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Posts posted by enderland

  1. On 12/2/2016 at 10:36 AM, kingzog said:

    I'm currently on my unknownth nation (none concurrent!) so at least I have plausible deniability with respect to how long I've been here.


    I used to think that. But on my latest:


    4/3/2013 6:35:42 AM (1,340 Days)


    I've already had for 3.5 years... which is a long time too.


    Hard to believe that I first started this endeavor about 10 years ago (!)..


    Why do you think you get to decide that the way they play the game doesn't count, that they don't count?


    Because ultimately, if everyone here only played the nation simulator aspect, the "game" (which encompasses a political simulator, the nation simulator aspects of buying things, paying bills, etc, is secondary aspect to this for nearly everyone) would be dead.


    As a nation simulator, CN has nothing to offer for entertainment compared to numerous games out there. If the "draw" of CN is people to sign in daily, do a few clicks, and "play" a game and that's fine - but if that is the primary "draw" to CN it will ultimately doom CN.



    I am certainly not proposing pacifism by any means; I'm just saying we need to be realistic and brutally honest with ourselves about how things got this way and what sort of world we can build that will prosper and thrive. There was no "huggle-fest" going on prior to GW2 & 3. There was lively debate and war was a risk. I came here just after getting formal education in International Politics and was very impressed by the level of rhetoric here. There was a Papal Schism at one point. Fantastic RP by people who were obviously knowledgable and well-educated in IR.



    This is exactly my point!


    That was all done by facets of this game other than the "nation simulator" aspects. The events leading up to GW2/GW3? Were those led by people who treated this as a nation simulator and played it without engaging others? Who sat on None and didn't coordinate/interact with other players? Or was it by people who considered it a political simulator?


    The thing that has been missing from CN for many years is the interesting political simulator aspects. And for many, the ability to compete against other games which satisfy the daily "looking for entertainment" aspects. If CN's greatest draw is a daily nation simulator it will fail to keep up with other games that are far more entertaining/interesting on a daily basis.




    Having actually founded and worked closely with non-aligned nations, I can say from direct experience that many are so independent that they would never join an alliance or even register on forums. So they refused to join NONE because that was too much organization for them.



    This more or less is exactly why I don't think that losing those nations really matters. As nations if they don't want to partake in the greater game that is happening (the political simulator, alliances, OWF, etc) then all CN loses when they leave is a trade partner.



    Are these people worthless? Are they, by your definition, "inactive" because they don't want to talk to the likes of you here or on your alliance forums?




    It's amusing to me that in your lengthy post everything you talk about as a positive/interest from CN is only possible because you were involved in some sort of non-nation simulator aspects (OWF, alliance, political simulator, etc). 


    None of the things you are extolling as a reason to play the game are part of the game for those who sit on "none."



    In the immediate aftermath of GW2 & 3 I organized non-aligned to defend themselves and each other. The members were recruited by finding non-aligned under attack and offering to coach them to fight on their own in their existing wars. Only those who were willing to fight were admitted. Then we organized mutual defense; contacting the attackers first to let them know that their non-aligned target had friends and that if they persisted in their attacks, they would find themselves in a fight.


    We were called terrorists for doing this and were thus hunted down and exterminated.



    So it didn't work over EIGHT years ago so it won't work again? How many nations during this time had billions upon billions in their warchests?  How many had significant military wonders, WRCs, Manhattan Projects, etc?
    As a single nation I could personally finance 6 nations in a 2015-NONE setup indefinitely even if I came under constant attack for a year straight given my warchest. And whenever (if?) I ever got small enough, I'd have the means to wreck completely anyone below 10k NS.
    There are alliances that do this and have for presumably years. GPA has had a "load up small nations with nukes for tech raid defense" program that appears to be called Small Sentinels  - build up a small, 6000 NS nation with nuclear weapons to discourage tech raiders in their lower ranks.
    I know it's easier to complain/lament the times in the past, and dream of a better tomorrow, but there are so many more nations in position now to take up the NONE banner effectively than ever before.
    Get a Manhattan Project (you aren't using your aid slots, but have DRA/FAC, so in 20 days you can get the 100M and I'm sure there are people in your alliance would be more than happen to sponsor it who are in similar position to me - tons of cash, not using aid slots). Get the Hidden Nuclear Silo next and you're good to go.
    My point is, if this is something you are so passionate about there are many, many ways you can take actions that are far more effective than simply lamenting the good times of nearly a decade ago.
  3. With such a rapidly declining played base I feel now is the time to try it. For this to work it needs the support of all alliances and may even require ingame enforcement on a few.
    At the end of the eight weeks we go back to normal while we analyze and discuss the findings.

    Please discuss and tell me if I'm insane or this is worth trying for the short time it would take.


