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Posts posted by ShadowDragon

  1. gStl4o2.png

    Mucho Locos Pacto

    Prueba I: Preámbulo

    The Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia (hereby referred to as AAD) and Los Pollos Hermanos (hereby referred to as LPH) hereby agree to the following protectoRIte pact, in the interest of growth and fostering a friendship between the two entities.

    Prueba II: Locura

    As long as this agreement is in effect, the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia will provide complete protection from aggression to Los Pollos Hermanos. If Los Pollos Hermanos specifically requests the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia refrain from intervening, the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia will abide by Los Pollos Hermanos' wishes. Should the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia become involved in a conflict, Los Pollos Hermanos is not under obligation to become involved, but are encouraged to assist however they feel they can.

    Prueba III: Inteligencia

    Los Pollos Hermanos agrees to keep the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia updated with their current & future intentions. More specifically they agree to notify the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia of any agreements or wars they plan to partake in at least 72 hours ahead of time.

    Prueba IV: Florida

    Viva La Florida!

    Prueba V: Burritos

    The treaty will remain in place for as long as deemed necessary. Either party may cancel this treaty when they wish, but must notify the other signatory 48 hours prior to publicly announcing the cancellation. During those 48 hours, the treaty is still considered in effect. Upon the public posting of dissolution, the treaty is void. This obligation may be waived at the agreement of both parties or if Prueba III is broken.

    Prueba VI: Signatários

    Para el Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia,
    ~ Shadow, Por la Gracia de Cactuar, Su Excelencia Gloriosa El Santísimo, Bendito, y el Venerable Triunviro de Eterno of Aleatorio Demencia y los Dominios y Territorios que le Pertenecen, Capitán Planeta Emérito, Sumo Pontífice de los Santos Reinos del Cactuar, Defensor de la Fe, Guardián del Funk, Gran Maestre de la Orden Militar Más Noble Soberano de Cactimus Prime, Comandante Central del Clan Nintuar, Líder y Guía de la Rivolucion, The Ultimate de Forma de vida, Místico Dragón Emperador de los Cheeselands, Archiduque de Trastorno, Cacique de la Locura, Titiritero del Caos, etc.
    ~ Ogaden, El Mucho Buzzkillo, Triunviro, Cubierto de Salsa Barbacoa
    ~ im317, Triunviro, Anterior Anciano de PotD, Enemigo de Ortografía, Secreto un Perro
    ~ dester55, yo no hablo español
    ~ biofantic, Jefe de Operaciones Militares, Campeón del Pueblo
    ~ Croix, JdAI (Jefe de Asuntos Internos)
    ~ Moth, el Dio Grande
    ~ Jenne, El Jefe, Asesino de DBDC, Quiero cagar en su sombrero
    ~ cctmsp13, Virrey, Supremo de Economía

    Para el Los Pollos Hermanos,
    ~ Rey the Great, Gus

    insanity and tacos
  2. haven't read the last 5 update-less pages but Ill just assume they are full of a nice long riveting discussion about these awesome stats.


    fyi regular daily updates should return on Jan 5.


    Happy New Year!


    Also go DoG! About to pass Argent in damage despite being a one man AA!


    Day 55 (Nov 7 11pm - Jan 01 6pm)














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