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Lord Kesselring

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Posts posted by Lord Kesselring



    One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others. -Niccolo Machiavelli


    On August 5th 2011 Roland, Mila Amo, AlmightyHero and Akotash came together and formed House Baratheon. It was an alliance founded on integrity, honor and freedom. The alliance was meant to be a place where old players could go to and relax in mild retirement. HB outgrew the micro numbers and became a medium size alliance. The old leaders are mostly gone now and a new group of leaders have taken the reigns and intend to keep on growing in size and strength. In order to accomplish this changes need to be made. So it is with great pride and optimism that I announce the establishment of The Seven Kingdoms. TSK carries on the same standards set in our founding. All the treaty obligations will be carried over. 



    The Charter of The Seven Kingdoms

    On Lords and Lands
    To the many Lords, Ladies, and Knights of the Realm, that they may find welcome wherever they uphold the King's Peace. Those wishing to swear fealty to the Realm must do so within the confines of our home forum. As our banner bears a golden crowned stag upon a field of green, we encourage our Lords to proudly wear the color gold (yellow) in support, and all under this great banner are to display their affiliation to "The Seven Kingdoms" for all to see. 
    Within the Seven Kingdoms under Our dominion these Lords, Ladies, and other distinguished nobles shall have guaranteed the following rights: to speak freely, to freely associate, to peacefully petition and state grievances without reprisal, to protection, and to abandon their claims and depart the greater kingdom in times of peace. Accordingly, those holding lands within the greater kingdom are held to a standard of behavior befitting of their station. Those who wish not to abide within the realm of honor and at good taste shall be sent into exile.
    Calling up the Banners
    To ensure the protection of all within the Realm one must call upon far beyond their own household guard no matter how formidable. As such it is the responsibility of all, great or small, to swiftly raise their banners and rally their resources in defense of themselves and their countrymen.
    The King and His government
    The Realm is overseen by the King in all matters. Still, there is much more to the proper administration of a kingdom than drinking oneself into glorious oblivion, enough so that we have established the Small Council to assist in the day to day handling of these matters. The Small Council shall be appointed by and organised by the King as he sees fit. Succession will be dealt with as according to the current King's desires: should he want to appoint an heir, he may do so, and should he want to hold a vote, he may do so.
    The Lord’s Council
    The King is a busy man and cannot always listen to every individual Lord or Lady throughout The Seven Kingdoms, so the Lords and Ladies shall have an elected body to represent their voices to the King. The Lord's Council shall vote on any treaty presented by his Highness or chosen representative. The Lords Council shall have the right to amend this Charter if a majority of the council vote in favour. If the King shall lose his way the Lords Council is obligated to say so, and may advise a different course of action. Any vote that receives 3 out of 4 votes will pass and will be presented to the King to sign into being. The King reserves the right to veto any bill. If the King vetoes the bill it is sent back to the council. In the event of an emergency the King may suspend the Lord’s Council. 
    Any member who is not on the Small Council may enter their name to run for the Lord's Council, but their nomination must be seconded by another member of The Seven Kingdoms to be placed on the ballot. The election process will be held on the first Monday of the month and will last for one week. Each member of The Seven Kingdoms will be allowed two votes but these must be used on two different candidates. Upon the conclusion of voting the two candidates with the most votes will serve a two month term. The two elected council members will serve alongside two hand-picked council members selected by the King. As the King is the foremost protector of the realm his two hand-picked council members serve as his voice in the council. 
    The King is Dead, to us at least
    Should the Lords and Ladies of The Seven Kingdoms lose faith in their sovereign it is fully within their power to remove Him. Such an action will require a statement of intent to The Lord’s Council, followed by a vote. After a week of deliberation the Lord’s Council will vote and if it is a 3-1 vote in favor the vote will be passed on to the populace of The Seven Kingdoms. The Lords and Ladies of the realm are all notified in game and on the forums that such a vote is taking place. The vote must occur for a declared period of time, no less than 72 hours, and result in over 50% of the votes cast to be in favor of a change of regime. Upon a successful removal of the King, the King's abdication without an heir, or the King's sudden unexpected absence, the Hand of the King will assume the role of leader until a new King can be selected by alliance wide vote. Such a vote will be of similar design, though the actual vote shall be delayed for a suitable time to allow for proper campaigning of candidates among the Lords.







    King, Kesselring
    Hand of the King, David Stillicho
    Master of Arms, Metalbot
    Master of Laws, Lyev
    Master of Whispers, Torchwood
    Master of Coin, Prince Oberyn

    Grand Maester, LandR



  2. Excuse the bluntness, but I have no time for pomp and circumstances so this will be short and sweet.



    House Baratheon declares war on R&R in support of MI6 military efforts via our MDoAP.






    King: Kesselring
    Hand of King: David Stillicho
    Hand of King: Tywin Lannister
    Master of Arms: Metalbot
    Master of Laws: Stucifer
    Master of Whispers: Torchwood
    Master of Coin: Prince Oberyn
    Grand Maester: LandR
  3. Notice of Protection

    Preamble: In the bond of friendship, as well as the interest of protection and guidance into planet Bob, the alliances of House Baratheon and the LAW enter into this agreement of protection.

    Article I - Sovereignty: House Baratheon and the LAW recognize each other as sovereign and separate alliances, each entitled to handle their own affairs accordingly.

    Article II - Respect: The alliances shall strive to hold each other in the utmost respect and good faith. If an altercation arises between the alliances, they agree to exhaust the proper diplomatic channels and shall resolve disputes as quickly as possible.

    Article III - Protection and Defense: House Baratheon shall consider an attack on the LAW as an attack on themselves.  The LAW may come to the defense of House Baratheon in the event of a war if such aid is requested; however such aid is completely optional.

    Article IV – Aid and Intelligence: House Baratheon agrees to aid the nations of the LAW to help them grow, including the trade of technology.  Both parties agree to inform the other of any changes or information that might affect the other alliance.

    Article V - Aggression: The LAW is only allowed to start a war with the permission of House Baratheon.

    Article VI - Foreign Affairs: The LAW must receive permission from House Baratheon before signing any treaties, and is limited to level ODoAP and under.

    Article VII - Disbandment: The LAW is required to notify House Baratheon 72 hours before potential disbandment, during which time House Baratheon agrees to protect the alliance and its nations.  In the case of disbandment, a merger will only be allowed with the permission of House Baratheon.

    Article VIII - Cancellation:  If either of the alliances sees fit to cancel this treaty, it may do so at any time by written notification, but the clauses will remain in effect for a 72 hour grace period.

    Signed for House Baratheon,
    Kesselring, King
    David Stilicho, Hand of the King
    Metalbot, Master of Arms
    Stucifer, Master of Laws
    Torchwood, Master of Whispers
    Prince Oberyn, Master of Coin
    Eaton94, Grand Maester

    Signed for the LAW,
    Nomdeplume, Sheriff
    Lyev, Sheriff
    Lahavoc, Sheriff

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