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Posts posted by C4talyst

  1. Common sense is another way to describe it.

    Common sense indeed. When I left a position that had a security clearance a few years ago I wonder if they disabled my badge, or just "hoped" I wouldn't come back by sometime in the future. You fail at debating.

  2. No. You show your true colors when a gun is not to your head. They had the opportunity to do the right thing. Just because they realized they made a strategic miscalculation doesn't mean they get to get off the hook. Any expulsion now would be dishonest.

    The man with the power to make this right (me) didn't even know there was a BDC/NPO issue until I was under attack. I banned Black Dagger...had I known this issue was transpiring I would've banned him at the beginning. Why would an alliance w/ 87 members take on NPO?

  3. So um let me get this straight. A member of BDC was an ex-member of NPO, and accidentally failed to remove some internal NPO channels from his auto-join list. His computer lost its Internet connection at some point, and on reconnection his client joined those secret rooms. That is an accident, not spying, and the fault of that lies with the NPO for not sorting out their access lists when someone leaves.

    Nah they wouldn't want to do that...would'nt give them the opportunity to engage in these practice wars. I figured an alliance so large would have OPSEC.

  4. Uh....wrong kind of spying....

    Heck, even if there were no exposed spies, that could just mean that all the spy attempts were successful, and the NPO found out who did it. (Similar to the case with NADC and NpO)

    Ahh I see, it was something related to chat comms. And I'm guessing BDC didn't expel the guy like they should have? I would surprised if they didn't...they only had 87 members last I checked and would not purposefully mess w/ NPO.

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