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Posts posted by Raken

  1. No I wasn't there because I recognize I am a less important individual than our vice president and person acting as Umbrella's leader while our president was less active. No you weren't there because you were similarly an unimportant individual. 


    You're important to me JoshuaR :wub: . As for you Os, just to reiterate what Josh said earlier, you were not involved at all with the final negotiatons - talk about revisionist history... Those happened solely between Brehon and I. We accepted the extended terms, and the night in which the terms/surrender were to begin, we were presented with an offer of Admission of Defeat and a complete white peace across the board, which we took.

  2. 2gv6cjk.jpg


    Recognition of Hostilities and Declaration of War.


    Our allies, The Order of the Paradox have been attacked by Non Grata. Pursuant to Article III of The Reaver Accords, Umbrella hereby recognizes a state of war with Non Grata.



    Signed for Umbrella,

    Daikos, President

    Domisi, Vice-President

    Raken, Head Envoy

    WhiteMajik & Dylan Carter, Envoys

    JoshuaR, Field Marshal

    Roquentin, Economist

    Martikora, The Generator


  3. how you would expect your longtime good buddies to handle these sorts of things: posting a screencap of the cancellation poll with no explanation or prior warning



    Lets stop that buck right here. We told you in our government channel the night the vote started with Rsox, King Brandon, and Sardonic in attendance.


    If your gov chooses to dictate the flow of info away from you that is their choosing but don't start pushing that onto us.

  4. 1000px-Doom_House_Accords.jpg


    Notice of withdrawal from The Doom House Accords

    As most of you have known for around the past two and a half years Doomhouse has been a household name among CN if you liked it or not. I cannot take credit for the creation of the bloc of the Mushroom Kingdom, Umbrella, and GOONS but I was definitely a vocal supporter within Umbrella at the time. Having been a member of MK for nearly 4 years and a member of Umbrella for a little less, I knew that there was a special connection. People talk about this game with the idea that certain alliance had a specific "culture"; Well, to say that we had three cultures that worked quite well was an understatement. We not only worked well together, we thrived. We accomplished a lot. We had our fair share of slipups, but when you take chances and you're at the top that is part of the game. We handled that well even-so. Doomhouse has always been the primary focus of Umbrella's foreign policy and it worked out pretty well in our favor up until recently.

    Unfortunately, this game, real life, proves time and time again: all good things must come to an end. I can tell you Umbrella has wrestled with this debate of cancelling and keeping DH for almost a year as a serious topic. We've always come to the fact that things weren't that bad/we were being dramatic or that the social relationship is something we didn't want to lose. It was usually a combination of both. Reluctantly, Umbrella is at a divergent point in the road with what we want from our foreign affairs and what we think our bloc-mates want to do in the future, and how Doomhouse would be used in any sort of upcoming conflict.

    This has been a journey that almost from the beginning I feel I've been an integral part of to be selfish for a moment. So it really comes with heavy heart that I am here to activate Article 5. 'Dear Richard' of the Doom House Accords. Please note the cancellation period is one week.

    Cheers old friends, it was fun.


    Daikos, President
    Domisi, Vice-President
    Raken, Head Envoy

    Teh 1337 Guy, Assistant to the Traveling Secretary

  5. Preamble: The undersigned here commit to a bond bound in the sacred act of Reaving. Each party holds that once your inner reaver has been awoken, no amount of reaving can quench the thirst of reaving.

    Article I. Sovereignty
    Each Reaving Party understands that they are separate entities and therefore respect each other's own ways and agree not to intefere.

    Article II. Non-Aggression
    Each Reaving Party shall not conduct any act of reaving on each other.

    Article III. Cooperation and Obligation.
    If either Reaving Party is attacked by a foreign threat it is the duty of the other Reaving Party to assist in military and financial backing, or as asked. Should said attack come because as the result of either Party's outside treaties, such assistance is optional.

    Article IV. The Art of Reaving.
    Each Reaving Party is entitled to conduct reavings as they see fit, though it is not mandatory (but encouraged) the other Party may help out in the form of military assistance or financial assistance if they so desire.

    Article V. The End of Reaving
    If either Reaving Party feels the nature of this accord has been broken or tarnished, then each party is entitled to serve a 72 hour notice of cancellation, at which time thereafter the treaty is considered null and void.

