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Max Beck

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Posts posted by Max Beck

  1. You seem to not understand the basic concepts and facts being argued here. I'll help you out.

    1. Your man, Penkala, posts a thread criticizing Athens for launching a tech raid against an alliance. That thread pans out into a !@#$storm that results in Athens being threatened with destruction and having its hide dragged all over the OWF.

    2. Your man, Penkala, launches a tech raid against an unaligned nation, which is later revealed by Unavailable Contact.

    3. You come in here shouting in disbelief at how anyone could possibly consider Penkala to be a hypocrite.

    4. I then argue, point by point, why there is no difference between Penkala's actions and Athens' actions, supporting my argument that Penkala is a hypocrite.

    You don't care about unaligned nations. Fantastic. Turns out I don't care about any alliances at all. None of you have the right to freedom from being attacked without provocation. What's the difference, again?

    In a way KoN was an unaligned alliance as in they had no treaties. Just an observation.

  2. This whole thing is rather confusing as it is so hard to know what the truth is.

    Although I don't disagree with holding penkala to his own standards, the two situations are entirely different. The Athens/FoB thing was an undeclared war that people were upset with. This is indeed an individual tech raid. But let's not rehash done business I suppose.

    There was no motivation for Athens and FoB to declare war on KoN, no motivation whatsoever and thus calling it a war and not a tech raid is wrong. Or did Athens and FoB do it to isolate MASH? See my point?

  3. Interesting. You would be content if Athens were to publicly declare a war on Knights of Ni, with a trumped-up casus belli, yet you are frothing at the mouth with righteous indignation over this situation? Not that I wish it to happen, but if The Gremlins were to be attacked without adequate justification on the part of the aggressors, I sure hope we do not see you complaining.

    Good point.

    We could easily have made up something about spying going on and used that as a CB and curbstomp Ni! but that's not what happened and that's not how we do things.

    Instead out of boredom some guys decide to raid and do so with just ground attacks knowing that there's going to be more material loss than gain. They thought it was OK to raid KoN because they had no treaties (as it seemed at the time, I am fully aware of the treaty that was "found" later), but international outrage became KoNs ally so suddenly the raid wasn't acceptable any more and suddenly we were at fault. Some people just don't understand raiding and think it's about stealing. It's really more about all that other stuff such as having fun because simply building infrastructure isn't fun at all and also gaining casualties and so on. Well anyways we're all very very very very very very sorry that we upset the moral-glands of so many people but more importantly we're sorry we raided the Knights of Ni!. My theory is that most people don't really care about KoN as much as they care about dumping their boredom on us by saying we're bad for raiding. So many who say we're bad for doing what we did are susceptible of committing the same crime we committed: easing ones boredom.

    Also, if anybody claims this was actual war and not a raid, they are wrong. First of all, we would have posted a DoW. Second, what could our motive be? There was no motive, KoN isn't that strategically significant. Third, if this was an actual war we would have talked to our allies about this and they would have probably then stopped us anyways. Fourth, our sense of morality forbids us to fight a war without a CB.

    The reps and such are nobodys concern until KoN and Athens decide to release details about it.

  4. People don't want to see you guys dead (at least I don't).

    Your leader apologized but some people like max don't seem to care and still think what Athens did was right.

    I wasn't even there to authorize it, i was away due to some complex health issues (OOC: RL took me for the weekend) and I was unconscious.

    Mistakes occur and i wouldn't have made that mistake because i have learned the rules earlier. However that is not an excuse and i am sorry for what my friends have done.

    I do not impose my moral values on others and would not say that one thing is more right than another. Therefore i cannot say that what we did was wrong but i cannot say it was right either. We did it, and people showed us it is unacceptable. We apologize and adapt. End of story.

  5. I would say thats a respectable position should your alliance not mind some sport of their own... or your allies for that matter. It just seems odd that you have created a sport that only you are allowed to participate in.

    If you find a raid you're free to raid in my opinion. However we would encourage you to engage in only two ground attacks followed by an offer of peace and to have respect for who you raid. I won't deny you that. However others would not like it if you find a large alliance (in this case something above 15-30 members or who have a treaty) and you would apparently, like us, have to conform with the social norms that exist, just like we have. We do not in any way claim that we are the only ones with a right to raid. However even now we are preparing to seize all raids.

