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Posts posted by Alomran

  1. Celtic,

    It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    First of all it is self explanatory that mediators have to be objective. As soon as they become subjective they are no mediators anymore, and thus this is kinda self explanatory.

    If we however look at the current situation, we see that one side is clearly winning, the "opposing side" has hardly a chance to win.

    Mediation just makes sense when both parties have something to put pressure on the other party.

    As an example we can take an employer - union negotiation.

    The employer can threaten with kicking out his people and the union can threaten with mass walkouts.

    At this point mediation makes sense because The employer and the union members have 2 desires. The employer doesn't want to lose money, the union doesn't want to lose member. Only on this base a successful mediation can take place.

    However, currently it looks like GATO CSN and allies, have hardly anything to threaten with, which means that a mediator can do nothing.

    Edit: Not Celtic, thus not replying to this <.< >.>

  2. A respectable position, although I don't personally think a mediator will be all that helpful. Mediation is only useful when two equal powers are having difficulty talking to each other civilly; I think we all know that this war will end when NPO say it does, and on their terms.

    Your offer of sanctuary is nice but individual surrender terms tend to involve wearing the PoW AA of the alliance you surrender to and not joining another one.

    Very true Bob, but we have to make the offer, no?

    Very true, however we have not seen any terms thus far (at least I haven't, just logged in) and so it could not include that.

  3. I am NPO in spirit in the same way your alliance is NAAC in spirit.

    Except you have stated on IRC that you only believe the Orders should exist as alliances because the others aren't worthy (or something similar, I can get the quote if you want it).

    I have never stated that NAAC was the best alliance ever and neither has my alliance. We have a lot of NAAC members, true, but most alliances appear to be able to see we aren't NAAC nor do we plan to oppose the Orders (and not because we couldn't (Well, we couldn't :P)) because Polaris has always been friends with us, and supported us even from the beginning, with a protectorate. If we were truly NAAC in spirit, that would have been completely out of order and uncalled for, and we would never have asked for one. We never have opposed the Orders on any occasion by military force and instead sided with them in our one conflict (UjW we joined in on Polaris's side of the war) in the history of our nation. If we were NAAC we never would have done that.

    My last post on the subject of my alliance being NAAC 2.0, as many people seem to want to believe.

    Edit: And I hope that post made more sense to you guys then it did to me.

    Sorry to derail.

  4. I am NPO in spirit in the same way your alliance is NAAC in spirit.

    Except you have stated on IRC that you only believe the Orders should exist as alliances because the others aren't worthy (or something similar, I can get the .

    I have never stated that NAAC was the best alliance ever and neither has my alliance. We have a lot of NAAC members, true, but most alliances appear to be able to see we aren't

  5. I can be quite respectful if I want to. That depends on whether they've earned my respect, which trust me is not easy to earn. There are close allies I never respected.

    Anyway, what makes you think I'm a member of the NPO? I resigned nearly a week ago.

    RV, I know your reply to Goriathor is going to be something negative, but if you read your posts, even though you aren't NPO in name, you are NPO in spirit. Listening to you last night in #IAA confirmed that for me, and anyone else there. Even though you aren't in NPO in general, you still "are" in NPO.

  6. absolutely true, i was never LUE actually.

    everything is well, work and my life in general is back to close to normal so i figured id come on back to good ole cybernations.

    how ya been?

    Good to hear.

    I have been good, great to see another ancient ODNer back, as Paley just came back recently.

  7. No, we are good at everything we need to be good at.

    Didn't read the thread, but I agree with this. NPO is good at what NPO does, which is all NPO needs to do to be as powerful as NPO is. Not overrated unless you believe some crackpot theory, like that NPO singlehandly destroyed every alliance ever that will exist (Do NOT take this as a challenge guys :P).

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