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Posts posted by Pingu

  1. On April 27, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Blackatron said:

    I don't think there is enough orange in your recruitment poster.


    You are correct, alas. If anyone can design with even more orange, I will be delighted.


    Not you, Mr Rothko - we have enough of your solid orange canvases in the bar already.

  2. On April 22, 2016 at 11:12 PM, KaitlinK said:

    <@KaitlinK> Did you and Hoo have "the talk" yet?
    <+Rampage3> Which one exactly?
    <+Rampage3> We talk a lot.
    <@KaitlinK> Bears & cubs talk
    <+Rampage3> ?
    <+Rampage3> PM. Hoo. Now.
    <~VanHooIII> LOL
    <~VanHooIII> Oh,we can have that talk here
    <+Rampage3> Wassup?
    <~VanHooIII> A bear, in the gay community
    * @KaitlinK turns on irc log for this
    <~VanHooIII> Is a burly, manly, usually larger and hairier guy
    <+Rampage3> And thanks to urban dictionary, I know that now.


    Congratulations Rampage!


    It's good to see learning happening on Bob. Education is vital for the future of the planet.


    Best of luck to the newest Triumvir and the other bears.

  3. The game of international politics is a cruel and intricate one that GPA chooses to play largely at arm's length. It is odd that so many do not understand that to maintain neutrality in an anarchic world order requires perpetual readiness to defend that neutrality, so the particular ministerial position they have chosen to mock is actually of great importance.


    Whether or not one admires GPA's chosen approach to international affairs - and who is to say it is intrinsically inferior to raiding, or treaty-whoring, or the various other practices we see pursued by alliances on Bob? - it is worth taking the time to develop a level of understanding of it more sophisticated than that of barely evolved pond slime.


    I swear that discourse in this venue is becoming so terminally stupid that the heat death of Bob could only be experienced as welcome relief.

  4. That is an interesting interpretation, Chunky Monkey. But in that case, Vox Populi was surely a restorationist movement, looking to re-establish the status quo ante. That's not the word he used, though.

    I note that Schattenmann doesn't approve of the term "hegemony" to describe the period of unipolar domination that Vox Populi sought to overturn. Nevertheless, it was an established order and Vox Populi was the challenger, whether its intentions were progressive or regressive. The terminology he chose suggests the latter. This is a new reading of history, I believe.

    Edit: posted at the same time as Herr Schattenmann. I am glad to have his clarification that he did indeed mean reactive. I am well satisfied.

  5. That is the most blatant and intentional misinterpretation I've ever heard. I expect better of an elder statesman like you, Pingu.


    I respect Herr Schattenmann's skills as an orator and penman. From a lesser intellect, I would take this for ignorance or a casual blunder. But I don't think he is prone to either of those.

  6. The thing that alarms me most in this is the following statement by my old friend Schattenmann:

    - Vox Populi was a reactionary popular movement against the Continuum bloc's "hegemony" ...

    I had always understood that Vox Populi's members, including Schattenmann himself, saw it as a revolutionary movement, which would seem a fair characterization. But here he is casting it as fascist, ultra-conservative, regressive. Unless, of course, he meant to say it was "reactive" rather than "reactionary"? But a wordsmith and able propagandist of his stature would not stumble over a key term of art like that, surely. Have we misunderstood what Vox was about all this time?

    Much to think on here, no question.

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