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Posts posted by MrCyber

  1. I just tried to purchase some land while I'm in bill lock. The message I get however doesn't cover the fact that I can't buy it because I'm in bill lock. The only thing the message says is :

    Either you do not have enough land or Euros to perform that transaction or you attempted to purchase more than the maximum amount of land available to purchase at one time is 0 miles. The maximum amount of land that you can sell is -20 miles.

    I would suggest that if you're in bill lock and try to purchase land that the message would say something to the effect of:

    You cannot purchase any land because you haven't paid your bills in x days.

    That way it would be much clearer what's causing you not to be able to buy land.

  2. NS does not account for land gains via resource trades, only actual purchases.

    Ok.. so where can you find that number ? Currently all my nation screen says is :

    388.544 from purchases/sales/gains

    I know I bought a load of land since I was constantly running into over population messages so where can I find how much I really should put in the formula?

    Also taken into account that my nation has a 38% increase in land purchases I would still get to 8472.651 NS with the forumula.

    (388.544 / 1.38) * 1.5 + 0 * 0.75 + 300 * 1 + 0 * 1.5 + 0 * 50 + 70.07 * 5 + 1999.99 * 3 + 14000 * .10 + (0 * 5) = 8472.651

  3. When using the NS strength calculation the answer does not correspond with the NS number I have according to my nation page.

    Here's the calculation as found in the help:

    Land Purchased * 1.5 + Tanks Deployed * .75 + Tanks Defending * 1 + Cruise Missiles * 1.5 + Nuclear Purchased * 50 + Technology

    Purchased * 5 + Infrastructure Purchased * 3 + Actual Military * .10 + (aircraft rating totals * 5)

    Here it is with my stuff filled in:

    388.544 * 1.5 + 0 * 0.75 + 300 * 1 + 0 * 1.5 + 0 * 50 + 70.07 * 5 + 1999.99 * 3 + 14000 * .10 + (0 * 5) = 8633.136

    My Nation's page says : 8,366.907 so this seems that something else has an influence on Nation Strenght ? What is it ? or is it a bug ?

    My nation URL : http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=168748

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