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Posts posted by Fadeev

  1. On 28.11.2016 at 9:54 PM, cheezy said:

    I am!  Just painfully noticed Ive been playing this game for over 10 years...kill me now...:unsure:

    Oh come-on!  You know you love us :wub:


    Now when you talk about 10 years I realise they've  past quite fast. And what would be CN without the commies? A sad place which it has turned to during the last few years.


    None the less I'm still glad that the commies are making friendship 


    o/ UCR

    o/ PoSSE


    55 minutes ago, B1gAlMan said:

    To be honest, I've got no beef with y'all, just thought you could use some anarchy in your life, where better to start than communism? <3. Our way is just superior.



    At least we can have a round of good fight and then everyone moves along)

  3. 9 minutes ago, B1gAlMan said:

    This is a terrible alliance filled with terrible people


    What the hell, I'm in


    Also as a side announcement because I have formally couped the leadership:


    All of CN is now under an attacktorate by us. Anyone attacking another nation is hereby forfeiting their ability to not be at war with us too.

    I thought you were already in for couple of days))))

  4. Well, i dont mind fighting against five nations. The war has been appearantly tough to all parties since Sengoku is helping out NPO and Umbrella. I can live with that.


    But the sanctions? I thought there needs to be a reason for sanctioning nation?! 


    Edit: Typo

  5. I don't know about you guys, but im having fun even though we are only 8 nations. My nations has just collected money for the past 2 years and that's it. 3 day's ago i found out that MK has disbanded))))))

    So, frankly for me it's a bit like old memories coming back.


    And yes, we stick by our comrades from LSF no matter what! A commitment is a commitment.


    Pixels are nothing. Good luck to all parties and have fun!

  6. I apologize for any miscommunication. There was a peace agreement made with Bones and I was under the impression that it ran for the entire alliance.


    I am waiting for a response from him and then I will message you and clarify this. 


    If we're still at war, then I am very excited to continue this :)


    Well, the excitement seems to be only at your side since we on our side find it hard to find any targets.

  7.  ICSN_flag.png                                                               





    Socialist Workers Front is Entering Die Linke








    We, the signatory alliances, by remaining true to the ideals universal
    amongst our movement including equality, solidarity, vigilence,
    commitment and internationalism, in one of the darkest of hours for our
    movement in this world, have grown closer to one another than many may
    had thought possible. Blood has been spilled. Entire nations have been
    wiped from existence. Some of us even considered, or indeed did, give up

    We hereby look to cement that relationship and camaraderie eternally
    built in the past months in the form of this treaty, in the hope that we
    shan't ever be torn asunder by petty differences in our structures,
    worldviews, or power relations ever again. This treaty is hereby
    enshrined not only for us, but in spirit of all those whose ideals have
    been forsaken and their friendships torn asunder by the stupidity of
    this world in the past.

    We are the workers, we are the vanguard, we are the black bloc.

    We are Die Linke.

    Article I: On Solidarity

    1. All signatory member alliances of Die Linke are to remain sovereign.

    2. All members of a signatory alliance are now, from this day forth,
    considered to be members of all signatory alliances, and shall be
    treated as such in every possible capacity.

    2a. This clause becomes limited when voting on internal matters. All
    members of all signatories are expected to have a "base of operations,"
    which is reflected by their nation's Alliance Affiliation.

    Article II: On Equality

    1. All signatories to this treaty are considered to be in equal
    standing, regardless of the amount of nations flying their Alliance

    2. On their honour, no signatory is to infringe upon the rights of any
    other, be it through the revoking of masks, intentional shuffling of
    blocs of members to skew a vote, etc.

    Article III: On Vigilence

    1. As it likely goes without saying, an attack on one signatory of this
    treaty is to be treated as an attack on all signatories, and
    additionally, an attack by a signatory should be taken as an attack by all signatories.

    2. Any signatory to this treaty has the obligation to inform all other
    signatories of their intentions to attack another group to the other
    signatories at least 48 hours before any attack occurs.

    Article IV: On Commitment

    1. This treaty represents an eternal bond. Once signed, a signatory cannot voluntarily revoke their signature.

    2. Any disputes that should arise between signatories are expected to be
    dealt with in a civil fashion. "Roguing" on your fellow comrades is
    dishonourable and rude, and all original signatories are in agreement on
    this point.

    3. This treaty can only be amended with unanimous consent of all its signatories.

    Article IV: On Internationalism

    1. Any signatory may extend an invitation to any outside alliance to
    sign this treaty that it deems fitting to the outlined ideals.

    2. Any outside alliance invited to sign this treaty that is willing to
    eternally commit themselves to these ideals must be unanimously
    confirmed by all its current signatories.

    Signed for the Libertarian Socialist Federation,

    The Delegates Council

    Signed for the Union of Communist Republics,

    ComradeV, Premier
    VladimirLenin, Commissar of Foreign Affairs
    RA2Leader, Commissar of Defense
    Nolaman61, Commissar of Internal Affairs
    Sondirrasta, Commissar of Finance

    Signed for the Socialist Workers Front,
    General Congress of the Socialist Workers Front

    For several month a wave of inactivity fell upon The Front because of most our members being busy in RL. Today we are back and the first thing we felt was needed to be done was to get back close with our dear comrades. Although SWF was part in the original negotiations in building up Die Linke, we were left out of it due to the previous mentioned inactivity.
    Now we feel its our moral duty to support our comrades in LSF and UCR. Together with our comrades, the Front feels we can build through Die Linke a better, stronger and more healthy leftist movement in the Cyberverse.
    Special thanks to UCR and LSF for not leaving us down in the past and believing in us during the time of inactivity.
    Thank you for your attention!
    Workers of the World, Unite!

  8. Wait what? Craig is talking about class solidarity? Well it seems INT is having magic mushrooms for dinner. But then again imperialists have always hidden behind the class war when things get messy.

    Seeing Azreal fliping out in this thread means INT getting real bad publicity. And in that agony they try to save what is left to save.

    Good job UCR!

  9. Partly the war was pure LSF initiative, but on the other hand it was tied well with INTs backround poilitics. INT was very well awared about LSFs intentions and there were several talks about support before and during the war. At the end it was just talk, but everyone involved really knew it would come to this, if we are talking about INT.

    And leftish comaraderie - is INT leftist at all? Imperialist yes, leftist - not for a very long time.

    O/ LSF, you did what you thought was right. SWF lost some of its best nations by supporting you and we are proud of having had the chance to side by side with you. Although for Swedes nation this was the last run, i know he enjoyed to wear the LSF colours of war.

    Stay strong, SWF will help with what ever it can.

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