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Posts posted by Ghuxalia

  1. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1284589794' post='2455098']
    To be honest, I never really thought of that. But, it would make a lot of sense.

    Ehem. My sig wasn't ran through any filters. Lionheart's looks like a product from the new CS5 mixer brush tool.
    It's still hardly edited. :P

    [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1284590202' post='2455106']
    Mine's a parody. I had to follow some of the modifications made by the original (which were hardly any).
    Same goes for you.

  2. The last 5 sigs are just random photos with 3 filters. (Sal's just has some random crap thrown on with the filters :P) Damsky's is a joke, and is a bad attempt at a poorly drawn sig. Mainly because the shark has a large lowe jaw. That annoys me. KP's is too large to be a legitimate sig.

  3. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1284432048' post='2453192']
    As a non member in good standing since LANCE was formed, and as the regulation typical innocent bystander run-over by the 4x4 that is LANCE I hereby bring to vote the motion that all LANCErs be sent to bed without supper after giving them ten smacks on the hiney with the backside of a hairbrush.

    Seriously fellows, what in the name of sanity, is this?
    I can't answer for the rest of them, but for me, it was avoiding doing my homework.

  4. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284428488' post='2453115']
    I withdraw the motion. :v:

    Also, it appears that we are back to where we started. The original document obviously needs some work, so I now request that my signature be removed so that some day I might sign another document that is similar but not so open to death by der lulz.


    edit: also what Methrage posted above is accurate.
    Fun time's over? Back to work? I guess finishing my homework before midnight might be a good idea. I hereby withdraw my signature as well.

  5. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284428471' post='2453114']
    I got this PM shortly after RV posted trying to expel me, it was only him who tried destroying LANCE and expelling Kerberos Nexus. Bavaricar only wanted to expand and continues to do so. RV wants to bring those in who would destroy LANCE through technicalities.
    [/quote]I just wrote a rant, but then I realized it would just fall on deaf ears, and it's nearly as fun as playing along with your little game.

  6. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284426573' post='2453065']
    Why should alliances be given any vote? Also, no, he has not been voted out.

    BTW, we also have a vote before us to strike the expulsion language in the document.

    So far the vote of the [i]current [/i]signatories is as follows
    Ghuxalia - yes
    Methrage - yes... I think
    Mandolus - yes
    Bavaricar - yes

    Nicolai - ???
    Rebel Virginia- ???

    We also have pending members, so your vote and Nicolai's are needed to move one way or the other since it has to be unanimous.
    RV and I both vote no. And Nicolai has no vote.

  7. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284424118' post='2452998']
    You're part of an alliance that encourages tech raiding, which goes against libertarian principles.
    Who said alliances had anything to do with this? As far as I'm concerned, this is just a bunch of people playing along with your stupid little game because they're bored, while the rest of Planet Bob looks through the palm that is covering their collective face.

    Edit: proofreading = smarter before you hit "post".

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