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Posts posted by MrCyber

  1. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1292712900' post='2543165']
    Any chance with your new-found donations and hosting you could finally fix the chrome bugs where the toolbar doesn't work and I have to bookmark every calc? :/
    I've been trying to fix these, but so far unsuccessful. I'm still working on it though. I hope to have a solution soon.

  2. [quote name='Ninja Colt' timestamp='1292298638' post='2539154']
    Gave a small donation, I've been using cn-utilities for years and I'm glad to help in anyway possible.

    Forgot to add a note though, email is shephard7957@yahoo.com
    Thanks for the donation. It's much appreciated.

  3. [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1292214873' post='2538091']
    What is your daily traffic? I wouldn't mind hosting for you if it's not outrageous, I don't use all that much of my plan.
    It's not a lot. Couple 100 Mb on average. 5-10 times that during large wars though :)

    Thanks for the offer, but I did get enough donations to cover the expenses for the next 14 months and already purchased that, so maybe after that expires.

  4. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1292201259' post='2537793']
    Heh, maybe I should be soliciting donations for CNA ;)

    More seriously, I imagine your alliance has spare hosting capacity, so you shouldn't need to be paying for hosting, just the domain, if money is a problem.
    Well they have hosting capacity, just not hosting capacity with ASP.Net support, only PHP, so unfortunately that didn't work.

  5. Thanks to everyone who donated. Enough donations have come in to keep the site up & running for the 14 months. Hopefully by that time I have a job again and will just keep the site running on my own again.

    If you still wish to donate, donations are always welcome and appreciated. Anyone who donates will get access to the exclusive Battle Odd Calculator.

    Thanks again,


    P.S. I'm working on fixing the menus so they work in all browsers (instead of just IE & FF). I hope to have this fix in within the next 24-48 hours.

  6. [quote name='OsRavan' timestamp='1292001795' post='2535725']
    Out of curiosity can you let us know how much you need? i.e is there a target number?
    Hosting is $9.99 a month (paying for a year in advance), so to keep the site running for another year I'd need $119.88. It's not a huge sum of money, but being without a job I need to pay rent, etc first. :)

    Update: About 40% of the above mentioned some has meanwhile been donated. Thanks to everyone who has helped out so far.

  7. [quote name='jaaku' timestamp='1291999513' post='2535699']
    best I could give man. Wish I could have done more.
    Thanks :) As I said before, everything helps. There are 5500 registered users of the site, so if everyone would donate $1 I can keep the site running for years to come.

  8. So far only 2 small donations received, which will keep the site up another month, but that's about it. Really people I wish my situation was different, but it's not unfortunately, so if you want to keep this site around, please help. I've kept this site running for about 3 years so far, so it'd be a shame if it would disappear.

  9. [quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1291934268' post='2535167']
    i have never seen that site before but i will check it out. i also wouldn't be able to donate alot but even a couple dollars would help keep the site open for us all :)
    Every little bit helps.

  10. [quote name='Jaymjaym' timestamp='1291934149' post='2535164']
    I've been a fan of your site for a while now. I can't give a whole lot, but I'll be glad to contribute.

    Edit: Donation button doesn't seem to work for me, anyone else getting it to work?
    Thanks I appreciate it.

    Paypal button now works.

  11. All,

    As many of you know I've created CN-Utilities.com a few years ago. This site hosts several calculators used in CyberNations. They include:
    - Infrastructure Cost calculator
    - Trade circle calculator
    - Land calculator
    - Technology calculator
    - Wonder calculator

    These tools have always been free for use for any registered user on the site. I wish to keep it this way, however I recently lost my job (again) and this is causing me some issues paying for the hosting costs of the site. So I'm calling upon the community of users to help keep this site up by making a donation to help me keep the site running. I've added a Donation button on the home page for this use.

    For those that help with a donation, please send your username (for the site) as well as your CN Username with your donation and you will be given access to an exclusive calculator on the site :
    - Battle Odds Calculator
    This calculator helps you determine your battle odds before deploying your troops for an attack.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that is going to help out.



    UPDATE : Paypal donate button now works.

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