    So you curb stomped Ni! for fun...Or maybe I'm reading that the wrong way.

    We are bigger but we sent peace after the raid. The intention was not to curb stomp. We did not intend to destroy or annihilate.

  6. Interesting that valuing one's infrastructure over their deeply held convictions is suddenly honest and laudable.

    This comment made me laugh a bit. Who on Bob would give infra the same value as such convictions that war should be fun and not used to deny others sovereignty or existence? We made a poor attempt to create a new standard where fun > infra and when KoN had no treaty it was presumed OK to raid. Basically we didn't see any difference in a small alliance or a big alliance (small being 15 members and big being 39). No treaties equals they can be raided. A significant amount of raids go on all the time, some with probably lower standards than we have (ie. using something other than ground attacks). So when it comes to raiding, yes we do it but not for the reasons so many claim. It is not for material gain. It is for the sport. What we did not realize before today was that we present a threat to the general feeling of security on Bob with our disregard for infra when we raid on such a large scale. We are being violated as the global community forces us to seize our raiding. We accept this limit, we were there to test it. The world had forgotten that limit. I do not want to justify our actions but I wish that people would not judge us for what we do but how we do it. Somebody will undoubtedly use my comment to criticise us further but so be it. We have learned our lesson and that's it. Sorry.

  7. So it's come to this. i've decided to make this post. i must remind people that many of these opinions might be a bit flawed because i rather often mix things up. if you have a 5 even if you think you should have a 6 or 4 just don't care what i put there.

    i have not proof read this and it is very likely that there are errors and all that jazz so don't kill me for this B) happy reading

    TOP 5 - you're at the top but that's about it really.

    MHA 5 - you don't seem to be doing much so i really can't give you much good or bad.

    Sparta 9 - i've always liked you guys.

    NpO 7 - you make me feel strange. but for some reason i like you. it has to do with how you're not what you were intended to be in the first place which means you have evolved.

    IRON 4 - bleh, i haven't seen much from you and i have bad memories although i also have a bad memory so i'm not entirely sure what those bad memories are. but i just know i dislike you a bit.

    ODN 6 - you're really cool guys from what i've seen and i look forwards to a good future.

    FARK 7 - you guys make me smile. good graphics and stuff i like.

    GPA 5 - well you're neutral so i'll be neutral about you.

    NPO 3 - there are things you've done that i do not approve. there's some hope for you though.

    FOK 5 - idk much about you really although i've seen you guys on irc every now and then but that's not enough.

    MK 9 - i'd give you a ten, but you raided me about two years ago and i hold grudges forever!!! lol. no. i like you a lot.

    WTF 5 - what the force does i do not know, they come out so seldom they barely show.

    TOOL 4 - i remember something bad from somewhere but i cannot specify what it was so meh you get a slight negative.

    TDO 5.1 - well a friend of mine joined you guys i think but other than that i don't have much to say.

    VE 6 - you guys seem to be a bit more than ok in my book although i don't speak to you guys that often really.

    Legion 4 - well you've been around a while but that doesn't make up for the bad stuff.

    RoK 5 - there's not much to say but you're ok.

    GATO 5 - there's about as much good as there is bad with you. it's not that i don't know you or anything just that i added the good to the bad and the sum was 5.

    CSN 6 - we finally passed you and thus you get a bonus xD


    Gremlins 8.5 - i've always admired you guys a bit

    MCXA 5 - lolwut i haven't seen you much, in all my time in existance you've never had an impact on me.

    UPN 4 - somehow somewhere something went wrong. i'd like to be more specific.. however i can't.

    RIA 7 - i think you guys are rather likeable :D

    STA somewhere between 7 and 8 but not quite 7.5 either. really you get 7 and 8 at the same time. i like that thing Tyga posts so often.

    Invicta 4 - well i don't dislike you that much but i still kinda do.

    RnR 6.3 - i kinda like you guise :)

    MASH 5 - not much to say other than you're ok

    NADC 3 - no comment. you handled something poorly.

    WAPA 5 - you guys seem alright

    NV 6 - there's a guy in your alliance that i used to look up to so that has to mean something.

    NSO 5 - really, i have to admire your evil efficiency while at the same time i think that evil efficiency is... well... evil. neither good nor bad really.

    NEW 8 - i really think you fought well in the last war however i haven't heard from you since.

