given the consent of both the ANGIL Assembly and staff. Civil Commander The Civil Commander presides over meetings in the absence of the Grand Commander and helps the Grand Commander to maintain order through out the Assembly. He is also expected to keep track of meetings, votes, and issues that are brought up in the Assembly. The Civil Commander may also act as an Ambassador to other Organizations. The Civil Commander is elected every 4 months and can only be removed by a unanimous vote in the Assembly. The Civil Commander also has absolute authority over the ANGIL Bank. Foreign Relations Executive The Foreign Relations Executive is appointed by the Grand Commander and has the right to speak on behalf of ANGIL. The Foreign Relations Executive also acts as Mediator between nations in dispute whether they are internal conflicts between ANGIL Members or international conflicts by a member of ANGIL and a member of another Organization. Minister of Recruitment The Minister of Recruitment is elected once every four months. He/she is in charge of all new members of ANGIL, and oversees all operations of recruitment, refugee decisions, and overall recruitment. Minister of War The Minister of War is elected every four months, and has power over all affairs of war. He/she oversees all operations in times of war in ANGIL. They may also declare times of caution, in which ANGIL nations going to war with any rogue or unaligned nation must break their alliegance with ANGIL until the war is over. This is common in times of major global war. Decisions on war by the Minister of War can only be overturned by the Grand Commander. Minister of Internal Affairs The Minister of Internal Affairs is either elected into power or appointed by the staff, on decision by the Grand Commander. The Minister of Internal Affairs oversees the economy stabilization of ANGIL, debts owed, and other miscellanious situations ANGIL may encounter. The Minister of Internal Affairs is also responsible to make sure ANGIL members stay friendly and peaceful among themselves. Any disagreement between members that cannot be settled peacefully immediately becomes the Minister of Internal Affair's responsiblity. He/she holds the power to bring the situation to the Grand Commander, where the Grand COmmander may give the Minister of Internal Affairs power to suspend the two members from ANGIL as he/she sees fit. Section VIII: Amendments Any member of ANGIL can propose a change to the charter or to the structure of the alliance. The proposal will be put to a vote, and will require a majority vote for implementation. The Grand Commander retains the power to veto the change. We are now taking new members if you wish to register please do so on our new forum at: www.z15.invisionfree.com/ANGIL/index.php?
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