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Posts posted by MrCyber

  1. Did you copy/paste the webpage instead of the source code maybe? I did that once and I waited forever :awesome:

    Didn't get any error, so I wasn't aware I was doing something wrong :mellow:

    MrCyber, isn't it possible to extract all the necessary data from copying the webpage instead?

    (when I did enter the correct data, it only took 4 seconds to parse and show the results)

    I'm still working on the error stuff when wrong data is loaded. And yeah it would be possible to extract all the data from copying the webpage instead probably, except that's not what the parser is expecting at the moment :)

  2. What about GUN?

    Also, I don't know if your calculator does this, but it would be cool to know how much in-game money I would save on an infra jump if I purchased a donation. I was actually considering this for my next jump, and it would help to know the cost difference when making up my mind.

    Just use the infra calc, set it to the level at which you will be receiving the donation (You should always receive it for your last 200 infra as those are the most expensive levels), then select resources, etc, then type 200 in the "Infra to buy" box and click calculate. Voila. That's the amount of money you'll save.

  3. Ok. I'm trying to build a correct Technology cost calculator. I think I've figured out most of the formulas, now I just need to check them for accuracy. To do this I need a large sample size of information and you can all help me with that. The information I need is:

    Your technology level:

    Your cost / technology level:

    Do you have the following resources:



    How many University improvements do you have:

    Do you have the following wonders:

    Great University:

    National Research Lab:

    Space Program:

    With that information I can check my formulas.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Ok I think I got all the data I needed. I created a public Tech Calculator from this data. The calculator is accurate to ± $0.50.

    You can find it here : http://www.cn-utilities.com/techcalculator.aspx

  4. Admin,

    Thanks for the new chart function to add your own lines to another nation when you're within 10k NS. It is quite confusing though if you're really close since all the dots etc are the same color.

    Can you please make them 2 different colors on the line chart?

    It would probably also be helpful to have different colors in the 2 Nation Rank Comparison chart. Would make it much easier to identify what is what.


    Not sure if this is considered a bug or a new feature, so please move topic of it's considered new feature.

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