    MA 6 - if i remember correctly i like you guys :S

    Umbrella 7 - you can stand under my umbrellah ellah eh eh eh under my umbrella yeah yeah plus you're a bit like the black team grämlins and generally i like you a bit more than i like some other likeable alliances.

    FAN 7 - i haven't spoken to you guys enough to really have that much of an opinion, however when i've spoken with somebody from FAN it has been good. that alone would give you a 6. however, despite NPO trying to kill you you stayed alive which is most admirable so you get a 7.

    LoSS 5 - i really don't know you that well.

    TSO 3 - meh

    NATO 5.3 - there's something about you guys. and i once almost joined you. however you should not just go by what's rational, sometimes you need to trust your instincts.

    Nordreich 5 - well this case is too confusing for me to comment on.

    GR 9 - <3 just <3

    Vanguard 9 - hi there

    GOD 7 - you're cool

    FoB 10 - you have a bunch of great guys and i think you're my favorite alliance right now.

    PC 8 - you get one <3 and a hug

    Valhalla 4 - no

    GGA 5 - you're not that bad

    TPF 4 - you say mean things

    The Brain 8 - i really like your theme and i talked in your chan a few hours ago and you always make my day a little better.

    DT 8 - my favorite guy in digiterra is in here somewhere

    Menotah 7 - i never could spell your name right but i really like you despite some strange forces trying to make us dislike each other :/ but really i care for you.

    Ether 8 - hehehe i like you guise <3

  8. Questionnaire:

    Is there an academy?

    Yup. It's excellent.

    What color are you?

    Aqua <3 and somewhat Black too.

    Do you have new member aid? What about nation boost programs?

    Yeah we have that.

    Who are your "closest" allies?

    CnG bloc. And i'd say they're closest not "closest".

    What makes your alliance different from all the other alliances out there?

    We're Athens.

    What "benefits" does your alliance offer?

    All of them.

    What size are you?

    Small enough.

    How active is your membership?


    Why should I join your alliance?

    Because we like you.

  9. No reset is needed. If the game becomes stagnant in this iteration under these rules then it would become stagnant in all iterations. What is needed to keep the game fresh and the world alive is rules changes that keep the game fun for everyone and break deadlocks. If you reset the game with this rules set, nothing will change, and eventually people will be clamoring for another reset. The real charm of CN is that it lasts.

    I think that there needs to be more of an incentive to war, for one thing. Right now CN favors people who dodge truly damaging wars and import tech with high slot efficiency. Thus, we have arrived at a state where conservative alliances are strongest by far, and anyone who wishes to rise to power must be similarly conservative. It might be ok if that were one path to power, but the warrior's path should be encouraged and strengthened by game rules changes, to promote wars, break deadlock, and ensure that people will not remain on top of the game simply because they have dodged any and all damaging wars, and know enough to keep their aid slots full of tech deals.

    In a way, what you're saying gives me the idea, that wars should be very profitable, especially if you are a small nation attacking a bigger one. If there needs to be a realistic explanation to this, you could base it on how economies always improve as war unites the people of a nation and productivity rises.

  10. No.

    I might approve of this if the game would be completely restructured. These are some changes that are required:

    1) Make the update occur every 25 or 23 hours, so that players from all over the world would be able to be on at update at least once in their lives.

    2) Make the game realistic. There's so much into this, beginning from the fact that governments don't just give bonuses like +1 happiness, it is impossible to specify all those things here. Drawing from #4 in this list, a good suggestion would be to make population counts and infra to be separate. There is also the argument that this is just a game and it doesn't need to be realistic, however no game will ever be truly realistic so adding realism will not change the fact that this is a game.

    3) Add alliances to the game, so that an alliance leader or leaders can be elected and ghosts can be kicked out, etc etc.

    4) Make it so the game isn't all about numbers.

    5) Restructure the war part of the game so it either includes tactics, or so that soldiers don't just pop out of thin air and die instantly in wars that occur over a period of 10 minutes around the update once every day.

