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Maxen von Bismarck

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Posts posted by Maxen von Bismarck

  1. Ah, some nice ad hominem attacks from the mighty war machine that is the Legion. And a cherry on the cake, insulting TPF on the sole basis that their score isn't further up the sanction list! Bravo!

    (I warned you FC, agreeing with me is bad for your reputation!)

    Tsch, regardless of whatever alliance I've joined, doesn't validate your claims.

  2. There is no use to most treaties, an ODP hardly being an exception.

    Just look at it this way:

    1.) If you can bandwagon, well it's great to have a ODP but not really required.

    2.) If you can bandwagon, but no ODP, it does not matter since you'll just find some reason anyhow.

    *Gestures vaguely to the whole Friends > Infra conflict*

    3.) If you have an ODP, but with an alliance that is going to be bandwagoned- that's when we see a lot of "sad, but neccessary" posts...

    So we got three scenerios, but the same result; alliances do as they want. Regardless of whatever random stuff they cooked up in between wars.

    In respect,

    Maxen von Bismarck

  3. This is just going to turn into a Vox thread isn't it?

    Damn, and here's me just hoping to talk aimlessly about Caek and JB and what the thread is really about.

    Should've known, it's CN after all.

    In respect,

    Maxen von Bismarck

  4. Honestly, this is just really pathetic... We have Finnish Commie, who has exactly no pull in the community nor have I ever heard of him before, teaming up with everyone's favorite troller to try and sway the wider CN community? The idea, in of itself is laughable; especially when you notice that they both disappear for a page when anybody who is anyone posts.

    You two, I speak for the silent majority when I say "just STFU."

    As for TPF; I mourn for the good old days. You know, when you had a sense of distinction, and a decent sanction ranking.

    In respect,

    Maxen von Bismarck

  5. Wait, I don't understand where you're coming Jerdge... We aren't interested in your kind of alliance, and even if we were- we have more than a good idea of what to do. Your post just seems sort of akward...

    In all due respect,

    Maxwn von Bismarck

  6. Not really, most of the people I know are pretty comfortable in their current positions, or at least would feel guilty in leaving their first alliance.

    I do think, however, I can get some people from !@#$%* to get over here. They're all for the real politik.

  7. Ten bucks says Duke Nukem Forever is released before I get dropped.

    I hope you're a big fan of waiting.

    Dear The Phoenix Federation,

    It has come to my attention that HeroofTime55 is currently aiming to become the most despised person, and alliance, on CyberNations. In that regard, he's winning. However, keeping in mind that you yourselves feel no reason in becoming the most despised alliance in the game, or the most despised players, I question why you continue to let him run about.

    In all due respect,

    Maxen von Bismarck

  8. Hey, why not take a few pointers from America? I gotta give props to the first alliance I've seen that has actually taken hints/guidance from the American structure.

    o/ CIA

    /o MASH

    In all due respect,

    Maxen von Bismarck

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