    Signed for [i]Umbrella[/i]
    [b]President:[/b] Natan
    [b]Vice President:[/b] Raken

    [b]Envoys:[/b] Daikos, Whitemajik, Legendoftheskies
    [b]Field Marshall:[/b] JoshuaR
    [b]Economist:[/b] Niota
    [b]Generator:[/b] Martikora

    Signed for [i]The Order of the Paradox[/i]
    [size=4]Centurius[/size], [b]Grandmaster[/b]
    Owned-You, [b]Grand Chancellor[/b]
    TalisK, [b]Grand Hospitaller[/b]

  6. Compromise is a two-way street. Don't expect us to come all the way when you won't budge at all.

    Edit: don't you love how roq edits his post like 5 minutes after you respond so it looks like he said all this other stuff that you didn't want to talk about but really he just waited for you to post. Man so squirmy.

    Anyway, if you want to know domisi is a nice person, he generally isn't going to give you a hard time in general. Apologizing for committing a crime doesn't absolve you of your punishment Roq. As well by now, you'll know domisi is just one person in Umbrella and just because he doesn't mind the scummy things you did while in Sparta, doesn't mean myself and everyone else in Umbrella who saw the things you did weren't royally pissed off.

    I mean it also didn't help when the last night before you went on our twitter, I approached Tulak for like the fifth time and asked him to keep you contained, he said he'd handle it and tell you to tone it down. At that point we knew Sparta had no control over your actions and thats when things got dangerous. Can't say you surprised us though.

  7. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340027750' post='2987617']
    Just to make it clear: I didn't call for Umbrella's destruction during that time and your own President acknowledged that. I do realize the collective incoherence of your government in terms of certain gov members not liking others, however, and the idiocy of the membership. Considering he was more than willing to acknowledge wrongdoing on Umbrella's part, perhaps you guys should arrange to be on the same page some day.

    It's kind of funny how someone who didn't really deserve the envoy job to begin with holds the position again, but when the standard is "he's a fellow stoner," it makes sense.

    Revisionist history from an utter incompetent who only got the Envoy title and consequently VP because people didn't want to give it to someone with less seniority is hilarious though.

    I mean I definitely remember you asserting threats [b]directly at umbrella[/b] of your squandered aid deal. We were actually going to help Sparta and you decided to get way to autocratic and try to extort us of aid we were getting ready to give you.

    These quotes are from the aid deal alone, I didn't have to dig far to find these.

    <Roq[Ephor|Sparta]> and if they're not willing
    <Roq[Ephor|Sparta]> then they're going to get f$^#ed up the a**

    <Roq[Sparta]> in addition, if any of you complain to tulak or luka
    <Roq[Sparta]> bombs go off
    <Roq[Sparta]> they don't want angry queries

    <Tulak_Hord> I'm talking to Roq right now, I can most likely get the threats to stop. He has a chain of command to follow like anyone else in Sparta
    <domisi> he's now threatening to enact his vendetta against us in retaliation for just talking to you

    Considering you accessing our Twitter as well, don't scratch your head and claim we are revising history when you decided to overstep your bounds and help destroy, not re-kindle any sort of Sparta relationship we had left. I'll agree that you joining Sparta wasn't fair for Sparta.

  8. I love the implication over the last two pages that we "pulled" Sparta around last war. I'm sure your government will tell you we told you nothing and gave you notice but we gave you months of time in advance letting you know, that we would not be there if it was because of FARK or GOD. We told you we're not going to jump on the sinking ship of SF/XX last war, and you got pissed when Luka crawled into our embassy and threw a temper tantrum when we didn't activate our treaty after you countered for FARK's pre-empt. "Wait what you guys dont want to get curbed for FARK, an alliance you pretty much despise and have told us you wouldn't defend in the past?" I guess you could make the argument we were incompetent insofar that we didn't cancel you guys soon enough - but accepting Roquentin and promoting to a higher level of government while he spat on us and openly called for our destruction - seemed to do the trick just fine.

  9. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340001749' post='2987422']
    I don't really know. There are many incompetent, undeservig gov members in many alliances. I don't think you've really done much anyway. It's more who *isn't* calling the shots that bothers me, and I'm not referring to myself.

    Meh, me removing myself made little difference in the overall scheme. I'd rather not be in an alliance where not wanting to suck dick is a minority viewpoint.

    More or less, yes, by the way. I wouldn't push your luck though. ;)

    you created the beast, thank you we owe it all to you!

  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339997546' post='2987286']
    Don't worry about Raken, even gov in Umbrella think he's incompetent so glass houses, etc.

    And yet I remain here :) I bet that just grinds you up, seeing me in [b]your[/b] alliance calling shots and making moves. If only you didnt remove yourself from Umbrella in such an untimely fashion

    edit: thanks for getting us all that tech all by your only lonesome. you did it all by yourself, might as just call the AA roquentin

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