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Everything posted by Aguacenta

  1. MUTUALLY ASSURED DEFENSE Pacis, Prosperitas, Tutela (Peace, Prosperity, Protection) %5bimg%5dhttp://beyonddc.com/nonweb/mad/flag-mad-animated.gif%5b/img%5d[/b]%5bsize="1"%5d"] MAD Alliance Statistics MAD Alliance Forum Sign up for membership to the MAD Alliance here Sign up for an embassy to the MAD Alliace here Proclamation of Commitment to PeaceWe the undersigned, in full authority for the alliances we represent, recognize that Mutually Assured Defense (MAD) intends to maintain as possible a general policy of non-aggression towards the collected nations and alliances of Planet Bob. We therefore commit to the goal of peaceful coexistence with MAD and declare that all attempts will be made to seek diplomatic rather than military solutions to any problems involving MAD which may come forth in the future. <div align="center"> What do you gain when you MAD? <div align="center"> 1 - Advice/Guidance - MAD provides up-to-date guides for new developing nations and veteran nations to help our new members develop their nations. 2 - Cash Aid - All new members to MAD will receive at least enough money to purchase a harbor within a week. MAD helps ALL nations that request financial assistance and currently has a very successful Bank Grant program that distributes millions weekly to members. 3 - Friends/Protection - MAD offers all nations protection from wars or tech raids. We have a friendly community which accepts all new members. How does one join I hear you ask... Well it's very simple. Change your alliance affiliation to "Mutually Assured Defense" and sign up on our external forum - <a href="http://z6.invisionfree.com/madalliance" target="_blank">http://z6.invisionfree.com/madalliance</a> Mutually Assured Defense (MAD) offers the following to anyone who sees it fit to join: </div></div> </div>
  2. You should give me ops yo'.

  3. Thanks for being a good sport and not taking it personally.

    Respect ++

  4. Since your User info display, allows you to show what alliance you are in, an alliance mask seems kind of pointless on the forum, especially since they got rid of the private alliance forums. Edit: also, wrong forum for this.
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