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Posts posted by Petrovich4

  1. Umbrella's slot usage is around 73%. MK's is about 48%. TOP is around 51%. Gro is about 39% and FCC's and Argent are both lower. I wouldn't call that much of an edge.

    Oh SNAP Azaghul got told :P

    Az, you better get ur whip out and start using all ur slots and every C&G member as well!!

  2. Yes but this thread is about the red sphere, and therefore involves the NPO, so don't be surprised if they get brought up a lot.

    I like your wit - I lol. :)

    I was responding to a NPO post from Zeta Defender about geopolitics as a whole, not about NPO's relevance in this thread. And they are relevant in this thread.

    I know that you did not just go there. I expected a much better come back from the head of the CnG Military Coordinator. Honestly how did you get that job to be honest, the only strategy I noticed during the war was a lack of warchests by some of your nations.

    Coordinator is not the same as Head honcho. SirWil is your guy to email your complaints about our apparent poor fighting capabilities. All comments are welcomed. Cool tangent, lovely ad hominem.

    But as this thread is about Red, time to leave the past in the past; the Dawn is approaching.

    Yes, this thread is about Red and NPO, not NPO and CN. I look forward to Red Dawn Rising. Just make sure your red sun doesn't burn out too quickly into a red dwarf...you know, with all the heat that is spewing from your centre and being emitted by your 600+ light rays.

    Damn I'm good. B)

  3. O rly, I see words that say you don't think the NPO is the center of the geopolitical world anymore yet your posts and the amount of arguing shows that something within that statement doesn't match up to par.

    NPO are not the centre of the world and this is the first time I have posted in this thread or in a related topic in regards to NPO.

    However, NPO have been the centre of whining.

  4. So, Vanguard's top FA guy is openly stating that they're itching for conflict for the sake of it?


    No. I'm a bit surprised you would assume that considering it's Vanguard. However, Raf's choice of words weren't the greatest.

    He can correct me if wrong, but there is always going to be overt and covert conflict, and NPO does not need to be connected to every single potential conflict. NPO is not at the centre of the geopolitical world anymore.

    That is what he was trying to say :)

  5. I didn't really follow many things just pre war and during the war, except for the immediate first couple of days due to RL. CN has also taken an enormous back seat in my life which is perfectly fine with me. There are ups and downs in regards to the amount of time you can commit to a game.

    Keep playing, even if it really is just checking in every couple of weeks for ur nation and glancing at these boards every so often. When you have time, you can come back in, even if it takes you several months (like me!).

    I was always confused by why you went 'against' us. Water under the bridge, you are still an incredible person.

    See ya soon :)

  6. I can handle being called out on what I wasnt around for, but mind explaining how I "dont remember too well"?

    Sure, sorry about not elaborating. I'll just pick the obvious one - ONOS.

    ONOS' highest position was Godfather. NPO demanded that Ivan be installed as Godfather of ONOS and run it. The former happened, and Ivan's lack of interest ensured that the latter did not happen. Many ONOSers despised NPO, Ivan and the viceroy idea. Ivan's lack of leadership during his tenure at the helm of ONOS just exacerbated the ill feelings. Furthermore, the lack of initiatives and progress that a Viceroy usually brings forth was non existent from him.

    As for NAAC, it was the wars that forced them to become more efficient. Legion is perhaps the only time (based on my discussions with them) in which a competent Viceroy was rewarded with respect and admiration for his work. The other Viceroy Episodes ranged from complete failures to neutral feelings and very little progress (GATO).

  7. You know...Based on what I remember of NPO's viceroys (I wasnt around for GATO's), the alliances that had them imposed on them actually wound up being all the better for them...NAAC actually had some efficient government structure (and had it lifted within a month...Although they always hated us from the outset), Legion apparently loved Zha, and ONOS considered Ivan their Godfather for awhile.

    ...You don't remember too well.

    Three and a half years of being in alliance leadership, knowing quite a few of the principal actors quite well either through observation (lol hi Vox) or through conversation. I know the cultures of most of the major alliances here better than a lot of their own people do. I know how these cultures get manipulated into doing things they wouldn't ordinarily do. I also know about personality conflicts between people and between cliques. In short (and not giving too much away) I pay a lot closer attention to this type stuff than most people and I have for a very very long time. I am usually never wrong, and the rest of you are usually never creative enough to prove me wrong. That is, unless I come out and say something and then the world is spurred to action to make sure I'm wrong... which should make people ask the question, why would he say something then? Is it because he wants the opposite to happen? Possibly, one can never be certain.

    This is obvious, but needed to be said. For some of us that have been here as long as you, Grub and others, Grub's thread is viewed by (in this case me) as being manipulative because Grub knew exactly what that thread would have brought. Either he was dense (doubt it), oblivious to its unintended consequences (his experience argues against this) or he purposely and cunningly set that thread.

    You don't have to be directly allied to a favourable/unfavourable entity in order to influence them to do your bidding. There are other ways.

    Interesting discussion all around.

  8. I have a dream that NPO will rise to the TOP of the mountain, using their worn coat as a Vanguard against the bitter Spartan cold. I dream that they then join the six other fantastic alliances in whining and complaining about life, love and CN.

    That is my dream.

    NPO + RoK: Both alliance have lost some members (and therefore alliance strength) due to new alliances being formed and some members joining these alliances. So relax :)

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