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Posts posted by Fadeev

  1. [quote name='Nemhauser' timestamp='1309994985' post='2750797']
    I'll drink to that.


    Im sure you ment this:


    and as a classic:


  2. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1301266702' post='2678563']
    Maybe he hasn't, but you should hear some of the terrible jokes that Q has been telling recently. It's getting ridiculous. Except not. At all.

    Also, I touched up the grammar and spelling in the quote, hope you don't mind :lol1:

    Well, then is all like in good old days and things haven't changed a bit! :awesome::) Good old Q...

    Nah, don't mind at all. ^_^

  3. [quote name='Nemhauser' timestamp='1300738659' post='2672485']


    [center]Nordreich has officially hijacked this thread.

    Hail Nordreich. And thank you. [img]http://cybernations.nordreich.eu/images/smilies/ty.gif[/img][/center]

    Well, im glad people have this chance to speak up, cause as far as i can see, many CN players have several issues on their minds to speak about.

    We from SWF are glad, that our thread could UNITE the people once again. :smug:

    Edit: typo

  4. [center][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060413195143/cybernations/images/thumb/f/f3/ICSN_flag.png/200px-ICSN_flag.png[/img][/center]

    Good citizens of Bob,

    today the Socialist Workers Front is re-established. Some of you may say - not again! For me its another chance to do it right because the last time, at the peak of our growth, thing fall apart. The charter is going through some changes, but will be in general the same as it was before the disbandment. This is why i wont present it in this thread.

    There are only 2 members flying the AA at the moment, but there will be more. None the less, our AA is protected by NEAT and their affirmation will follow.

    The forums remain the same and you can find it here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CNSWF/index.php

    Thank you for your attention.


  5. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1292448247' post='2540348']
    Well, you know, that's all fine and good - unless your alliance has the most nukes, there will always be someone out there who has more. In that respect, I'm not impressed. I'm just saying, if you're looking to get people to like you more, misleading them probably isn't the best approach.

    I cried. Someone should give me a hanky!

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