    What problem is this trying to solve?


    If your concern is purely number of nations, perhaps this is an ok approach. But if your concern is that the game is dying how does this help?


    The negative outcome of raiding normally is people who are not really playing the game anyways. Just weight and numbers, realistically. Even if I grant that raiding drives these players from the game - is that actually a negative? Sure there are less people, but if CN had 5000 people who were really seriously playing the game (which isn't just logging in and paying bills/collecting taxes) it'd be in a way better place than if it had fewer actually playing but more nation.


    There are a lot of people who get more involved in CN as a result of raiding - whether the one who is raiding or the raided person.


    The problem that CN has it that the alliance structure deliberately contributes to stagnation because so few of the remaining players are actually interested in doing anything (myself included, I hardly know why I'm still here to be honest). To make this interesting, to keep people around, you need a reason to care, have a goal, etc. For years there were goals that drove people to care - the whole cycle of the GWII/GWIII all the way through Karma - that was a story arc that was actually interesting. It was FUN to be part of politics trying to take down NPO. It was a draw.


    But now? What is there? If we turn this place into a giant hugglefest and peace party it gets boring as hell.


    At least the people raiding are doing something. They are creating interactions, causing tension. At this point no one even cares about that though.


    You want to help fix CN? Get an alliance together of one huge nations that are now less than 10k NS and have them enforce the NONE anti-raiding policies. Enforce it against all alliances. Stir up something. Cause drama.


    But not raiding none? Even if it solves everything you want to solve with it (players leaving) it's not going to address what has been killing this game for years - apathy and boredom.

  4. Would you like me to go onto lyricals and link to aid that was considered tech deals on DBDC's side this most recent war that also contained soldiers and were considered tech deals?


    Ok, find, you want us to look at lyricalz.





    So it looks like this is the only aid offer you've sent with soldiers, in a long time. I think you'll find your complete lack of soldiers sent with your other aid money quite damning.


    Or that this aid reason is completely uncharacteristic of your other aid reasons when you historically have non-provocative aid messages, like "6M/200" or such.


    Yeah, so I'm glad you told me to look at lyricalz because now I know for a matter of fact that you did this intentionally to antagonize DBDC and make a fool of yourself.

  5. Posted 08 April 2009 Yeah I totally stole the Harbinger from you post in '09... :v: I was searching for Doom Propaganda and stumbled on Harbinger of Doom and it is my govt title, hopefully your just joking but if not come at me brah!(your 183k NS, yes I looked) :ehm: I am indeed the Harbinger of Doom(was titled Propaganda Doominster) and always will be... :awesome: :war:


    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  6. I would agree with NPO/MK (in that order) at the top of the list. The two most dominant and influential alliances of all time and their rivalry has shaped the world.


    After them, I would say the Polar/TOP relationship has been the biggest driving force in world politics. Dating back to the Unjust war where it first sparked, it has played an important role in pretty much every war since. The rivalry eventually lead to the War of the Coalition, it was one of the prime causes for the tensions between Citadel and NPO which had a big role in Karma, then bipolar happened, then the bye-polar war, then the Polar/TOP treaty was a major factor in the rolling of NG/NPO/etc last year, and Polar/TOP seemed to be the main targets of this latest war in response to that. Polar were especially influential early on under Ivan and antagonist extraordinaire Sponge. TOP also played a large role in the formation and lasting stability of the Continuum.


    Last one of the top 5 is tricky. GOONS were the original bullies/lulz alliance and played a major role in forming the raiding/might makes right arguments that are still relevant today. The unjust war was also a huge deal. Gremlins took nation building to a new level and were very influential as the moralist/principled alliance. Umbrella also deserves a shout here as well.


    I agree with this, especially the TOP/NpO (or NpO/Citadel) tensions. I'm not sure how much TOP was responsible for that, vs NpO just being unapologetically antagonistic since... forever. 


    People wanting roll NpO (and NPO for that matter) has shaped a large percentage of politics for along time.

  7. Good Enderland


     To be specific, not if he left OBR if he engaged in war with DBDC upon leaving DBDC. This was to save his nation at the time and it did. If I knew that DBDC would go slightly rabid a year and a half later I suppose I might have had to think hard about the idea, but given what we knew would happen to him if we did not take him in probably not.



    Dame HIme Themis


    This makes at least some more sense, the timing here is not immediately clear to someone stumbling onto the thread that's for sure.

  8. This thread is so full of fail I don't even know where to start.


    I'm surprised OBR gave DBDC the "we will nuke this guy if he leaves" statement. Is this sort of thing even remotely common? I'm unaware of externally imposed BIBO types of policies being common.


    That being said, I'm surprised people are surprised OBR is honoring that commitment.

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