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Posts posted by Hunterman1043

  1. I may have not been part of the original team, however a lot of original players still exist in the government. Like Drugsup is another Triumvir, along with Legion-x.... Both long standing members in LoSS. Plus let's not forget Slade and CGB still being active forces in LoSS. ;) (That's just a few that I can name off the top of my head.)

  2. Perhaps, NewJersey, you could join LoSS instead. We don't use these nubbish techniques of posting random pictures to make ourselves look cool to gain members. Just look at our track record.

    We are one of the oldest standing alliances left in CN. We will give you the tools to build up your nation, as well as opportunities to serve LoSS in any aspect you desire.


  3. Also, to those saying "Bubblegum War 2.0." No. Simply No. I hated that war when it happened (and was not a member of BC at the time) and I still hate it now. No. Just. Friggen. NO!

    Lol. I was blindsided in that "war".... So was everyone except the few that knew the true nature of the war..... But at least I was able to salvage BDC after that incident with the help of other gov members and Polaris.

    But ya. This was a 100% legit war, and I wasn't even online at the time to witness it. -_-

    At least I'm glad this whole thing is over.... Level-headed minds prevailed in this my old friend (Zzzptm).

    One last comment: I'm tired of seeing posts about whether LoSS will honor her treaties or not. I come to tell you that we will, come hell or high water (bare with the cliche). Even if the cards are heavily stacked against us, I will never agree to cancel on friends. Ever. Period. Say what you will, but our actions speak for themselves. For the last time, we are under new leadership (Me being one of three), and with new leadership comes change. One of my main goals as Triumvir is to change the ill-will opinions many share for us, most of which has been unfounded for months. If anyone has a problem with LoSS, I am always open for a query or PM. Thanks.

    o/ LoSS

    o/ BC

    o/ Allies

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