    All these things need to be done for me to consider my opinion of a reset remotely possible because implementing any of these things would require a reset. I know all these things probably shouldn't be brought up because of the "if you don't like it stop playing" but as with alliances i refuse to run from the problem and require of myself to stay and fix the problems, which is difficult as suggestions cannot be made if they have been turned down once. Perhaps what is required is even a game which one might refer to as CN2 or CN (not beta). So, in a manner of speaking, as the game mechanics lack, the time spent on it all makes up for it and makes it worth while and thus it is ridiculous to ask for a reset. Bleh i probably said some things that are very bad and sorry for that and so on and so forth but really this concerns me a lot.

  11. Nation name: Superhate

    Nation ruler: *classified*

    strength: cannot reveal this it is secret military information

    infrastructure: can't remember

    technology: almost 4k already yay

    past alliances: ACDC BDC NPO CB DE Athens

    Reason of joing the "destroy the spartans" alliance: I wish to continue the Peloponnesian War and do so in secrecy.

    Do you have an allies: Sparta, CnG bloc, Londo, some other guys i know

    How old is your nation: like a lot, maybe over 9000 hours

    If possible how many wars have you been in: 50

    Reason for hating the spartans:

    <King_Aristodemus[sparta]> I'm applying :D
  12. Shouldn't be to hard. Just move to 'none' colour if you were to get sanctioned and offer some secret trade requests to random people :)

    As for the so called techraiders who declared on him: either they are very stupid (raiding someone with nukes) or they decided to get involved in this reaction of a way to aggressive techraid. Pathetic is the only word that describes them

    Oh, I somehow mistook this for an IC forum as I was linked here and somehow misread which forum I was in. Well anyways this is what I replied:

    Calling me stupid or pathetic, eh?

    REALIZING this is not the first time the Empire of Superhate has raided a nation with glowing sticks that you call nuclear weapons.

    REMEMBERING that the last time such an operation was carried out by the Superhateian military forces, SpaceOut Incorporated, it was profitable, hence that would negate the stupidity claim that time while this time is still open for interpretation depending on your belief in the profitability of this gamble.

    HOWEVER the Empire of Superhate does not find much profit in raiding or war. Profit is fully irrelevant. The reason for this raid lies in killing soldiers for my entertainment. Sure, there's tech and land, but seeing those numbers just makes me glad. I hate them all, you see?

    First and foremost I, Max Beck, Archon eponymos and Citizen of Athens, ruler and emperor of the Empire of Superhate, am practicing my right to raid other nations, who do not claim to belong in an alliance. Our marvelous charter, crafted by great people (excluding myself, I have no reason to praise myself), states that I may do so if I wish. And oh how I wish.

    The Charter also makes clear some rules that make us all be happy llamas instead of sad llamas. Mainly that the Empire of Superhate should not use means of attacking other than two ground attacks followed by peace. If you believe that that is somehow morally wrong, then I believe it is time for you to change your morals, although I will not resort to calling you stupid or pathetic for thinking that the love of infrastructure makes it wrong to raid or whatever your subliminal message here really is and of course shall not attempt to force you to change the morals you have, empathizing that I simply believe you should change them.

    EARNESTLY vowing to uphold the rules that us bind, Superhate is open for peace negotiations or just a simple cessation of hostilities with jbrinkley0826 should there be any chance for such a request be made.

    FURTHERMORE Nusantara Elite Warriors (NEW) fought most honorably in the last great war and I do not find it appropriate to call a member of NEW stupid of pathetic. As if these insults against me and Gatotkaca were not enough, you actually say that mushi might be stupid or pathetic which is not even funny.

    I shall not continue to rabble about all the things that are wrong about judging others ways to roam Planet Bob with their military by claiming that others who do so have lacking intelligence or that they are pathetic, furthermore claiming that there is no possibility that this is actually a raid and right out assuming it with no basis whatsoever and without really knowing those you criticize (unless you know mushi or Gatotkaca).

    I'll be surveying the moon for a couple days before I return to rule my nation, let that be known so I am not thought of as somebody who will run away from a debate or fight. I have presented the truth as well as I can. The ball is in your court.


    As requested by jbrinkley0826 a couple minutes ago, the Empire of Superhate will cease raiding operations for the duration of the "Experiment". We realize that this Experiment must be something really important and we, as scientists, wish for it to succeed, even if that means having less fun.

    OOC: i'll be gone for the weekend so don't expect a reply before monday abouts; infra is overrated, and i'm bored cause it's rebuilding time. wrote this wall of text in a hurry so never mind the typos or inaccuracies kthx cya later

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